
bō fú
  • amplitude
波幅 [bō fú]
  • [amplitude] 指质点在振动过程中偏离平衡位置的最大距离

波幅[bō fú]
  1. 闪光视觉诱发电位平均波幅增高(P<005)。

    The average amplitude of FVEP increased ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. H反射波幅呈偏态分布,变异大。

    The reflex amplitude value showed a biased distribution .

  3. F波平均波幅与M波波幅比。

    The ratio of F-wave amplitude to M-wave amplitude ;

  4. 测量波面积对MG的诊断价值优于测定波幅。

    Diagnostic value of measuring wave area for MG was much better than that of measuring amplitude .

  5. 分别测量SSR各波潜伏期(起始、N波、P波)以及峰-峰波幅和面积。

    The onset latency , N-wave latency , P-wave peak-to-peak amplitude and area of SSR were measured respectively .

  6. 结果6例患者头颅MR检查正常,肌电图重复电刺激见波幅衰减现象,单纤维肌电图阳性,2例胸腺MR示胸腺增生。

    Results The 6 cases of EMG were decrement and Jitter positive , the heads MR were normal and thy-muses MR were hyperplasia in 2 cases .

  7. 结果:患侧面神经运动传导潜伏期延长、波幅降低,与健侧相比差异有极显著性(P<0.01),同时干扰型减弱。

    The results showed that there was a significant difference in latent period and wave amplitude between the involved side and the uninvolved ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  8. 第14天,各组间的波幅及潜伏期未见明显差异(P0.05)。

    At the 14 days , the amplitude and latency between the groups was no significant difference ( P 0.05 ) .

  9. 正中神经、尺神经无论感觉还是运动其传导速度及波幅A、B两组间的差异均无统计学意义,P0.05。

    There was no significant difference in nerve conduction velocity and amplitude of median nerve , ulnar nerve , between the two groups . 3 .

  10. 长SOA下,线索提示效应则表现出了无效提示条件诱发较大N1波幅的趋势。

    While at the long SOA , the invalid-cue trials tended to induce a larger Nl amplitude .

  11. 偏心和Z轴加速度旋转时相对于对照ERP的N1和P2波幅降低。

    The N1 and P2 amplitudes decreased in Z-axis and off-vertical axis acceleration as compared with control .

  12. 心理旋转和P300波幅改变之间的时间关系;

    The time relation between mental rotation and amplitude modulation of P 300 ;

  13. 部分MND患者出现SSR的异常,表现为潜伏期延长和波幅降低。

    Some patients show abnormal SSR with prolonged latency and decreased amplitude .

  14. 实验组感觉腓肠神经波幅、运动正中神经潜伏期、腓总神经传导速度,组内比较有显著性差异(P均0.05)。

    In experimental group , the sural nerve sensory amplitude , motor latency of median nerve , common peroneal nerve conduction velocity , there was a significant group difference ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  15. PIV测量得到流场速度矢量图及流线图,扰动波幅与波形特征说明,Re数一定时流动稳定性随H值增大而提高。

    Diagrams of velocity vectors and streamlines display waveform and amplitude properties , showing the effect of fibres on enhancing the flow stability .

  16. 再灌注后5分钟时波形恢复,但潜伏期大于正常(P<0-01),波幅小于正常(P<0-01);

    MEP disappeared 40 minutes after ischemia and reappeared 5 minutes after reperfusion , but the latency was still longer and the amplitude was lower than the normal value ( P < 0 01 ) .

  17. B、C级患者术中波幅较麻醉后下降不超过40%,潜伏期延长不超过50%。

    But , in B and C grade patients , the declined amplitude should be less than 40 % and the prolonged latency should be less than 50 % compared with that of preoperation .

  18. 胃脘痛血瘀证餐前、餐后胃电图波幅高于脾虚证(P<0.05),与正常人比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    The amplitude of fasting and postprandial EGG was higher than that in spleen_deficiency syndrome ( P < 0.05 ) . The difference was not significant as compared with normal volunteer ( P > 0.05 ) .

  19. 利用Copula相依结构可以估计出联合分布以及日内波幅条件下的条件分布,进而得到条件VaR的估计。

    Also the joint and conditional distributions could be estimated by Copula , and the conditional VaR was thus estimated .

  20. DM组SCV波幅减低率为53.66%。

    The lower rate of amplitude of SCV was 53 . 66 % in DM group .

  21. 结果在亚临床期糖尿病视网膜病变时,OPs总波幅及各子波波幅和P-ERG的b波波幅均降低,与正常对照组比较,差异均有显著性;

    Results The differences were significant in the amplitude of OPs and b-wave of P-ERG between two groups ;

  22. 神经电生理:干预后两组感觉正中神经传导速度、尺神经、运动正中神经、腓总神经传导速度、波幅组间比较有显著性差异(P均0.05)。

    Neuroelectricity examination : After the intervention , median sensory nerve conduction velocity , ulnar nerve , motor median nerve , peroneal nerve conduction velocity and amplitude between the two groups was significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  23. 多因素回归分析显示,睡眠纺锤密度、波幅以及K综合密度的改变与精神行为异常关系最密切。

    Multiple regression analysis showed that changes of sleep spindle density and amplitude and K complex density were the most significant factors in correlation with clinical findings in the AD patients .

  24. 运用小波分析理论和MATLAB软件的小波分析工具,对61例异常病例的肢体血流图样本数据进行分析和对比,提取信号的频率、波幅等特征值,发现异常病例的肢体血流图变化的基本规律。

    Analyzing and comparing 61 exceptional cases by using wavelet theory and MATLAB wavelet toolbox , including eigenvalue computing . And finding the basic rule of blood-flow curve of exceptional case .

  25. 研究发现,疼痛状态可引起听觉P300和痛觉诱发电位(painevokedpotentials,PEPs)波幅及潜伏期的变化。

    Present studies show that the auditory P300 and pain evoked potentials ( PEPs ) will change under the state of pain .

  26. 结论OPs总波幅及各子波波幅和P-ERG的b波波幅在亚临床期糖尿病视网膜病变时即有改变,波幅的改变比潜伏期改变敏感;

    Conclusion The amplitude of OPs and b-wave of P-ERG has changed in patient with sub-clinical stage of DR ;

  27. 精神分裂症患者可能顶叶较额叶、中央叶的功能损害严重4、P3波幅和P3潜伏期的变异程度不能反映精神分裂症患者临床症状的严重性。

    Probably parietal lobe damaged more seriously than frontal lobe and central lobule in schi_zophrenic . 4 、 The variation degree of amplitude and latency in P_3 is not related to the serious of clinical symptoms to some degree .

  28. GD患者MEP潜伏期延长、波幅降低及CMCT缩短,提示GD患者神经元有损害。

    Prolonged latency , lowed amplitude and shortened CMCT in MEP suggest the damage of the neurons .

  29. 第13天SEP峰间波幅变化与肌力改变有明显的相关性。

    At the time of 13th day after injury , myodynamia had a high positive correlation with the changes of SEP.

  30. 结果伤后即刻各组伤眼ROG波幅值均降低,与伤前比较P<0.01。

    Results The wave amplitudes of ROG were markedly reduced both in contusional and contralateral eyes after injury ( P < 0.01 ) .