
  • 网络Green Certificate;green credentials
  1. 甚至连瓶装水和乙烯基壁板这样的因破坏环境而臭名昭著的产品,现在都开始吹嘘自己拥有绿色证书。

    Even environmentally damaging products with notorious reputations like bottled water and vinyl siding now boast their green credentials .

  2. 在教育理念和培训模式两方面,中国与加拿大绿色证书培训呈现着差异,表现为不同的内容。

    There are differences about green certificate training in educational idea and training mode be-tween china and Canada .

  3. WTO下农村应用型人才的定位与绿色证书制度

    Orientation of Rural Applied Professionals in WTO & Green-Certificate System

  4. 文章重点探讨了RPS政策设计和管理中应注意的几个主要问题,包括确立适用范围和责任主体、制定可再生能源目标、确定有效的可再生能源种类、建立绿色证书制度、制定处罚措施等。

    The article focuses on discussing some key issues in the development of China RPS , including application scope and liable entity , renewable energy target / obligation , resource eligibility , renewable energy certificate market , and penalty for non compliance .

  5. 排污权交易和绿色证书交易是缓解资源和环境问题的重要机制。

    The Unreality of Selling Pollution Right and the Necessary of Levying Pollution Tax ;

  6. 绿色证书制度在我国农村作为一种应用型人才的培养制度已发挥了重要作用。

    Green-certificate system in the rural areas of China has given an important play as a system of applied-professionals development .

  7. 绿色证书教育的培训问题,是多年绿色证书培训始终面对的中心问题,它涉及面广,并直接影响培训工作的顺利开展;

    Actualization of " Green Certificate " education is a key central problem , which influence directly on execution of this work , to training of " Green Certificate " education .

  8. 认为目前应借鉴加拿大绿证培训的先进经验,有效改革与发展我国绿色证书制度,大胆创新绿色证书培训的运作模式与机制。

    At present , we should draw on the advanced experiences about green certificate training in Canada , reform our system of green certificate training effectively , innovate its mode and mechanism .

  9. 伐木公司寻求绿色环保证书,安慰消费者。

    Forest service looking into green certifications , used by timber companies to assure consumers .

  10. 绿色环球21证书的取得,证明了九寨沟正走向一条可持续发展战略的生态旅游之路。

    The certificate " Green Globe 21 " of Jiuzhaigou demonstrates a strategy of ecotourism and sustainable development .

  11. 绿色产业自动授予证书。

    Green industries are automatically granted a certificate .

  12. 谁该为绿色认证关于拓展农村绿色证书教育功能的思考

    Considerations on Expanding the Function of Green - certificate Education in the Countryside

  13. 旨在研究和掌握A级绿色果品生产的产地认证和绿色A级证书的申报内容、方法及程序。

    The aim is studying and knowing declarable contents , methods and procedures on the grade A green fruit attestation The results are followed .