
  • 网络joint intervention
  1. 外汇市场的联合干预应该会阻止或扭转欧元继续大跌。

    Joint intervention in exchange markets should prevent or reverse any significant further fall in the euro .

  2. 探讨运动、饮食、教育联合干预对单纯性肥胖儿童肾功能的影响。

    Objective To discuss the influence on the simple obese children 's renal function by the joint intervention of exercise , diet and education .

  3. 川芎嗪与丹参酚酸B联合干预剪应力诱导血栓形成的研究

    Joint Effect of Tetramethylpyrazine ( TMP ) and Salvianolic Acid B ( SAB ) on Shear Stress Induced Thrombosis

  4. 过去30年,G7曾经实施过5次针对主要货币的联合干预行动。

    Over the last three decades there have been five bouts of co-ordinated intervention in the major currencies .

  5. 结论:FA和VB12联合干预对酒精的发育毒性具有预防控制作用。

    Conclusion : FA and VB12 have significant combined protective effect on preventing the developmental toxicity of alcohol .

  6. 经联合干预治疗12周后,内皮依赖性血管舒张功能明显增高,达到4.17%,明显高于IGT患者干预治疗前(P<0.05)。

    After combined intervention therapy , endothelium-dependent arterial dilation increased from 3.50 % to 4.17 % in IGT patients ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 联合干预要想获得成功,其他g7成员就需要考虑降息。

    In order for co-ordinated intervention to be successful , the rest of the G7 will thus need to consider cutting interest rates .

  8. 运动、营养联合干预8~18岁肥胖儿童效果观察

    Effect of intervention with exercises and nutrition on 8-18 years obese children

  9. 这次联合干预市场的消息发布后,日圆立即大幅下跌。

    The yen immediately dropped sharplyvalue after news of the joint market intervention .

  10. 但二者联合干预的效果明显增加。

    However , the effect of the two joint interventions is increased significantly .

  11. 单方干预与联合干预效应对中国的启示

    Unilateral and Cooperated Intervention : Enlightenment to China

  12. 中央银行的单方干预、联合干预和未来的中国汇市多方博弈格局

    Unilateral and Cooperated Intervention by the Central Banks : Multilateral Game in China 's Exchange Market

  13. 糖耐量减低患者联合干预治疗前后内皮依赖性血管舒张功能的变化

    Changes of endothelium-dependent arterial dilation before and after combined intervention therapy in impaired glucose tolerant patients

  14. 联合干预模式对2型糖尿病患者药物治疗依从性的影响

    Influence of combinative intervention model on the hypoglycemic drug compliance of patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus

  15. [目的]探讨联合干预模式对哮喘患儿吸入激素依从性的影响作用。

    [ Objective ] To explore the effect of combination intervention model on compliance of child suffered from asthma inhaling steroids .

  16. 葡萄籽原花青素组和联合干预组与照射组相比,小肠黏膜损伤程度比照射组轻。

    Compared with radiation group , the damaged level of intestinal mucous membrane was slighter in GSP group and combination group .

  17. [目的]通过运动和营养联合干预,观察8~18岁肥胖儿童的减肥效果。

    [ Objective ] To observe the effect of losing weight on 8-18 years obese children by intervening with exercises and nutrition .

  18. 出于对非洲分崩离析的担忧,英国政府在2005年提议国际社会依据马歇尔计划的准则联合干预非洲事务。

    Fearful of disintegration in Africa , the British government in2005 proposed coordinated international intervention on the lines of the Marshall Plan .

  19. 目的探讨视听联合干预对行痔瘘手术高血压患者血压的影响。

    Objective To explore the influence of audio and visual joint interventions on the blood pressure of hypertension patients undergoing hemorrhoids and fistula operation .

  20. 提示健康教育、环境警示和激励措施相结合的联合干预方法更有利于健康行为的迅速建立。

    The joint interventions of health education , the environment warning and incentive intervention are more beneficial to the rapid establishment of healthy behaviors .

  21. 现在已有针对结核和艾滋病的有效联合干预措施,需要以综合方式扩大干预,预防不必要的死亡。

    Effective joint interventions exist for TB and HIV , and these need to be scaled up in an integrated fashion to prevent these unnecessary deaths .

  22. [方法]采用临床试验方法将136例支气管哮喘儿童随机分为联合干预组和对照组。

    [ Methods ] 136 cases of children suffered from bronchial asthma were divided into the combination intervention group ( 71 cases ) and the comparison group ( 65 cases ) randomly .

  23. [结论]医生-家庭-社会联合干预模式可有效地提高哮喘患儿的皮质激素吸入依从性,降低哮喘复发率,值得临床进一步推广。

    [ Conclusion ] Doctor-family - society combination intervention model can improve the inhaling steroids compliance of children suffered from asthma effectively , and reduce asthmas relapse rate ; It 's worthy of promoting in the future .

  24. 结论要提高老年患者服药依从性,就要建立全面的、多元化的健康教育体系、简化疗程、重视药物的副作用,对患者及家属进行医嘱依从性联合干预。

    Conclusions Taking medicine dependence raising is based on establishing all round and plural health education system , simplifying the course of treatment , thinking highly of the side effect , patients and their family were interfered meanwhile .

  25. 主要国家联合干预国际汇率市场;金融监管标准国际化&巴塞尔协议(资本充足性标准)与金融市场风险综合、及时评价。

    Their measures include : international coordination of fiscal and financial policies of various countries , co intervention in the international exchange market by the major countries , international standard of financial supervision-Basel Protocol ( capital sufficiency standard ) and VAR.

  26. 结果经过三种方式的营养宣教后,虽然小学生的营养知识水平及膳食行为均有不同程度提高,但以对学生及家长联合干预的效果最好,其次是对学生的干预。

    Results Although each of three ways can improve the level of nutrition knowledge and diet behavior , the way of nutritional education for both pupils and their parents gets the best effect and the following is the way of nutritional education for pupils .

  27. 血管成形术联合药物干预与单纯溶栓治疗急性心肌梗死疗效的比较(CAPITALAMI研究)

    Combined angioplasty and pharmacological intervention versus thrombolysis alone in acute myocardial infarction ( CAPITAL AMI study )

  28. 方法:1、使用不同浓度的THP联合VitC干预体外培养的膀胱癌细胞株T-24,通过细胞增殖曲线检测T-24细胞增殖情况。

    Methods : 1 . To treat bladder cancer cell ( T-24 ) with the different concentrations of VitC combination with the constant concentration of THP in vitro , and to study proliferation of T-24 cell by cell proliferation curve method . 2 .

  29. 纳洛酮联合早期干预治疗新生儿窒息效果观察

    Effectiveness of Naloxone and Early Interference in the Treatment of Neonatal Asphyxia

  30. 该地区的政府请求联合国干预。

    Governments in the region are calling for UN intervention .