
  1. 中国移动吉林公司通化市分公司班组文化建设研究

    Cultural Construction of Teams and Groups in Tonghua City , Jilin , China Mobile 's Branch

  2. 第六部分对大连供电公司班组文化建设方案进行规划与设计。

    Section ⅵ planning and design on the scheme of the culture building for the Working Group in Dalian Power Supply Company .

  3. 基于理论分析和调查研究结果,针对济南长途汽车总站班组文化建设存在的问题,从完善班组制度建设和突出创新性班组文化建设两个方面提出济南长途汽车总站班组文化建设对策建议。

    Based on theory analysis and investigation results , for the problems of the class culture construction of Jinan Long-distance bus station , the paper puts forward to the construction measures and suggestions from two aspects of perfecting class system construction and highlighting innovative class culture construction .

  4. 班组安全管理处在油田安全生产的最前沿,探索搞好班组安全文化建设途径非常重要,是油田搞好安全生产的核心工程。

    Security management team is at the forefront of oilfield safety , so exploring ways to improve safety culture team is very important , and it is the core project of oil production safety .