
  • 网络Green sales;Green Selling
  1. 针对我省绿色食品生产销售的现状,提出了建立适合我省省情的绿色食品营销网络,以促进我省绿色食品事业的健康发展。

    The paper puts forward to set up a suitable marketing network in Liaoning Province on the basis of the situation of the production and scale of green food in order to improve its healthy development .

  2. 美国的24个州和哥伦比亚地区已经颁布立法或采纳规章,放开电力市场引入竞争机制。截至2000年7月,已经有五个州对零售用户实行绿色电力的竞争销售。

    Twenty-four states and the District of Columbia have enacted legislation or adopted rulemakings to open their power markets to Competition .

  3. 然而,绿色食品的市场销售并不乐观,主要问题是市场营销渠道不畅、产销脱节等现象,滞后的经营销售方式成为制约绿色食品发展的主要瓶颈。

    However , green marketing is not optimistic , the main problem is marketing channels are sluggish , out of touch , such as production and marketing situation , the operation of lagging sales constraints become the main bottleneck in the development of green food .

  4. 本文就绿色包装对绿色食品在生产销售过程中的重要作用与影响进行分析,并阐述绿色包装设计的趋势。

    This essay is to analyze the functions and influences of the packaging of green food in its production , and to depict the trend of green food package designing .

  5. 湖南作为一个农业大省,绿色食品资源丰富,开发潜力巨大,绿色市场销售前景看好。

    As a big agricultural province , Hunan has green food rich in resources , development potential , prospects for green marketing .

  6. 在绿色供应链管理中,关键之一就是要把其生产的绿色产品销售出去,同时把消费者产生的废旧品回收进行再利用,实现资源的循环利用。

    In green supply chain , one of important factors is to sell out its green products , and it can reclaim the old products that can be recycled , which can make it true to recycle the resource concerned .

  7. 另一方面企业要树立绿色营销理念,收集绿色信息,开发绿色产品,制定绿色价格,选择绿色销售渠道,加强绿色销售服务,开展绿色促销等;

    Furthermore , enterprises should develop the notion of green marketing , collect green information , exploit green products , set green prices , select channels for green marketing , intensify service of green marketing , start green pushing sales and the rest .