
  • 网络training transfer;transfer of training
  1. 模型通过实例的应用取得了与现实情况较为一致的结果,表明此模型对培训转化效果的提高具备一定的实用价值。

    Through the application of an instance , the result is consistent with the real situation , it indicates that this model has practical value for training transfer effect .

  2. 受训人的职级和工作地区是影响培训转化程度的重要因素;

    The rank and job area of undergo trainee is an important factor of influencing the intensity of Training Transformation .

  3. 以此为基础编制了企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素的调查问卷,以验证相关影响因素。

    Based on it , prepare the training transformation factors questionnaire of corporate middle managers to verify the relevant factors .

  4. 培训转化是指通过对培训课程资源的利用,使受训人学会培训知识,并将知识转化为相应的操作技能和行动方式的过程。

    Training transformation is a process , which refers to the use of the training courses , to make the trainees learn the knowledge , and then transfer the knowledge into appropriate operational skills and behavior .

  5. 通过对问卷所得数据的分析,验证了文章中提出假设,之后进行了个人统计变量对企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素的差异性分析。

    Tested the hypotheses made in the paper , through the analysis of data collected from the questionnaire . In the end , calculated the variance analysis of personal statistical variables on corporate middle managers training transformation factors .

  6. 在文章的最后,本文根据影响企业中层管理人员培训转化的相关因素,提出了提升企业中层培训转化途径,以期对将来对企业培训工作有一定的帮助。

    At the end of the dissertation , according to factors which was verified , the dissertation proposes the way which could enhancing the training transformation for middle-level manager , and it will be helpful for enterprise training in the future .

  7. 生成初始问卷后,通过专家咨询对题项表述进行修改,在小范围测试后,删除了偏离原设定变量的题项,最终得到共包含2个部分的企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素问卷。

    After generating the initial questionnaires , the author modified the items expression through consulting expert . Delete the variables items which deviated from the original setting in the small-scale tests , in the end , gain the questionnaire of Corporate Middle Managers Training Transformation Factors which contains two parts .

  8. 促进培训成果转化的途径

    The way and the method which the bank promote the transformation of training achievement

  9. 当前,企业研讨培训项目成果转化时,对影响转化效果的关键因素分析不足,导致设计的转化模型缺乏可操作性。

    At present , the business seminar training projects to the transformation , transforming effect on the impact of the key factors of lack of lead into the design of the lack of workable model .

  10. 然而技能培训对农民工角色转化的效应并不明显。

    However , skill training does not produce any obvious effect on the migrant workers social role transformation .

  11. 课题研究式培训&促进培训成果转化的新方式

    Training of Project Study - A New Way to Promote Training Achievement Transformation

  12. 此外,本文第四部分对实施培训项目过程中的培训成果转化进行了研究。

    In addition , the training achievement transformation is researched in the fourth part of the paper .

  13. 建立起评估指标和培训效果信息库,进行培训效果转化与维持。

    As for the evaluation , firstly it need to establish the data of evaluation indexes and training effects , secondly it should develop the exchange and maintain of training effects .

  14. 培训与劳动力市场对接不足导致培训成果转化不充分。

    The weak connection of training project and labor market cause training result 's conversion insufficiency .

  15. 通过在培训实施前运用此模型对培训的转化效果进行评估预测,可以及时发现并解决培训存在的问题。

    Use this model to assess the training transfer results to detect and solve problems in time .

  16. 加强培训控制,建立严格的培训评估体系,培育培训成果转化的工作环境;

    Fifth , strengthen training controlling , set up strict system of training assessment , cultivate the working environment of transforming the training outcomes ;

  17. 尽管越来越多中小型企业的管理者逐渐意识到了培训和评估的重要性,但是,内部培训成果的有效转化率仍然十分低下。

    More and more administrators in the small and medium-sized enterprise have gradually realize the important of training and training evaluation , but the conversion efficiencies of internal training result is also too low .

  18. 就培训内容而言,有关展业技能和展业心态的培训转化程度更加明显。

    As regard of training content , business development training of psychology transformation intensity to be further more obvious about business development skill .

  19. 培训效果反馈体系不健全,培训支持系统不足,阻碍了培训成果的转化;

    Fourth , the system of training effectiveness feedbacks is imperfect , the system of training support is insufficient , which have hindered the transfer of training ;

  20. 因此,加强对企业员工培训过程中的培训需求分析、培训项目设计、培训效果评估及培训成果转化研究具有非常重要的价值。

    So , in the training process , it is very important to take the consideration of the analysis of employee training demand , the reliability of training projects design and Implementation , the training effect appraisal , and the effect transformation .

  21. 在员工公司培训模型中构建了培训的管理体系、培训体系、培训效果评估体系以及培训的转化。

    In the model of company training , the systems of training management , training and training effect evaluation , as well as the transformation of training , are constructed .

  22. 据美国教育机构统计,每投入1美元的培训可获得50美元的收益,而据中国国内调查分析,我国培训的生产力转化率只有10%-20%。

    As according to the statistic sourced from American Education Association , the investment of every ONE US Dollar can be returned by 50 US Dollar , but according to China domestic survey , the transfer of training to productivity is only at 10 % to 20 % in China .

  23. 第二部分是人力资源培训、员工培训体系的相关理论综述,其中包括了学习理论、人力资本理论、培训转化理论以及培训评估理论等。

    The second part is the training of human resources , staff training system and correlation theories , including learning theory , human capital theory , training theory and training evaluation theory .

  24. 在培训管理操作方面应加强需求分析与计划管理,灵活选择培训方法,重视效果评估与促进培训成果转化。

    To enhance the demand analysis and scheme management in training management manipulation ; to choose suitable training manner ; to evaluate training effect and to promote transformation of training production .