
  • 网络cross-border e-commerce;Cross-border Electronic Commerce
  1. 与此同时,ebay的业务重心转移到跨境电子商务方面,中国的商家利用它向海外消费者销售产品。

    Meanwhile , eBay moved its business focus to cross-border e-commerce , where Chinese consumers sell to overseas consumers .

  2. 17.我们欢迎《亚太经合组织跨境电子商务创新和发展倡议》。

    17 . We welcome the APEC Cross-Border e-Commerce Innovation and Development Initiative .

  3. 而本文运用该理论基于Agent-Swarm仿真分析现今影响跨境电子商务发展最大的因素信用如何通过跨境电子商务的留痕机制实现信用优化。

    The paper uses the theory of Agent-Swarm based simulation analysis of cross-border E-commerce most influential factor in the development of cross-border E-commerce credit how traces of the credit mechanism to achieve the optimization .

  4. 跨境电子商务对国际税收法律制度影响研究

    Study on Effects of Transactional E-Commerce on Legal Regime of International Taxation

  5. 提升中欧货运服务水平,以加快跨境电子商务发展。

    The China-Europe cargo service will be improved to spur the development of cross-border e-commerce .

  6. 跨境电子商务国际税收协定适用问题&对所得定性问题的思考

    On the Applicable Problems of the International Tax Agreement with the Transnational Electronic Commercial Affairs

  7. 因此,应该对涉外流转税法进行修改和完善,以打击借跨境电子商务逃税的行为。

    Therefore , it is necessary to amend and improve foreign-related turnover tax law , in order to combat tax evasion through cross-border e-commerce .

  8. 要稳定和完善出口政策,加快通关便利化改革,扩大跨境电子商务试点。

    We will keep export policies stable and improve them , accelerate reform to facilitate customs clearance , and extend trials of cross-border e-commerce .

  9. 近几年来,跨境电子商务飞速发展,对我国传统的涉外流转税法带来了严重挑战。

    In the last few years , the swift development of cross-boarder electronic commerce has seriously challenged the traditional foreign-related turnover tax law of our country .

  10. 商务部表示,中国将继续鼓励外贸公司开拓国内市场,支持跨境电子商务等新业态的发展。

    The Ministry of Commerce says China will continue to encourage foreign trade firms to tap the domestic market and support the development of new forms of business such as cross-border e-commerce .

  11. 贝宝表示,这一规定阻碍了中国小企业和商户构建跨境电子商务业务,而新的支付平台将有助于小本经营的商户迅速获得出口许可证&有了出口许可证,便可以提高结汇上限。

    PayPal said this regulation hinders Chinese small businesses and entrepreneurs from building a cross-border e-commerce business and that its payment platform would help small merchants get quick access to an export licence , which allows a higher conversion ceiling .

  12. 随着世界首届互联网大会在这里举办,来自全世界的人们将可以一睹这里的美丽。世界互联网大会主要关注的是网络空间里的热点议题,比如网络安全,网络反恐,移动网络以及跨境电子商务。

    And today people from all over the world will be able to enjoy its beauty as the world 's first internet conference is held there , focusing on topical issues in cyberspace , including cyber security , online anti-terrorism crackdown , mobile network and cross-border e-commerce .

  13. 由于跨境电子商务市场存在留痕机制,买卖双方可通过多次动态重复博弈来不断修正自身的行为而选择守信行为。

    A greater asymmetry , which makes both parties more inclined to untrustworthy behavior in the course of trade . Since leaving marks mechanisms exist in the cross-border E-commerce market , buyers and sellers could constantly modify their own behavior through multiple dynamic repeated game and choose the trustworthy behavior .

  14. 支持郑州、西安等内陆城市建设航空港、国际陆港,加强内陆口岸与沿海、沿边口岸通关合作,开展跨境贸易电子商务服务试点。

    We should support inland cities such as Zhengzhou and Xi'an in building airports and international land ports , strengthen customs clearance cooperation between inland ports and ports in the coastal and border regions , and launch pilot e-commerce services for cross-border trade .