
  • 网络alliance capability
  1. 第二章,企业联盟能力相关文献综述。

    Chapter 2 Summary of Relevant Literatures on Alliance Capability .

  2. 联盟能力为什么是这样的结构(WHY)?

    Why does the alliance capability have this kind of structure ( WHY )?

  3. 那么联盟能力究竟是怎样的一种能力呢?

    Then , what kind of capability is alliance capability on earth ?

  4. 联盟能力的整合构架剖析

    Analysis on the integrated framework of alliance capability

  5. 其次,本章研究了企业的知识联盟能力。

    Secondly , the capability of enterprise knowledge alliance is studied in this chapter .

  6. 否则,光是对联盟存续能力的怀疑就足以将联盟拖入解体。

    Otherwise , doubts about the durabilityof the Union will , of themselves , drive it towards disintegration .

  7. 结合实证结果,提出了技术联盟网络能力提升的对策建议。

    At last , combined with the empirical results , this paper proposes some corresponding measures to enhance the network competence of technology alliance .

  8. 这支由5个旅组成的部队将在18个月内完成组建,使非洲联盟有能力对非洲大陆一些热点地区的问题迅速做出反应。

    The five-brigade military force will be operational within 18 months , giving the African Union the ability to respond rapidly to continental hot spots .

  9. 其中心内容是对战略联盟盈利能力、战略联盟核心能力和战略联盟管理成本控制能力管理的讨论。

    Centre point of it to manage cost control ability discussion of management to strategic alliance profit ability , strategic alliance key ability and strategic alliance .

  10. 技术联盟网络能力能够在特定网络环境下影响联盟网络活动的过程和效果,是联盟成败的关键。

    Network competence of technology alliance affects the process and results of network activities under certain particular network environment , and is critical to determine the success of the technology alliance .

  11. 第五,为更快取得成效,不仅要提高专业技术水平,更重要的是要加强领导与建立联盟的能力,藉此扫除政治经济障碍,推行变革。

    Fifth , to achieve accelerated results , we need to not only strengthen technical skills but importantly leadership and coalition building skills to manage political economy obstacles and make change happen .

  12. 第五章是实证检验部分。本文通过建立委托&代理模型,运用现代经济计量技术对公司型基金董事会中的独立董事促使基金管理人与基金投资者形成利益联盟的能力进行了实证分析。

    Part two is Chapter 5 , which , using modern econometrics techniques , empirically analyzes the ability of independent directors of boards of corporate-type funds to align the interests of investors and managers of corporate type funds .

  13. 战略缺口理论(TyjeeandOsland)也认为当外界环境对企业的要求与企业依靠自身能力所能达到的目标之间存在战略缺口时,可以通过战略联盟弥补这种能力的不足。

    According to strategic gap theory ( Tyjee & Osland ), when there is a strategic gap between the requirement of the environment and the goal that companies can achieve , companies can acquire the needed competence through SAs .

  14. 企业战略联盟与核心能力构造

    Enterprise Strategy League and Core Force Construction

  15. 基于项目的虚拟研发联盟技术创新能力研究

    Study on Capability of Technological Innovation of Virtual R & D Alliance based on Project

  16. 以知识联盟塑核心能力&论我国内资旅行社的市场竞争战略

    To Build up Core Competence through Knowledge Links & A Stratagem of Chinese Travel Services

  17. 随后,本文提出提高产学研技术联盟的创新能力的几点措施。

    Subsequently , this paper presents several measures to improve the innovative capacity of the development of its alliances in Industry , Academic and The Research Community .

  18. 有三类关键变量构成供应链联盟的联盟能力,第一类变量是供应链联盟选择的资格变量,称为联盟伙伴资格要素;

    The competency for supply chain alliance is composed of three key variables . The first one is the alliance qualifier , which is the qualification variable of the supply chain alliance selection .

  19. 依据经济学和组织学习理论,剖析了基于学习型战略联盟培育核心能力的内在机理是联盟的知识转移;

    It reached such a conclusion that the inherent mechanism of fostering the enterprise 's core competence is the alliance knowledge 's transformation according to the theory of both economy and organization learning ;

  20. 企业参与知识联盟对其创新能力影响

    Study on the Influence of Firms Participate Knowledge Alliance to Innovation

  21. 基于知识联盟提高企业动态能力

    Enhancement of Enterprise Dynamic Capability Based on the Knowledge Alliance

  22. 基于供应链联盟的企业联盟能力分析

    Analysis of Competency for Alliance Baced on Supply Chain Alliance

  23. 学习型战略联盟与企业核心能力

    Learning Strategic Alliance and Enterprise 's Core Competence

  24. 企业在考虑建立战略联盟时,核心能力是基础。

    When consideration establish strategy alliance , the core ability still is a foundation .

  25. 技术联盟与自主创新能力协调发展的系统动力学分析

    Analysis on the System Dynamics for the Coordinated Development between Independent Innovation Capability and Technical Union

  26. 过去,在这个联盟里,得分能力比分球能力更精通的矮个球员都受到了藐视。

    Smaller players who are more accomplished scorers than distributors were disparaged in this league once upon a time .

  27. 执政的国大党领导联盟,由于没能力或者不愿意改革再加上2014年面临大选,因此希望出台更宽松的货币政策。

    The ruling Congress-led coalition , unable or unwilling to pass reforms and facing an election in 2014 , wants looser monetary policy .

  28. 论文概括了企业核心能力培育的原则和模型,探讨了技术创新、内部整合、企业购并和战略联盟对企业核心能力培育的作用机理。

    This dissertation also summarizes the model for fostering the core competence of corporation , probes into the working mechanism of technological innovation , interior integration , acquisition and strategic alliance .

  29. 通过分析,论证了知识联盟是培养核心能力的有效途径,提出了在知识联盟组织中建立一个有效的学习机制来培养核心能力。

    The author also put forward a learning mechanism in the knowledge alliance used to cultivate the core competence by way of discussing that knowledge alliance is the effect way to cultivate core competence .

  30. 现有研究者主要从具体的某个因素研究企业如何利用技术联盟获得技术创新能力,比如企业学习能力或者东道国知识产权保护程度对技术联盟中企业提高创新能力的影响。

    Existing researchers , explore a company how to make use of the technology alliance to enhance the innovation capability from one of specific factors such as enterprise learning ability , or the level of IPR protection in host country .