
  1. 主要从培训文化构建和培训实施两个角度探讨。

    Mainly from " constructing training culture " and " training implementation " two aspects .

  2. 建立积极的培训文化

    Establishing Positive Training Culture

  3. 教育培训与文化:对某些项目团队而言,Web服务之类的SOA技术可能还是新事物,因而在利用可用服务之前,他们需要学习一些新的技能技巧。

    Education and culture : SOA technologies such as Web services may be new to some project teams and thus require learning new skills before they can begin to leverage available services .

  4. 三是培训校园文化活动骨干;

    Thirdly , training the backbone of campus cultural activities .

  5. 教育、培训和文化既能树立和强化、也能消磨这些特质。

    These basic characteristics can be enhanced or suppressed by education , training , and culture .

  6. 河南省体育后备人才培训基地文化课教师工作状态调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Work Status of Cultural Course Teacher of Training Base for Sports Talents in Henan Province

  7. 风险、培训和文化:执行风险评估和容纳计算机及网络基础结构的设施的物理安全性评估。

    Risk , training , and culture : Conduct risk assessment and physical security of your facility that houses the computer and network infrastructure .

  8. 本文从兴趣入手,通过对新生进行系统的语言培训及文化导入,阐述了提高英语听力水平的基本方法。

    Starting with interest , this article expounds fundamental methods of enhancing English aural comprehension through systematic language training and Cultural guidance to new students .

  9. 公司可以通过以下方法来提供帮助:将外派员工伴侣纳入调动过程、提供语言培训和文化意识讨论会,讨论会可能包括指导他们如何在东道国经商等。

    Companies can help by including partners in the moving process , providing language training and cultural awareness seminars that might include instruction on how to do business in the host country .

  10. 其次,加强进城务工农民职业技能培训和文化素质培养,促进进城务工农民收入水平提高,为进城务工农民家庭教育提高文化和经济资本。

    Secondly , strengthen rural migrant workers ' vocational skills and cultural qualities training , increasing rural migrant workers ' income to raising their cultural and economic capitals for their family education .

  11. 根据实际、实用、先进、实效原则,实施不同层次的岗位技术培训与文化科学知识学习相结合的教育;

    According to the actual , practical , advanced and effective principle , carries out an education of different levels which combines the post technological training with the study of cultural and scientific knowledge ;

  12. 国际移民组织发表声明说,该组织将着手为这些难民提供基本支持,包括语言培训、文化和社会知识介绍以及教育、医疗和就业等方面的服务。

    In a statement , IOM said it will begin to provide essential support , including language training , cultural and social orientation , education services , health services , and employment services for the asylum seekers .

  13. 通过立法和制度建设加强对行为选择的控制,通过教育培训和文化力影响提高伦理自主性,是保证村民自治主体进行负责任行为选择的基本思路。

    The two key measures that will compel the subjects to take action responsibly , are to control the subject 's conduct by laws and codes of ethics , to improve the ethical autonomy by education and cultural compulsives .

  14. 摘要从语言与文化的关系入手,说明农业科技英语培训中文化导入的必要性,并提出了培训中文化导入的内容及方法。

    Beginning with the relationship between language and culture , the necessity of the culture introducing in the agricultural scientific awl the technical English training , the contents and the methods of the culture introducing in the training were provided .

  15. 河南大学高水平篮球队经过长期的磨练和摸索,在管理体制、招生方式、培养模式、教练员的培训、文化课的学习等方面都大致成熟,形成了相对成熟的模式和运作流程。

    After a long practice and exploration , Henan University high level basketball team has formed amature model and operation process in the management system , method of recruitment , training mode , coaches training , cultural courses and so on * 3 .

  16. 重点从文化调研诊断、创造新文化、推广实施、文化强化与培训、文化测评与提升五个环节对文化融合进行了流程分解。

    The focus of research from the culture of the diagnosis , a new culture of innovation to promote the implementation of , cultural strengthening and training , cultural assessment and enhance the five aspect of cultural integration and integration of the flow decomposition .

  17. 如果在培训和文化教育的多样化方面有任何不确定性,我们会回到这个社区。如果这意味着我们不得不抗议,游行或者入狱,我们也将继续进行。

    If there is any hesitation towards diversity training and cultural sensitivity , then we 'll come back to this community if it means we have to protest and march and go to jail and get in the street , we will do that , too .

  18. 目前以游学及留学咨询、国际交换生为核心,拥有个人DIY留学服务、短期特色课程培训服务、文化传播等多个发展平台。

    We build lots of platform for growth , such as personal service of DIY study abroad , short-term characteristic training course , cultural diffusion , etc.

  19. 蒙牛创新型人才培训与企业文化建设剖析

    An Analysis of The Talents Training and Corporate Culture Construction of Mengniu Group

  20. 加快培训机构培训文化建设的几点思考

    Reflections on Constructing Training Culture in Training Institutions

  21. 警察专业外语培训中跨文化交际能力培养途径

    The Approaches to Develop the Policeman 's Cross-cultural Communication Competence in Professional Foreign Language Training

  22. 种族关系培训和多文化教育是在美国常用的名称。

    Race relations training and multicultural education are common labels used in the United States .

  23. 第四部分是解读民间教育培训机构企业文化的危机。

    The forth part is to analyze the contemporary situation of the folk education and training organizations .

  24. 跨文化培训是消除文化冲突,实现有效跨文化管理的主要手段。

    Cross-cultural training is the main method to eliminate the cultural conflict and realize effective cross-cultural management .

  25. 成功的人力资源培训必须依赖文化、管理、组织层面上的配合。

    Successful human resource training must rely on the corporation of corporate culture , management and organization .

  26. 在通过人力资源培训建设企业文化方面,国内外许多优秀企业积累了宝贵的经验,无论在理论还是实践上都有颇多值得借鉴之处。

    Many excellent companies home and abroad , have valuable experiences on how to construct corporate culture by way of employee training .

  27. 本文首先通过对培训和企业文化理论及其互动关系讨论,阐述了企业文化培训的重要意义。

    This paper firstly discusses the theories and relationship between training and corporate-culture , in order to illuminate the significance of corporate-culture training .

  28. 本研究提出要进行跨文化管理,提高跨文化项目执行力,具体包括参加文化培训、聘请文化管理顾问、自我训练、提高跨文化意识等。

    This dissertation proposes to carry out cross-cultural management , improve the cross-cultural execution , including its participation in cultural training , employing cultural management consultants , self-training and improve cross-cultural awareness .

  29. 嵩山地区武术产业已经形成武术产品、武术旅游、武术培训和武术文化演艺四大部分组成的产业化格局。

    Songshan martial arts industry has formed regional martial arts training , martial arts products , martial arts , martial arts and cultural tourism and entertainment industries of four major components of the pattern .

  30. 根据不同的东道国有不同的跨文化类型,跨文化管理可采用的策略有:本土化策略、跨文化培训策略、文化相容策略、文化创新策略以及文化借用策略等。

    According to different cultural types in various countries , the strategies which can be adopted in intercultural management are : localization , intercultural training , cultural compatibility , cultural innovation and cultural borrowing .