
  • 网络mineral energy
  1. 工业革命:从生物能源向矿物能源的转变

    Industrial Revolution : The Shift from Biological Energy to Mineral Energy

  2. 煤炭是主要的矿物能源和化学原料,同时也是严重的环境污染源。

    The coal is the main mineral energy and chemistry raw material , but also the serious environment pollution .

  3. 为了保护环境,减少矿物能源的消耗,并满足人们对电力的需求,BIPV被认为是最经济的利用可再生能源的技术。

    The BIPV technology has been identified as the most economical renewable energy resource to contribute to world electrical energy demand for protecting environment from reduced fossil fuel consumption .

  4. 全球矿物能源储量与消耗速度

    Distribution of Fossil - fuel Resources and Depletion Rates in World

  5. 人类权利和社会公正必须在矿物能源置换中给予考虑。

    Human rights and social justice must be included in the transition from fossil fuel dependence .

  6. 正如国际能源机构所言:直到2030年,全球将面对矿物能源占主导的情况。

    As the IEA puts it : The world faces a fossil energy future to 2030 .

  7. 大量低品质粉煤灰在混凝土中的应用,是减轻燃煤废料污染、缓解矿物能源危机的有效途径。

    Applying low-quality fly ash to concrete is an efficient approach to reduce the pollution of waste matter .

  8. 其主要产物生物油可以取代传统矿物能源作为燃料,也可作为原料合成具有特殊用途的化工产品。

    Bio-oil can replace traditional mineral fuels or be used as raw material to produce special chemicals such as slow-releasing fertilizers .

  9. 煤炭不仅是我国蕴藏量最丰富的矿物能源资源,而且是一种非常宝贵的碳氢资源和化工原料。

    China is abundant in coal resource . Coal is a kind of valuable segregation of hydrocarbons resource and chemical raw material .

  10. 首先,迟迟得不到解决的矿物能源和农产品稀缺性问题可能会继续存在,而且会明显改变宏观经济格局。

    First , lingering scarcity of fossil energy and agricultural commodities is likely to remain and to change the macroeconomic scene significantly .

  11. 煤炭作为一种常规的矿物能源,对国民经济和社会发展有着不可替代的重要作用。

    As a kind of conventional fossil energy , coal plays an irreplaceable important role in the national economy and social development .

  12. 从可再生植物能源向不可再生矿物能源的转变是过去几个世纪最重要的经济变迁之一。

    The transition from renewable vegetable fuels to non-renewable mineral fuels is one of the greatest economic changes of the last few centuries .

  13. 根据世界经济和人口发展的预测,矿物能源面临枯竭;

    According to the prediction of the development of economy and population of the world , mineral energy resource is facing with exhaustion ;

  14. 煤炭是甘肃的主要矿物能源,在全省能源生产和消费中占重要地位。

    As one of the main mineral resources in Gansu province , coal holds an important position in the production and consumption of energy .

  15. 由于大量燃烧矿物能源,造成了全球性的环境污染和生态破坏,对人类的生存和发展构成威胁。

    Because of burning fossil energy , caused a global environmental pollution and ecological destruction , to human survival and development of a threat .

  16. 不要为矿物能源的短缺而苦恼,庆幸吧,庆幸“好在矿物能源资源是有限的”。

    So , please do not be bothered because of the lack of fossil energy , we should feel fortunate that fossil energy is finite .

  17. 矿山企业直接从事矿产勘查开发、为国家提供矿物能源和矿物原材料。

    Mining enterprises are directly engaged in exploration and development of mineral resources , and provide mineral resources and minerals raw materials to the country .

  18. 粉煤灰掺入混凝土中取代部分水泥不仅可以降低混凝土成本,还可以减轻煤废料污染,缓解矿物能源危机。

    Powdery-ash to replace Portland cement in some concrete cement not only reduces the cost of coal waste can also reduce pollution and mitigate the fossil energy crisis .

  19. 矿产资源企业是直接从事矿产勘查开发,为国家提供矿物能源和矿物原材料的生产基地。

    Mineral Resources Corporation is the base that engages in perambulating and developing minerals directly , and provide nation with mineral energies and mineral raw and processed materials .

  20. 在世界矿物能源资源日趋减少的今天,再生能源资源引起人们广泛的兴趣,特别是陆地再生能源资源更是如此。

    Today the mineral energy resources are being reduced day by day in the world and people are widely interested in regenerated energy resources , particularly the land regenerated energy resources .

  21. 因此,充分利用有限的水能资源,减缓矿物能源的枯竭进程,是改善和保护地球生态与环境最现实的措施之一。

    Thus making fully use of limited water energy resources is one of the most realistic measures of slowing down exhaustion of mineral resources and improve and protect global ecology and environment .

  22. 随着传统矿物能源的逐渐枯竭和环境的不断恶化,人们对节能减排和新能源的开发日益重视起来。

    With the gradual depletion of traditional energy and the increasingly degradation of the environment , human were paying much greater attention to energy saving , emission reduction and developing new energy .

  23. 随着全球气候问题和矿物能源的消耗的日益严重,利用生物能源服务社会成为人类社会发展的趋势。

    With the problem of global climate increasingly serious and fossil energy consumption is an increasingly serious , the use of bio-energy has become a trend in the human and social development .

  24. 当全球出现能源短缺和即将到来的矿物能源枯竭时,建立资源节约型社会、大力发展可再生能源和新能源已摆上了我国经济发展的战略重要位置。

    In the advent of shortage of energy and exhaustion of fossil resource , it is calling for the strategic emphasis to establish a resource economizing society and strongly develop renewable or new resources .

  25. 物质改变在一定条件下可逆,节约物质资源要靠发展循环经济;能量转化不可逆,节约矿物能源要靠开发替代资源。

    The material transformation is reversible under certain conditions , and recycling economy should be developed to save material resources In contrast , energy conversion is irreversible , substitutes resource should be developed to save fossil energy .

  26. 在人口不断增加,煤与石油等矿物能源逐渐枯竭,环境污染日益严重的今天,太阳能的应用显得愈来愈重要,成为全世界的研究热点。

    With the sustained increasement of population , the fossil energy such as mine , oil and so on is gradually drained . And environmental pollution is more and more serious now . The application of solar energy is becoming more and more important .

  27. 指出通过强化节能,大力推广洁净高效矿物能源利用技术,并加速发展新能源和可再生能源,中国能源与经济、社会和环境的协调发展是有可能实现的。

    It is pointed out that by intensified energy conservation , intensive promotion of cleaner and efficient utilization technologics for fossil energies and quickened development of new energy and renewable energies , it is possible to realize a better coordinated energy , economic , social and environment development .

  28. 由于矿物能源资源的有限性和全球环境压力的增加,世界上许多国家都提高了对可再生能源发电重要性的认识,出台了不少新的政策和措施促进绿色电力的发展。

    Given the limitation of fossil energy resources and the increasing global environment pressure , many countries are paying more and more attention to utilizing renewable energy to generate electricity . As a result , some new policies or measures are created and executed to develop green electricity industry .

  29. 加拿大矿物与能源研究中心(CANMET)

    Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology ( CANMET )

  30. 发展中国家矿物和能源勘探专家组;

    Group of experts on mineral and energy exploration in developing countries ;