
  • 网络hedging transactions
  1. 例如避险交易的所得列入营业所得,按照常设机构原则,实行来源地税收管辖权;投机交易所得列入资本利得,对其征收预提税。

    For example , the profits of the Hedging transactions should be deemed as business income , and according to permanent establishment principle , the tax authority have source tax jurisdiction .

  2. 其他人则认为,全球增长放缓将引发避险交易,并导致作为避险货币的美元走强。

    Others thought slowing global growth would create a risk-off trade and lead the dollar to strengthen as a haven currency .

  3. 股指期货的客观要求、避险机制及交易技术

    The objective demand of stock index futures 、 risk avoiding mechanism and exchange technology

  4. 一方面,随着全球市场避险情绪的加重,在“避险”交易推动下,对美元作为避险资产的需求增大。

    On the one hand , the currency is in demand as a haven when global risk aversion rises , benefiting from the so-called " risk off " trade .