
  • 网络Range;fluctuation range;variation range;price range
  1. 文中提出的改进型PID算法,能够提高温度控制精度,减小温控波动范围。

    The article proposed the improved PID algorithm to improve temperature control accuracy , reducing temperature fluctuation range .

  2. b.钢的性能特别是淬透性能波动范围小;

    ( b ) decrease varying range of steel property , particularly in hardenability ;

  3. 土壤全K含量在整个生长季变化幅度较小,波动范围均在20%以下。

    The variation extent of total K content in the soil was very small in the whole growing season and the fluctuating range was under 20 % .

  4. 受试者两组间药效学指标波动范围t检验MAP、HR之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),SV、TPR具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the wave range of pharmacodynamics indexes of MAP and HR , but there was significant difference of SV and TPR between two groups through t test .

  5. La原子加入后使非晶带材的尺寸波动范围变窄,尺寸波动的临界温度也由400℃下降到300℃;

    After the addition of La atom , the size undulation scope of amorphous ribbons is getting narrow , and the size undulation critical temperature drops to 300 ℃ from 400 ℃ .

  6. 通过LF精炼炉与成分快速分析相结合,进行钢水成分微调,从而控制钢的成分波动范围;

    To adjust finely the composition of molten steel by combining LF finery with fast analysis of composition , the composition control in a limited scope can be realized .

  7. 试验结果表明,在不同放牧强度下,牧草压缩高度与牧草产量具有良好的回归关系,决定系数r2的波动范围为0.82~0.95;

    The results showed that herbage mass had good regressive relation with the compressed high value ( r ~ 2 0.82 ~ 0.95 ) .

  8. 在系统电压正常的情况下,电流波动范围为-10~10A;

    When the voltage of the system was normal , the fluctuation margin of current was - 10 ~ 10 A.

  9. 另外,试验中发现,CaCl2的投加可以有效地改善混凝沉淀效果,在试验研究的水源地水质波动范围内可以保证最终出水的水质。

    Adding CaCl_2 can improve the water quality in the flocculation-deposition process , which will be a manipulated measure while the resource water are polluted .

  10. 实际运用显示,运用此经验公式可将产品的抗拉强度波动范围控制在±15MPa。

    The applications show that using the experience formulas can control the fluctuation scope of tensile strength within ± 15 ? MPa .

  11. 初夏渔场有所南撤。总的来说,智利竹策鱼渔场时空分布具有明显的季节变化,CPUE值波动范围较大。

    Overall , in2007 , there was an obvious seasonal change in the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of Chilean jack mackerel fishing grounds , and the CPUE value had a larger fluctuation range .

  12. 活动比色皿架的温度可以调节并恒定在所需要的温度,温度的控制范围为5℃~60℃,在恒温状态温度的波动范围为0.1K。

    The temperature of mobile cuvettes can be adjusted and kept at a constant temperature . The temperature range controlled is 5 ℃~ 60 ℃, and the variation of temperature is 0.1K .

  13. 该车的技术指标设计如下:能够连续配制基液,配液速度最高达到15m3/min,基液中胶粉分散均匀,黏度波动范围小,在5min内基液的黏度达到实验室黏度90%以上。

    The truck has a function of continuous matrix preparation and maximal mixing rate of 1.5m ~ 3 / min. The prepared matrix-liquid has homogeneous gum-powder dispersion and a narrow range of viscosity fluctuation . The viscosity of prepared matrix is up to 90 % of laboratory viscosity .

  14. 结果样本县的妇幼卫生情况波动范围较大。

    Results Maternal and child health situations were various in the sample counties .

  15. 在压力波动范围大的场合还应加装阻尼器或压力缓冲装置。

    Damper or pressure buffer should be used where big pressure fluctuation exists .

  16. 草地的净辐射月波动范围最大。

    The largest monthly fluctuation range of the net radiation was over grass .

  17. 商业周期虽未消失,但其波动范围受到了很大的限制。

    Business cycles did not fade away , but their amplitude did moderate substantially .

  18. 合理地投切负载能够控制电源电压的波动范围。

    Reasonably cutting off load can be controlled the range of the power voltage .

  19. 同时,对汽包水位进行了精确的压力补偿,克服了汽包压力波动范围大给水位测量带来的影响。

    Being compensated accurately , influence on water level measure from pressure was eliminated .

  20. 通货膨胀率在欧盟通胀率最低的三个国家平均指数上下1.5%的波动范围内。

    Rate of inflation within 1.5 percentage points of the three best performing EU countries .

  21. 与同工况压力信号的功率谱密度相比,压差信号的功率谱密度具有频率波动范围宽、幅值小的特点。

    However , distributions of PSD for differential pressure show wider frequency range and lower amplitude .

  22. 试验结果表明该新型气缸的缓冲在一定供气压力波动范围内具有良好自适应能力。

    Experiments show the new cushion mechanism can self-adapt to supply pressure fluctuation in a certain range .

  23. 因此可以保证可调喉口的动态反应性能及减小炉口压差波动范围。

    So can ensure adjustable laryngeal orifice and dynamic response performance and reduce oven pressure difference fluctuation range .

  24. 结果表明,高速列车通过时跨线天桥表面受到空气压力波的作用,压力系数的波动范围为-0.135~0.095。

    Results of the computations show that on overline bridge a pressure pulse occurs while a train passes .

  25. 在相同试验条件下,梳子坝回淤坡度与实体坝相比大致相近,波动范围很小;

    Under the same experimental circumstances , the slope of intercepted sediments is similar to that of close-typed dam .

  26. 该方法针对集气管压力的不同波动范围,采用不同的控制规则设计两个模糊控制器。

    Two fuzzy controllers which use different control rules are designed according to different ranges of gas collector pressure .

  27. 还有些平均值波动范围较大,例如血糖、血尿素氮等。

    A few mean values , such as plasma protein and hemoglobin , are lower than the documented data .

  28. 在设计阶段预先设置股捻制工艺参数目标值及波动范围;

    The target value and wave range of stranding process parameters are given in advance in the step of design ;

  29. 我说的主要中点是指谷物走势中的极限波动范围的中点。

    By main halfway point I mean , the halfway point of the extreme fluctuating range of a grain option .

  30. 对减小齿轮钢的成分波动范围,保证窄淬透性的控制有重大意义。

    This is very useful for decrease on composition fluctuation range of gear steel and control on narrow fluctuation hardenability .