
  • 网络technical service
  1. 对于技术性服务来说,SOA平台架构师相当于扮演了SOA领域架构师的角色(也就是说,领域即平台)。

    For the technical services , the SOA Platform Architect acts as the SOA Domain Architect ( i.e. , the domain is the platform ) .

  2. 技术性服务契约描述的不一致性可能会引起不断的(技术层面上的)误解风险,从而会阻碍发现的过程。

    Inconsistencies in how technical service contracts are expressed undermine these efforts by introducing a constant risk of misinterpretation ( on a technical level ) .

  3. 关于住院患者非技术性服务需求情况的调查分析

    Analysis on Inpatients ' Needs of Non-technological Services

  4. 研究结果:1.本文通过总结归纳前人的研究方法、研究成果,构建了三甲医院非技术性服务质量评价指标体系。

    Using statistical methods dealt those survey results . Results : 1.This paper via summarizing methods and fruits of previous studies , Constructed level-three A hospitals ' non-tech service quality evaluation index system .

  5. 调查研究认为,目前患者的服务需求呈现多元化趋势,医院在提高医务人员业务能力的同时,还应提高非技术性服务的水平。

    This paper lead to the conclusion that since inpatients ' demand for medical care has become diversified nowadays , while enhancing the medical professional technique , hospital should also improve their non-technological service .

  6. 港口船舶引航是一种特殊的技术性公共服务。

    Port Pilotage is a special technical public service .

  7. 深化医院后勤改革具有重要的现实意义,医院后勤工作具有服务专业技术性、服务过程连续性、服务结果经济性等基本特点。

    In fact , it is significant to deepen the reform of the service in hospital .

  8. 同时,医院不仅向患者提供技术性医疗服务,也提供人文性医疗服务,且人文性医疗服务是医院服务品牌建设的重要途径。

    Hospital does not only provide technical medical service to patients but also humanism based medical service while humanism based medical service is an important item in building hospital service brand .

  9. 这些服务既可以是技术性的服务,也可以是基于企业的物质资产(如打印机和扫描仪等)构成的人工服务和技能。

    The services can be either technical in nature or can be human services and skill sets that are built around physical corporate assets , such as printers , scanners , and so on .

  10. 指出了ATM网络存在的安全威胁,讨论了ATM网络的数据加密技术、完整性服务等ATM网络安全技术的实现和管理。

    This paper points out the security threats existed in ATM networks , addresses the data encryption technique and integrity service etc which are involved in implementation and management of the network security .

  11. 因此我选择了以技术性的售后服务作为切入点,通过HW公司的实际情况和分析客户的需求,有针对性的建立一种行之有效的售后服务流程及管理机制。

    Since the limited of my knowledge , I chose technical service as a starting point , according to HW company current condition and the needs of customers , to set up effective service process and management method .

  12. 政府组织推动,建立有效的茶叶发展信息技术指导性管理服务体系。理顺管理;

    Setting up the active service systems of the tea information technology under the manager of government .

  13. 融合传统文化与现代数字技术、生产性服务业与消费性服务业的创意产业应运而生。

    Creative industry is created through the combining of traditional culture thoughts with digital technology , producer service industry with consumer service industry .

  14. 升级“升”什么?自贸协定升级除对原协定的原产地规则、海关程序与贸易便利化、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易等5个领域进行升级外,还新增电子商务、政府采购、竞争政策、环境与贸易等4个领域。

    The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .

  15. 第二个价值是提供一个标准的方法,它是一个UML模型,来与SOA项目的业务涉众和技术性团队交流Web服务的设计工作。

    The second value is to provide a standard way , which is a UML model , to communicate the design of the web service to both the business stakeholders and the technical team in the SOA project .

  16. 技术创新是生产性服务业集群发展的核心。

    Technical innovation is the core stimulus factor of producers ' services clusters .

  17. 康柏在全球共拥有25000多名专业服务人员,可以为全世界100多个国家的客户提供技术支持、可用性服务和系统集成,以及运行管理。

    Overall , we have more than 25000 service professionals who can deliver support and availability services systems integration and operations management in more than 100 countries .

  18. 基于医疗服务的经验科学性,服务技术的探索性,服务对象的复杂性和服务性质的公益性,世界各国都纷纷针对医疗损害责任建立了医疗责任保险制度。

    Based on the experienced science of health care , the exploration of service technology , the complexity of clients , and the public welfare of the service , countries all over the world have established medical liability insurance system for medical damage responsibility .

  19. 这一观念的转变使护理职能不断扩展,护理服务从医院扩大到社会人群,护理技术由个人操作发展到集体协作;护理业务内容由单一技术性服务发展为心理与社会因素在内的综合性服务。

    This transition makes the nursing function continuously extended : nursing services extend from hospitals to social population from one nurse handling to collective cooperation , and from the simple technical to the complex including psychological and social factors .