
  • 网络Training cost
  1. 减少招募专业的人才和降低企业的培训成本。

    Depleting the number of professional talents and reducing the training cost of enterprise .

  2. 教育技术培训成本研究

    Research of Educational Technique Training Cost

  3. 例如,从Windows环境更改为Linux环境起初可能会产生直接的成本削减,但是把支持人员的培训成本考虑在内以后,情况就不是这样了。

    For example , changing from a Windows environment to a Linux environment may at first appear to produce an immediate reduction in costs until you factor in the cost of training support staff .

  4. 毕马威Forensic公司对55个国家的224家银行进行了研究调查,发现过去3年,全球各银行在反洗钱系统上的支出增加了58%,其中主要部分为交易监测和员工培训成本。

    A study from KPMG Forensic of 224 banks from 55 countries has found that banks ' spending on anti-money laundering systems rose by 58 per cent in the past three years – mainly due to transaction monitoring and staff training costs .

  5. 优化管理培训成本,并就培训成本做出更加划算的决策。

    Better manage training costs and make more cost-effective decisions regarding training expenditures .

  6. 第六,较低的培训成本和运行维护成本。

    Sixth , the lower training and maintaining cost .

  7. 基于本文研究成果开发出的仿真软件,可降低数控机床操作人员培训成本,使培训变得方便、简单,还可以用于远程培训。

    It can be used to develop the training software for local and long-distance training .

  8. 另外,46%的企业指出他们会减少培训成本投入。

    Furthermore , 46 per cent of companies indicated they were likely to cut training .

  9. 这些技术可以避免与部署相关联的培训成本,从而降低IT成本。

    These techniques can lower IT costs by eliminating the training costs associated with a deployment .

  10. 影响企业在职培训成本分摊的因素可分为企业内部因素和企业外部因素。

    The influence factor may divide into the enterprise interior factor and the enterprise exterior factor .

  11. 与其它开销不同的是,培训成本其实是公司对他们的员工进行的投资。

    Unlike other expenses , training costs represent an investment by the firm in their employees .

  12. 挖掘机模拟器的应用,无疑可以节约培训成本、提高教学质量、提高教学安全性。

    It will no doubt save training costs , improve teaching quality , improve teaching safety .

  13. 这对提高产品的研发速度,降低装配测试和培训成本,具有重要意义。

    It has the important significance to improve product development speed , lower assembly testing and training costs .

  14. 对于现场培训成本高,风险大的行业应用基于模拟器的培训方式具有非常重大的意义。

    Simulator-based training methods are quite significant to the high cost of on-site training and high risk industries .

  15. 通过研究得出,在职培训成本分摊有三个分摊主体,即政府、企业、个人。

    Through the research , on-the-job training cost share has three main bodies , namely government , enterprise , individual .

  16. 其中,直接损失包括外派人员(有时包括其家庭)高额的薪金、安置费用和培训成本。

    The direct loss includes the high salary , training and placement fees for expatriates ( and sometimes their families ) .

  17. 本文在只有企业和个人两个分摊主体的前提假设下,对在职培训成本分摊方式进行了研究。

    Under the premise supposition of only the enterprise and individual , this article has researched the on-the-job training cost share way .

  18. 而每年相当高的员工流失率增加了招聘和培训成本,还让企业担心技术流失。

    And annual staff turnover is high , adding to the costs of recruitment and training , and fear of loss of know-how .

  19. 韩国政府已承诺要增强弱小的中小企业的实力,这些中小企业更愿聘用有经验的中年员工,而非刚刚毕业的大学生,因为它们承担不起培训成本。

    The government has promised to build up weak SMEs , that prefer to employ experienced middle-aged workers rather than recent graduates they cannot afford to train .

  20. 新员工与企业磨合的时间成本、新员工融入企业的效率成本、新员工所需的培训成本以及是否值得信赖等等都需要企业支付成本。

    The time costs and efficiency costs for new members to integrate into our company and the costs to train new members will all be borne in our company .

  21. 如服务质量的不稳定、客源流失、员工培训成本增加、良好的企业文化难以形成等等,其造成的隐性成本损失难以估量。

    Instability such as service quality , customer loss , employee training costs , good corporate culture is difficult to form and so on , the hidden costs caused substantial losses .

  22. 混合式学习模式是融合了面授学习模式和在线学习模式的优势,以达到最优化的教学效果和降低培训成本为目的一种学习模式。

    With the rethinking on Face to Face Learning and Online Learning , Blended Learning is a kind of learning model for the purpose of optimum effectiveness and reduction of training costs .

  23. 如果公司能从空客获得足够多的实惠,足以抵消增加的维护与培训成本,那么其他公司可能也会实行机队多样化,进而进一步加剧波音与空客的竞争。

    If the airline got a good enough deal from Airbus to outweigh the higher maintenance and training costs , other companies might also diversify their fleets , deepening the Boeing-Airbus rivalry .

  24. 造成此局势的主要原因是就业制度存在缺陷,男女雇佣成本和培训成本的差异,女性主体意识低下和就业动机的不足。

    The main reason for this situation is caused by the deficiency in the system of employment , such as gender differences in employment cost and training cost , low awareness of employment among women .

  25. 如何有效整合多个电子商务软件系统平台、如何最大程度减少客户等待时间提高满意度、如何降低公司开发和培训成本,减少复杂的操作,提高劳动生产力迫在眉睫。

    It has become urgent on how to integrate these e-business platforms , reduce customers ' waiting time in maximum to raise their satisfaction , lower development & training cost , reduce complex operation and increase productivity .

  26. 而主成分分析表明,培训成本和培训效果是影响农民工培训的主要因素,两者对农民工培训的解释达到91%。

    The principal component analysis showed that the cost of training and training effect is the impact a major factor in the training of migrant workers , both the interpretation of the training of migrant workers reached 91 % .

  27. 该层面下属3项评价指标,分别是销售额的增长、市场占有率的扩大培训成本的降低,项目权重分别为65.31%、23.67%、11.02%。

    The level includes 3 evaluation indicators : the growth in sales , the expansion of market share and the reduce of the cost of training , The project weights were 65.31 % , 23.67 % , 11.02 % .

  28. 通过对在职培训成本分摊机制内涵、必要性的研究,从三个方面构建了在职培训成本分摊机制,即在职培训成本分摊决策机制、成本管理机制、成本分摊监督反馈机制。

    Through research of the connotation and the necessary , this chapter has constructed the on-the-job training cost share mechanism from three aspects , namely on-the-job training cost share decision-making mechanism , cost management mechanism , cost share surveillance feedback mechanism .

  29. 文章针对当前企业员工在职培训成本计算上的纠纷,分析了员工在职培训的成本、效用和收益,提出了员工在职培训成本的分担计算方式。

    With regard to the disputes on the costs and expense of on-the-job training for enterprise staff , this paper gives an overall analysis of cost , efficiency and benefits and puts forward ways to calculate and share the cost and expenses .

  30. 把培训从成本中心变成利润来源,以增强培训职能的可信度和力量。

    Mprove the credibility and power of the training function by becoming profit instead of cost centered .