
  • 网络cross-cultural conflict;Inter-cultural shock
  1. 美国的少数民族文化经常引发跨文化冲突问题。

    Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict .

  2. 虚拟企业的跨文化冲突及管理研究

    Research on the Cross-cultural Conflict and Management of Virtual Enterprise

  3. 中美合资AD公司的跨文化冲突

    Cross-Cultural Conflicts in Sino-American Joint Venture AD Company

  4. 跨文化冲突与商务英语教学中的跨文化训练

    Intercultural Shocks and Intercultural Trainings in Business English Teaching & Learning

  5. 中外合资企业的跨文化冲突及应对

    The Cross-cultural Conflict and Its Solution of Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Enterprises

  6. 基于跨文化冲突的组织管理及协调机制的构建

    The Structure of Organization Management and Coordination Mechanism Based on the Cross-cultural Conflict

  7. 第五部分对在华跨国公司企业文化建设思考,介绍跨文化冲突中的企业文化建设。

    The fifth part is the enterprise culture construction of the cross-cultural conflict .

  8. 游客不负责任行为的产生具有深刻的根源。跨文化冲突是其产生的重要原因。

    Cultural conflict is one of the key causes for tourist irresponsible behavior .

  9. 基于群际交际理论对《巴别塔》中跨文化冲突的研究

    Research on the Intercultural Conflicts in Movie Babel Based on Intergroup Communication Theory

  10. 美国华人移民家庭的代际关系与跨文化冲突

    Intergenerational Relations and Cultural Conflicts : The Immigrant Chinese Family in the United States

  11. 跨国公司外派经理人跨文化冲突现象剖析及干预措施设计

    Intercultural Conflicts Analysis and Intervention Measures Design for Expatriate Managers in a Multinational Company

  12. 跨国企业的跨文化冲突解决之道

    Solution to the cross-cultural conflict of transnational enterprises

  13. 在汉语习语英译中,跨文化冲突随处可见。

    In the English translation of Chinese idioms , cultural conflict is a very common phenomenon .

  14. 当产生了跨文化冲突的时候,可以采用包容的管理手段进行克服。

    When produced cross-cultural conflict , we can use ways of tolerant administration to overcome it .

  15. 国际企业中存在的多元化和文化差异必然会产生跨文化冲突。

    In international enterprises there exist significant cultural differences , which certainly lead to cross-cultural shock .

  16. 中外合资企业中的跨文化冲突及其对策&以武汉神龙汽车有限公司为例

    Joint Ventures in Cross-cultural Conflict and Its Countermeasures & Case of Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company LTD

  17. 第四部分是研究中法两国跨文化冲突的内在原因,主要从两个大的方面进行了分析。

    The fourth part is research the sino-french cultural conflict across the internal cause , mainly from the two aspects are analyzed .

  18. 以及面对跨文化冲突,大陆台资企业所采取的适应性管理变化&内部化服务与大家庭式的集中管理方式。

    We also describe the inner service and domestically concentrative management in Taiwanese enterprises in mainland adapting to the environment of across-culture .

  19. 在全球化的今天,跨文化冲突己成为影响世界和平与人类发展的重大因素。

    During this age of globalization , intercultural conflict has become one of the critical issues that influence world peace and human development .

  20. 面对跨文化冲突的风险,对国际企业实行跨文化管理便成为国际企业取得成功的基本条件。

    In face of the venture of cross-cultural shock , the key to success in international enterprises is to carry out cross-cultural management .

  21. 景点翻译的文化信息处理,能将文化信息准确地传递给国外游客,有效地消解跨文化冲突。

    To transmit culture information to foreign tourists accurately , it is necessary to apply cross-cultural consciousness to Chinese-English translation of tourist texts .

  22. 最后研究我国政府和企业面对跨国IT公司人才本土化、跨文化冲突等挑战以及我国IT企业国际化进程中应采取的人才战略。

    At last , when our IT companies face the localization cross culture conflict globalization , our government and enterprises should take HR strategy to meet the challenges .

  23. 纵观全球,中外合资企业诱人的前景及其告失败率,引得众多学者从跨文化冲突角度展开研究。

    Throughout the world , the tantalizing prospect and the high failure rate of Sino-foreign joint ventures , attract many scholars to research the cross-cultural conflict in those entrepreneur .

  24. 主要研究了中法合资企业跨文化冲突的现状和由文化冲突带来的影响,并用典型案例加以说明。

    The main research is a sino-french joint venture enterprise cross-cultural conflict by culture and the present situation of the impact of the conflict , and typical case to illustrate .

  25. 据了解,在许多中法合资企业合资失败的背后,文化差异导致的跨文化冲突是重要原因之一。

    As we have learned , in many is a sino-french joint venture enterprise joint venture behind failure , cultural differences cause cross-cultural conflict is one of the important reasons .

  26. 第六章提出了跨文化冲突预见矩阵,并综合第三、四、五章的分析,将第二章中的跨文化冲突流程图进一步完善为综合解决方案流程图。

    Finally the thesis refers to a predictable matrix of cross-cultural conflict , and a flow chart of integrated solution is introduced according as analyzing of the third fourth and fifth chapter .

  27. 虽然现在对中外合资企业中所存在的跨文化冲突管理问题已有了很多方面的研究,然而,从危机管理的角度对合资企业跨文化冲突防范管理的研究却少之甚少。

    Although To Cross-cultural conflict management for multinational have a lot of research . However , from the perspective of crisis management , the cross-cultural conflict prevention management of joint ventures almost no research .

  28. 跨文化冲突与危机发生和存在的重要原因是冲突的双方缺乏对彼此文化差异的认识,缺乏跨文化传播思想来指导跨文化传播活动。

    One important reason for the occurrence and existence of intercultural conflicts or crises is the inadequate knowledge of people 's cultural differences , the lack of intercultural theories that may guide intercultural interactions .

  29. 本文随后通过台资企业中三个突出的冲突现象&忠诚度问题、薪酬问题和管理本土化问题,进一步说明两岸文化差异与员工价值观的差异是如何导致企业内部的跨文化冲突;

    Thirdly , by exploring the three representative across-cultural shocks in those enterprises & the loyalty of staff , salary problem and management localization , the paper analyzes how cultural differences induce the across-cultural shocks .

  30. 通过该研究,能提供虚拟设计团队文化建构对策的框架体系,以指导虚拟设计团队对多元文化问题和跨文化冲突问题进行协调,保证组织目标的顺利实现。

    The research aims at providing frame system for solutions for cultural construction of virtual design team in order to instructing the reconciliation of multicultural problems and intercultural conflicts to ensure the accomplishment of organizational objectives .