
  • 网络green corporate culture
  1. 绿色企业文化是企业文化发展的一个新阶段。

    Green corporate culture is a new phase of corporate culture .

  2. 根据这两种企业文化建设模式,得出了绿色企业文化是当代企业文化的战略选择的基本结论。

    According to the two corporate culture patterns , the paper arrives at the conclusion that the green corporate culture is the strategic choice of contemporary corporate culture .

  3. 绿色企业文化是发展绿色企业的基础,绿色经营模式的核心。

    The most sophisticate feature of green manufacturing is to integrate environmental issues into business ;

  4. 根据这内外两方面因素制约,本文最后又提出相应的解决对策:第一要培育大众传媒界的绿色企业文化。

    According to the constraints of this internal and external factors , the end of this article put forward corresponding countermeasures : First , to cultivate a green corporate culture of the mass media sector .

  5. 但是由于我国绿色企业文化管理起步较晚,加上经济、技术基础较弱,无论理论研究还是管理实践,我国都处于初始阶段。

    In addition to the late start of the green culture management in Chinese enterprise , the foundation of our economy and technology is weak , so our country is still at the primary stage neither on theoretic research nor on managing practice .

  6. 由此从绿色企业文化的内涵入手,当前建设绿色企业文化建设很有必要,要从精神层、制度层和物质层三个层面制定建设绿色企业文化的对策。

    By introducing the connotation of enterprises need take up green corporate culture , the paper analyses the necessity of constructing the green corporate culture . It puts forward the countermeasures of building green corporate culture in terms of spirit level , system level and material level respectively .

  7. 其次,对企业文化的一些相关理论进行了详细的阐述,并分析了企业文化、绿色文化、绿色企业文化的关系。

    Next , gives the detailed elaboration to the enterprise culture some correlation theories , and analyzes the relationship of the enterprise culture , the green culture , the green enterprise culture .

  8. 绿色管理战略(包括绿色营销和企业绿色文化战略);

    The green management ( includes green marketing strategy and enterprise green culture strategy );

  9. 它主要包括四部分内容:招聘、培训和绩效管理的绿色化,职业健康危害管理,绿色劳资关系以及绿色企业文化。

    Its main concerns are the greening for recruitment , training , and performance management ; management of occupational health hazards ; green labor relations ;

  10. 树立绿色价值观、使用绿色技术、实施绿色设计、开发绿色产品、推行绿色生产、取得绿色认证、开展绿色营销和塑造绿色企业文化等构成了绿色管理的基本内涵。

    The content of green management consists of eight aspect such as setting up green values , using green technology and so on .