
chuán xiāo
  • pyramid selling;multi-level marketing
  1. 如果这个计划看起来像是一个传销骗局,那就不要参与。

    If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam , have nothing to do with it .

  2. 非法传销活动的特点、成因及打击对策论非法传销行为的司法定性与立法完善

    On the Characteristics , Causes and Countermeasures of Illegal Pyramid Selling On the Conviction of Illegal Pyramid Selling and Perfection in Legislation

  3. 直销包括单层次直销和多层次直销(multi-leveldirectselling),多层次直销就是俗称的传销,都属于产品分销渠道。

    Direct selling includes one-level direct selling and multi-level direct selling commonly called spreading selling , both of which belong to the retail channels of commodity .

  4. 如果SEC最后没有起诉康宝莱,那是否意味着康宝莱就不是传销组织呢?

    And if the SEC ends up eventually not bringing charges , does that mean Herbalife is not a pyramid scheme ?

  5. 总部位于加州的做空机构香橼研究(CitronResearch)在其网站上发布的一份报告中说,基于对如新中国销售人员的采访,香橼研究认为如新的销售网络是一种典型的金字塔结构的传销。

    In a report posted on its website , California-based Citron Research said it believes based on interviews with Nu Skin salespeople in China that the company 's sales network is a pyramid .

  6. 周二,在纽约证券交易所上市的如新企业集团(NuSkinEnterprisesInc.)的股价下跌9.2%。此前一家做空机构指责该公司在中国进行传销。

    Shares in New York Stock Exchange-listed Nu Skin Enterprises Inc. dropped 9.2 % Tuesday after a short-seller accused the company of running a multi-level marketing operation in China , where such activities are illegal .

  7. 安利是最大、最早、最著名的“多层次传销”(MLM)的代表,它也是直销协会的最重要的成员。

    Amway is the largest , oldest and best known representative of " multi-level marketing "( MLM ) . It is the most prominent member of the Direct Selling Association .

  8. 营养品公司康宝莱(Herbalife)则深陷与亿万富翁维权投资者比尔o阿克曼的苦战之中;阿克曼声称康宝莱从事非法传销。

    while nutrition company Herbalife HLF - 0.10 % is in the throes of a battle with activist billionaire investor Bill Ackman , who claims it is operating an illegal pyramid scheme .

  9. 当前传销活动及其打击工作的若干问题思考

    On Current Pyramid Selling and Reflections on Problems in Striking Work

  10. 从而完整地对我国传销法律规制问题进行了探讨和分析。

    The paper discusses and analyzes the legislation of direct selling completely .

  11. 直销和传销是有区别的。

    There is difference between direct sales and Pyramid sales .

  12. 他们在教我们做传销是做给人家看的。

    They are teaching us to do things for others to see .

  13. 这是否会令你联想到那些非法传销公司的经理们?

    Does this remind you of those managers at pyramid scheme companies ?

  14. 大学生政治热情的社会学观察&从“传单”到“传销”的变化

    A Sociological Survey of the Political Enthusiasm of College Students

  15. 警方精心布置,一举捣毁了这个传销窝点。

    The police planned carefully , and crashed the multi-level marketing hideout .

  16. 各国都针对非法传销的危害性对其作了相应的法律规定。

    Foreign countries have made relative laws against its harmfulness .

  17. 社会网络视野下的传销&透析一个传销网的生产过程

    Pyramid Selling from the Perspective of the Social Network & A Case Analysis

  18. 合伙法律地位研究商品传销探视

    On Legal Status of Partnership Enterprise An Approach On the Chain-sale of commodity

  19. 第三、传销犯罪的概念及其构成。

    The concept and composition of pyramid sales crime .

  20. 它包括多层次传销和单层次传销。

    It includes both multi-level and single-level pyramid marketings .

  21. 肯·威廉姆斯,他非法传销数百万

    Ken Williams . His pyramid scheme stole millions .

  22. 多层次传销的竞争法考察

    On Competitive Law of Multi - level Marketing

  23. 《刑法修正案(七)》设置了组织、领导传销罪,但关于传铕定性的《批复》仍未失效;

    Criminal Law Amendment VII prescribes the crime of organizing , leading pyramid selling .

  24. 第四、传销犯罪的司法认定。

    The judicial identification of pyramid sales crime .

  25. 因为我在传销骗局中失利,我急需钱用。

    I need the money because I lost out in a pyramid investment scam .

  26. 对传销违法犯罪人员,应采取分散矫治、心理关助、认知干预和帮扶救助等措施进行转化。

    The correcting measures are including dispersion of correction , psychological attention , cognition intervene etc.

  27. 大学生涉入非法传销的危害、原因及防范对策

    The Hazards , Causes and Preventive Countermeasures of University Students Involved in the Illegal MLM

  28. 近来,以往被多次打击的传销又开始抬头,并有大肆蔓延之势。

    Recently , pyramid sale has begun to spread again after being cracked down repeatedly .

  29. 因此对于传销犯罪的立法完善,也从这几个方面入手。

    So for pyramid selling criminal legislation perfect , also from these aspects to narrative .

  30. 第五部分对组织、领导传销活动罪刑罚的适用进行了研究。

    The fifth part studies the penalty application of organizing , leading pyramid selling activities .