
  • 网络safe-haven assets
  1. 不过现在投资者的情绪已经开始跟上现实虽然有点晚:衡量股市波定性的vix指数近日跃升,股价下跌,而资金涌向了公认的避险资产(如国债)。

    But now investor sentiment is belatedly starting to catch up with reality : the VIX has jumped in recent days , equity prices have tumbled and money has flocked into supposedly safe haven assets ( such as Treasuries ) .

  2. 黄金正日益被接受为一种货币和避险资产。

    Gold is increasingly accepted as a currency and haven .

  3. 他们没有转向通常被视为终极避险资产的黄金。

    They are not turning to gold , often considered the ultimate refuge asset .

  4. 短期内,美元看来还是会被视作一种避险资产。

    In the short term the dollar looks to be trading as a safe-haven asset .

  5. 这场债务危机的本质决定了许多传统避险资产都已不再可靠。

    The very nature of the debt crisis has sadly disqualified many of the old standbys .

  6. 至于其他外汇市场,资本会继续寻找贵金属以外的避险资产。

    As for other currency markets , capital will keep looking for safe homes beyond precious metals .

  7. 瑞典克朗在欧元区危机进一步恶化时能否继续展现出避险资产的特性尚有待检验。

    Whether the krona will continue to display haven characteristics if the eurozone crisis deteriorates further has yet to be tested .

  8. 美国定于五月四日公布19家银行的压力测试结果,在此之前,美元将继续维持其避险资产的地位。

    Until the results from the19 banks are released on May4th , the Usd will continue to re-assert its safe-haven credentials .

  9. 由于美国国债的避险资产地位,美国政府频频从地缘政治紧张时期的资本流入中受益。

    Because of Treasuries ' status as a safe haven , the US government has benefited from capital inflows during moments of geopolitical stress .

  10. 具有避险资产性质的德国国债的吸引力有所削弱,10年期德国国债收益率上升5个基点,至1.83%。

    The haven appeal of German government bonds was dented , with the 10-year Bund yield rising 5 basis points to 1.83 per cent .

  11. 然而在所有这些政府稳定市场的努力过后,投资者的反应是:蜂拥抛售风险资产,并继续买入避险资产。

    But after all these official efforts to stabilize markets , investors responded by dumping risk assets en masse and continued to buy safe havens .

  12. 眼下解释有很多:投资者在寻找避险资产;对经济增长忧心忡忡;担心通货紧缩;采取动量交易策略。

    There are plenty of explanations around : investors are searching for safe havens ; terrified about growth ; worrying about deflation ; chasing momentum .

  13. 但当地缘政治风险升级时,黄金却表现良好,因此这种避险资产在过去5天内上涨了4%。

    However , gold performs well when geopolitical risks escalate , which is why this safe haven is up 4 % in the last five days .

  14. 卢布的动荡显示出向全球市场扩散的迹象,投资者大举转投避险资产,德国债券收益率跌至创纪录低点。

    The rouble turmoil showed signs of spreading to global markets , as investors piled into haven assets and German bond yields dropped to a record low .

  15. 现年61岁的骆家辉在就职演说中提醒中国记者,尽管美国被降级,但投资者仍把美国国债视为全球避险资产之选。

    Locke , 61 , reminded China reporters that despite the downgrade , investors were still treating Treasury debt as the global safe haven asset of choice .

  16. 美国债务谈判陷入僵局,让紧张不安的投资者追捧避险资产,使得金价仍稳居每盎司1600美元上方。

    With deadlocked debt talks in Washington , gold remains firmly above $ 1,600 an ounce as nervous investors look for safe havens , writes Leslie Hook .

  17. 而作为避险资产的德国和英国两年期债券的收益率也突破历史新低,与此同时每欧元兑换美元数下降超过1.5美分。

    The havens of German and UK two-year bonds hit new record low yields , while the euro plunged more than a cent and a half against the dollar .

  18. 这些措施缓和了硬着陆担忧。考虑到亚洲地区内部日益紧密的贸易与金融联系,如果中国经济发生硬着陆,新兴市场投资者就会争先恐后地将资金转移到避险资产。

    That has blunted fears of a hard landing , a scenario that would send emerging-market investors rushing to havens , given the region 's ever-closer trading and financial ties .

  19. 欧元区危机再加上美国违约的可能性,增强了黄金以及瑞士法郎和德国国债等其它避险资产的吸引力。

    The eurozone crisis , combined with the possibility of a US default , have burnished the appeal of gold and other havens such as the Swiss franc and German bunds .

  20. 由于中东的宰牲节和美国的感恩节,市场交投较为清淡,投资者开始向更安全的资产转移,从而推高了政府债券等传统避险资产的价格。

    With trading volumes low because of the Eid holiday and the US Thanksgiving break , investors moved into safer assets pushing up prices of traditional havens such as government bonds .

  21. 欧元区债务危机以及对全球增长的担忧会对美元起到支撑作用投资者会被吸引到美元以及其它避险资产上,比如美国国债和瑞士法郎。

    The eurozone debt crisis and fears over global growth have been supportive , with investors drawn to the US currency and other havens such as Treasuries and the Swiss franc .

  22. 中国企业外汇策略的调整始于去年年底。当时全球投资者纷纷买进美元和其他传统上被视为避险资产的货币,使人民币承受压力。

    Chinese companies started to rejigger their foreign-exchange strategies late last year , when the yuan came under pressure from a global rush for dollars and other currencies historically viewed as havens .

  23. 购入热潮席卷了全球股市、大宗商品及信贷市场,同时政府债券失宠,对美元、日元以及瑞士法郎等安全避险资产的需求也消失不见。

    Waves of buying swept through global equity , commodity and credit markets as government bonds fell out of favour and demand for the safety of the dollar , the yen and the Swiss franc evaporated .

  24. 美国国债是今年唯一可靠的避险资产;美联储将继续尽其所能压低美债收益率;但可悲的是,在全球经济可能持续低迷之际,债券缺少与之竞争的对手。

    Treasuries were the only reliable haven this year ; the Federal Reserve will continue to do its bit to push yields down ; and with the global economy likely to stay anaemic , bonds sadly lack competition .

  25. 答:除了农业以外,我还关注美元走势,因为未来汇率市场还将出现更多的动荡,而我认为将有很多人大规模买入美元作为避险资产。

    Well , apart from agriculture I 'm looking at the US dollar because there will be more currency turmoil in the future and I think a lot of people are going to flee to the US dollar as a haven .

  26. 一方面,随着全球市场避险情绪的加重,在“避险”交易推动下,对美元作为避险资产的需求增大。

    On the one hand , the currency is in demand as a haven when global risk aversion rises , benefiting from the so-called " risk off " trade .