
  • 网络special order
  1. 若超过此值,通径大于15mm用ZDF系列多功能电磁阀作特殊订货。

    If more than this value is greater than15mm diameter with ZDF series multi-function solenoid valve for special order .

  2. 我们可以接受特殊订货。

    We is in a position to accept a special order .

  3. 4级允差产品特殊订货。

    4 please place a special order for products of class .

  4. 你们接受特殊订货吗?

    Do you take special order ?

  5. 你们接受特殊订货吗?也就是说,你们是否接受按预定的规格定制机床?

    Do you take special orders ? That is , do you make machinas according to specifications ?

  6. 用在短时工作制而批量又很大时,可作特殊订货以降低功耗。

    Used in short-term work system and a large bulk , they can make a special order to reduce power consumption .

  7. 注意:样本数据仅供参考,本公司保留数据变动的权力,并接受特殊订货。

    Notice : The sample data provides the reference only , the power that square reservation data of factory change , be alongside of to be subjected to special orde .

  8. 注:若用户需用阀板衬橡胶等特殊要求订货时请注明。

    Notice : If the customer has any special requirements such as disc with rubber lining etc.

  9. 本文主要从现金持有量、应收账款信用条件、存货采购批量、亏损产品是否停产、是否接受特殊追加订货等短期经营决策方面谈机会成本的应用。

    This article discusses the application of opportunity cost on the side of short term decision such as amount of cash hold , amount receivable , credit terms , inventory purchase lot , product at a loss and acceptance of special additional order and etc.

  10. 对于顾客有特殊要求的订货合同,企业应严格进行合同评审,并针对特殊合同制订相应的质量计划,以确保满足顾客的要求。

    Enterprises should assess the special order contract and work out a quality project to satisfy the customer .

  11. 注:如有特殊要求可在订货时商洽,远传配套仪表请参阅本样本有关内容。

    Note : If you have special request , you can put it forward when you take delivery of the gauges . The remote meter please refers to relevant information in this document .