
  • Franchisee;franchisees;Alliance business
  1. 麦当劳正在印度繁荣的南部和西部地区扩张,活跃在这些市场的另一家印度合作伙伴HardcastleRestaurants已在2010年从合资伙伴转型为主加盟商。

    McDonald 's is expanding in India 's prosperous south and west region , where its other Indian partner , Hardcastle Restaurants , was converted from a joint venture into a master franchisee in 2010 .

  2. 让我们来了解一下选择加盟商的重要指标。

    Let 's look at an important indicator of choice franchisee .

  3. 根据这一情况公司决定在全国范围内诚邀加盟商。

    Under this situation the company 's decision to invite a nationwide franchiser .

  4. 诚邀全国代理加盟商,欢迎来人、来电咨询合作!

    Invite national agency joining trader , welcome messengers , inquire cooperation !

  5. 巨大支持,让加盟商想不赚钱都难!

    Eight big supports , the success opens cooperation business the golden age !

  6. 公司定期对加盟商销售人员进行培训,帮助提高销售业绩。

    Companies regularly join the training of sales staff to help improve sales performance .

  7. 零售连锁特许体系加盟商加盟动机之实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Entrepreneur 's Motivation for Choosing a Convenient Store Franchise System

  8. 加盟商有没有零售为王的思路,这很重要。

    Franchisee has no retail is king of the idea , it is very important .

  9. 加盟商提出申请,对当地市场进行调查和分析后附一份可行性报告书。

    For applications to join the local market survey and analysis by a feasibility report .

  10. 加盟商的成功率在90%以上,创造了餐饮界的奇迹。

    Franchisee success rate of90 % or more , creating a food and beverage sector miracle .

  11. 诚信经营是我们的宗旨,让加盟商发财是我们的最大目标。

    Integrity management is our aim , so that franchisees get rich is our greatest goal .

  12. 这些都是加盟商最决定时候的重要依据。

    That information is provided to the franchisee to help make a decision on whether to proceed .

  13. 如果你来考核加盟商,你会用什么样的方法来考核?

    If you have to assess franchisee , you will use to assess what kind of methods ?

  14. 每间缤果盒子便利店都可以移动,所以加盟商可将其放置在自己喜欢的地方。

    Each Bingobox store is mobile , so the franchise owner can put it where they like .

  15. 第一,考核你的加盟商对品牌的理解认识程度。

    First , the assessment of your franchisee 's understanding of the level of awareness of the brand .

  16. 特许经营中特许商和加盟商之间的多种博弈关系可以概括为非零和博弈与零和博弈两类。

    There are several game relationships among franchisors and franchisees in franchise system , which could be generalized as non-zero-sum-game and zero-sum-game .

  17. 这家初创公司正在努力吸引加盟商,表示仅需四名员工即可经营40家门店。

    The startup is trying to woo franchise owners with the promise that only four staffers are needed to run 40 stores .

  18. 二是将单纯的产品销售转换为销售解决方案,销售消费者陶瓷选购的解决方案,销售加盟商销售陶瓷的解决方案。

    Two is the simple product sales into sales solution , solution selling consumer ceramic purchase , solution sales franchisee sales ceramics .

  19. 零售连锁系统加盟商加盟动机之实证研究&以广州连锁便利店为例

    A Study on the Franchisees ' Motivation for Choosing Convenient Store Franchise System & Taking Franchise Convenient Store in Guangzhou as an Example

  20. 蓝霸经营超过30万种汽车配件,可以向加盟商提供近全车型的配件服务。

    Lama has managed over 300,000 kinds of automotive parts , it can provide nearly all types of vehicle parts service to NAPA stores .

  21. 在既定时间内,不违反连锁总部政策的前提下,允许加盟商退换货。

    It would be allow to return and change the products if it does not disobey headquarter 's policy and within the promising time .

  22. 在全体‘绿的梦’人员的努力奋斗下,‘绿的梦奶茶饮品’得到了消费者及奶茶加盟商的喜爱与肯定。

    In all'green dream'personnel under the efforts of the dream , 'green tea drinks'got consumers and milk tea joining trader 's favorite and affirmation .

  23. 二是销售外包,通过特许经营合同,让加盟商成为该企业“虚拟营销网络”的成员。

    Second , sales outsourcing , through the franchise contract , so that joined to become the company a " virtual marketing network " members .

  24. 从加盟商的引入等前期工作,到建立店面的中后期支持,保障了加盟后的资金以及科学化管理。

    From the introduction of franchisees and other preparatory work , to build the store in the late support to protect the funds after joining , and scientific management .

  25. “把加盟商的利益放在首位,一切服务于终端店,一切让利于投资者。采取加盟商零库存的经营指导总策略。”这样译可以么?

    Put the leaguer 's interests on the first place , all what we do are to serve the terminal shop and make the investors gain more interests without any stock .

  26. 卡福集团欢迎新老加盟商,携手并进,共同打造中国干洗连锁第一品牌,共创辉煌明天!

    Cafu to join the Group welcomed the new and old business , and work together to create the first brand of Chinese dry cleaning chain , to create a brilliant tomorrow !

  27. 我们将用成熟的管理理念为您在通往成功的道路上保驾护航,确保加盟商以最快速度步入成功、坐享滚滚而来的财富。

    We will use your proven management philosophy on the road to success in the escort , to ensure the franchisee with the fastest speed into success , enjoying the rolling in wealth .

  28. 来自迈阿密国际艺术与设计大学的一群颇有抱负的设计师们从南佛罗里达麦当劳加盟商那里接到挑战,只用麦当劳的快餐包装来创作一整个系列的原创服装。

    Aspiring designers from Miami International University of Art and Design were challenged by a South Florida McDonald 's franchisee to create an original collection made entirely out of the fast food chain 's wrappers .

  29. 第一部分包括第一章导论和第二章文献综述,在观察连锁经营各类事实的基础上提出问题,归纳了连锁经营存在的内部总部和加盟商利益冲突和外部连锁店选址冲突两大类主要矛盾。

    The first part consists of the first chapter introduction and the second chapter literature review , generalizes two conflicts of the internal interest between headquarters and franchisee in chain operation and external chain location major .

  30. 为了规范服装营销,需要与加盟商的信息系统相连接,并且需要建立一套通用的信息处理程序,使得公司能够及时高效的掌握市场动向。

    In order to regulate clothing market , then we need to connect with business information system of Franchisee and the need to creat a common set of information processing , It is making the company a timely and efficient grasp of market trends .