
jīnɡ jì zēnɡ zhǎnɡ lǜ
  • economic growth rate;rate of economic development
  1. 去年,经济增长率下降到4%以下。

    Last year , economic growth tailed off to below four percent

  2. 而IMF的数据显示,2014日历年度,中国经济增长率是7.4%。

    China grew 7.4 per cent in the 2014 calendar year , IMF data show .

  3. 本文运用内生增长模型与世代重叠模型的结合分析,试图从理论上来探讨在考虑人们遗产动机的情况下,公共养老保险制度对于经济增长率和社会福利(socialwelfare)所产生的效应。

    By an endogenous growth model and overlapping generations model , this paper analyzes the effects of public pension scheme on economic growth and social welfare .

  4. ICT的增长率已经超过了经济增长率。

    The growth rate of ICT has surpassed that of economy .

  5. 一年之后,IMF预测意大利2003年的经济增长率为2.9%。

    A year later , the IMF predicted a 2003 growth rate for Italy of 2.9 per cent .

  6. 世界银行(worldbank)最近发表预测,作为亚洲新兴市场大国之一的印度,经济增长率将超越另一新兴市场大国&中国。

    Forecasts this week by the World Bank revived a prediction often made down the years : that growth in one of the Asian emerging market behemoths , India , would outdo that in the other , China .

  7. 文中介绍了事故损失评估理论和方法,通过AHP法求出煤矿安全生产对经济增长率的贡献;

    After introducing the means and theory of evaluating accident damage , applied AHP to seek the contribution of safety to the economy increasing rate ;

  8. 自03年以来,阿根廷的GDP一直保持平均8%的增长率,但分析人员预测2012年经济增长率将低于4%。

    Argentina 's GDP has grown by an average eight percent per year since 2003 , but analysts expect the economy will grow by less than half that in 2012 .

  9. 世界银行(wb)预计,今年中国的经济增长率将降至9%左右。

    The world bank predicts that China will grow at a slower pace of about 9 per cent this year .

  10. 乍一看,在4月16日公布的GDP数据是令人失望的,第一季度中国经济增长率为6.1%,不到2007年间的一半。

    At first sight , the GDP figures published on April 16th were disappointing . China 's growth rate fell to 6.1 % in the year to the first quarter , less than half its pace in mid-2007 .

  11. 由于知识的非竞争性,基于RD的内生增长模型存在规模效应,即人口数量越大,从事RD的人员越多,经济增长率越快。

    Because of the non-rivalry of knowledge , the R D based endogenous growth model implies the scale effect , which means the larger the population , and the more the number of R D employee , the faster the economy grows .

  12. 这也解释了为什么国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新增长预测显示,中国2008年和2009年的经济增长率为9.7%和9.3%,印度则分别为7.9%和6.9%。

    This explains why the latest International Monetary Fund growth rate estimates for 2008 and 2009 for China are 9.7 and 9.3 per cent ; and for India , 7.9 and 6.9 per cent respectively .

  13. 同时从原始GDP、可税GDP数据和调整前后税收数据相互关系等四个视角,分析了税收增长率和经济增长率的相关性。

    This paper finds that there was no correlation between the increase rate of GDP and that of the gross tax revenue from the perspective of original GDP , taxable GDP , raw tax revenue and adjusted tax revenue .

  14. 经济增长率可能下滑至3%以下,总统雅各布祖马(jacobzuma)的领导(或者说领导不力)引起了深深的担忧。

    Growth is likely to slip below 3 per cent and the leadership ( or lack of it ) of President Jacob Zuma is causing deep anxiety .

  15. 非常令人振奋的是,尽管中国有sars,还有其他的问题,上半年的经济增长率仍然达到8%。

    Because the amazing thing is that in the first six months of this year , even with SARS and the problems that you had here , you had a growth rate of 8 % .

  16. 一位美联储(Fed)资深政策制定者周一表示,今年第一季度美国经济增长率可能为1%,低于预期,但随着临时性因素消失,今后几个月的增长应该会加速。

    The US economy probably grew by a weaker than expected 1 per cent in the first quarter of this year but growth should accelerate in the months to come as temporary factors dissipate , a senior Fed policy maker said on Monday .

  17. 嘉吉首席执行官彭国瑞(GregoryPage)表示,在2010-2020年期间,全球经济增长率将高于1990-2000年的平均水平,但会低于2000-2010年期间受流动性热潮强劲推动的增长水平。

    Gregory Page , Cargill chief executive , says that global economic growth in the 2010-2020 period would be above the 1990s average , but below the rate of the 2000s , which was supercharged by the liquidity spree .

  18. 但我们利用Granger影响关系检验发现,我国的科研投入与经济增长率不存在显著的Granger影响,相反,经济增长率对科研投入增量具有显著的Granger影响。

    Granger influence relation test result shows that scientific research of our country have no significantly influence on economic growth rate . On the contrary , economic growth rate have remarkable Granger influence on the capital input of scientific research .

  19. 但中国可不是随随便便哪个国家,特别不是东亚和东南亚,那儿几乎break-neck(断脖子?)的经济增长率和成熟的军事体系可能洒下一大片长长的阴影。

    But China is not just any country , particularly not in East and Southeast Asia , where its break-neck economic growth and maturing military might cast a large and long shadow .

  20. 计划经济增长率对企业股权价值的影响

    Influence of Planed Economic Grow Rate on the Value of Shares

  21. 2004~2010年湖南经济增长率预测

    Forecasting of Growth Rate of Hunan Economy From 2004 to 2010

  22. 如果大宗商品价格下跌,俄罗斯经济增长率还会进一步下降。

    If commodity prices fall , growth will slow even more .

  23. 确定明年的经济增长率为8%

    Set next year 's economic growth rate at 8 %

  24. 该邦去年经济增长率为14.5%。

    Last year , it expanded by 14.5 per cent .

  25. 新加坡政府预计,2008年全年经济增长率为4.5%-6.5%。

    The government predicts full-year growth of 4.5-6.5 per cent for 2008 .

  26. 但潜在经济增长率不仅由人口结构决定。

    But potential growth is not only determined by demographics .

  27. 中国经济增长率的分析和预测(英文)

    The analysis and forecast about the economic growth rate of china ;

  28. 实际的经济增长率可能已低于官方的数据。

    Real growth rates may already be lower than official figures purport .

  29. 稳态通货膨胀下经济增长率的估计

    Estimation of the Steady Inflation Rate of Economic Growth

  30. 预计阿尔伯塔省2012年经济增长率将达到3.8%。

    Economic growth is projected to be 3.8 % in Alberta in 2012 .