
kāi fànɡ jīnɡ jì
  • open economy
  1. 随着中国加入WTO和开放经济的纵深发展,中国制造业越来越具有国际竞争力。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and the in-depth development of its open economy , Chinese manufacturing industry has gained more competitiveness .

  2. 因此,在中国加入WTO的前夕,对开放经济下企业横向兼并中的问题进行较为系统的研究,显然具有重要的理论意义与现实价值。

    Therefore , before China join WTO , it has important theoretic significance and great practical value to systematically study horizontal merger under open economy .

  3. 最后将VaR和极值理论结合起来,全面地,真实的认知开放经济中各涉外经济主体所面临的风险状况。

    Combines VaR and EVT , perceives foreign invested economic main body in the open economics the conditions of foreign exchange risk finally .

  4. ISLMFE模型是研究开放经济条件下国家宏观经济内、外部均衡的基本方法。

    The IS-LM-FE model is a basic method used in research the inside and outside equilibrium of the macroeconomic under the situation of open economy .

  5. 接着,笔者借鉴开放经济条件下贸易与竞争政策关系模型分析了有代表性的各成员方立场,强调了发展中成员参与WTO谈判的立场,并探讨了WTO框架下贸易与竞争政策议题的前景。

    Secondly , this paper focuses on the discussion of solutions to trade related competition issues in the framework of the . WTO , analyzes various opinions of various countries , and discusses the prospects of trade and competition policies in the WTO .

  6. 为了深入了解我国加入WTO对国内市场的冲击,在开放经济环境中利用对策论和微分技术手段,分析了贸易政策的调整和在不同贸易模式下的横向兼并对多方经济利益的影响。

    For helping to understand deeply the impact of China 's entering WTO on its domestic market , this paper applied the theory of game and differential technology to analyze the social effects of trade policies ' adjustment and horizontal mergers under different trade modes in open economy environment .

  7. 本文在对IS-LM-BP模型公式化的基础上,推导出开放经济下的财政政策和货币政策乘数;并对近年来我国财政政策和货币政策对经济增长的贡献进行了实证分析。

    In this article , on the basis of formalizing the IS-LM-BP Model , the multipliers of the fiscal and monetary policy in opening economy are deduced , and the contribution of two policies in China in recent years are calculated .

  8. 最后本文对开放经济下宏观经济学进行了理论评述。

    The paper concludes with some comments on open economy macroeconomics .

  9. 金融结构、金融发展与开放经济增长

    Financial Structure , Financial Development and Growth of Open Economies

  10. 开放经济下,贸易引致要素在部门间的重置。

    In the open economy , trade will induce intersectional factor reallocation .

  11. 开放经济条件下中国证券市场整合研究

    On the integration of China 's security markets under the open economy

  12. 中国开放经济下的财政和货币政策&规范和实证分析

    The Fiscal and Monetary Policies of China in Opening-economy Normative Positive Analysis

  13. 开放经济中的利率市场化问题研究

    On Market Setting Interest Rate in an Open Economy

  14. 开放经济条件下反垄断政策的选择

    The Choice of Antitrust System in the Opening Economy

  15. 小型开放经济中内生增长的不确定性

    Indeterminancy of Endogenous Growth in a Small Open Economy

  16. 论开放经济下的货币供给与国际收支

    The Money Supply And the Balance of Payment in Open in g Economy

  17. 开放经济条件下证券公司治理研究

    A Research on the Corporate Governance of Securities Company under the Opened Economy

  18. 开放经济条件下资本市场渠道的重要性却明显增强。

    In open economy system , the effect of capital market channel increases .

  19. 在开放经济中,一国的外汇储备是该国宏观经济运行状况的集中体现。

    In open economy , foreign exchange reserve is the result of macro-economic operation .

  20. 开放经济中内生增长的多重均衡:理论模型与数值模拟

    Multi-Equilibrium of Endogenous Growth in an Open Economy : Theoretical Model and Numerical Simulation

  21. 开放经济下,资本帐户自由化的经济效应分析

    Under the Open Economy , the Economic Effect Analysis of Capital Account 's Liberalization

  22. 开放经济条件下我国离岸金融监管问题研究

    Research on Regulatory Problem for China 's Offshore Finance under the Condition of Open-door Economy

  23. 研究在开放经济条件下的人力资源的开发和培养显得十分重要。

    Research into human resources development and cultivation under open economic condition is very important .

  24. 开放经济市场体系中宏观产出最大化的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of the Macro output Maximization Problem in the Open National Economy System

  25. 开放经济条件下的劳动力流动问题是劳动经济学领域一个具有现实意义的问题。

    Labor mobility in open economy is an important and realistic issue of labor economics .

  26. 小型开放经济中的随机增长模型

    Stochastic Growth of a Small Open Economy

  27. 开放经济下货币危机的研究是一个多层次、多视角的复杂课题,要对这一课题进行比较系统而深入的研究,必须找准切入点。

    Research on currency crisis under open economy is a complicated issue of multi-level and multi-perspective .

  28. 开放经济下人民币汇率体制与贸易政策协调新机制探讨

    New Coordination Mechanism of the RMB Exchange Rate Regime and Trade Policies under An Open Economy

  29. 知识经济与开放经济

    Knowledge Economy and Open Economy

  30. 开放经济条件下的国内市场保护与民族经济竞争力研究

    A Study on the Protection of Domestic Market and National Competitive Power of Economy in Open Economy