
zhòng gōng yè
  • heavy industry;large-scale industry
重工业 [zhòng gōng yè]
  • [heavy industry] 生产生产资料的工业

重工业[zhòng gōng yè]
  1. 重工业产生的有毒化学品会污染我们的河流。

    Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals

  2. 他们投资于重工业。

    They made an investment in heavy industry .

  3. 各种重工业沿着港口逐渐发展起来。

    A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port .

  4. 他们的重工业很多负债累累。

    Many of their heavy industries are laden with debt .

  5. 人工智能(ArtificialIntelligence、AI)已经被用于许多不同的领域来执行某些任务,包括教育、重工业、玩具和游戏等。

    Artificial Intelligence or AI has been used in many different fields to perform certain tasks , including education , heavy industry , toys and games and so on .

  6. 北方重工业城市降水pH值与相关因素关系的研究

    Application on the relationship between the precipitation pH value and the correlative factors in the north heavy industry cites

  7. 重工业城市农田生态系统中Hg污染及防治

    Mercury Pollution and Its Control of Agriculture Eco-System in Heavy Industry City

  8. 结果表明FDI加快了我国重工业的发展,而对高新技术产业的发展的作用不明显。

    Results show that FDI accelerates the development of heavy industry , while the role of high-tech industry is not very clear .

  9. 近几年来,由于工业尤其是重工业的快速发展,能源消费迅速增长具有超过GDP增长的趋势。

    And the growth of energy consumption has exceeded the growth of GDP greatly in recent years due to the rapid development of industry in particular heavy industry .

  10. 不同职业人群中,尿中SH含量以学生最低,农民和工人最高,工人中重工业和轻工业劳动者之间无明显差异,但脑力劳动者尿中SH量明显低于体力劳动者。

    There was diversity of values in different professions . The value in students was lowest , while in peasants and workers were highest .

  11. 上世纪60年代,日本实现了两位数的年度GDP增速,推动因素是政府指导投资流向子弹头列车网络等基础设施项目,并加强重工业发展。

    In the 1960s Japan was achieving year upon year of double-digit GDP growth , fuelled by government-directed investment into infrastructure projects such as the bullet-train network and the build-up of heavy industry .

  12. 全球最大造船商&韩国现代重工业株式会社(HyundaiHeavyIndustries)上周五公布了创纪录的季度利润,在围绕中国的全球贸易不断增长的推动下,市场对船舶日益上升的需求推升了船价。

    Hyundai Heavy Industries , the world 's largest shipbuilder , on Friday reported a record quarterly profit as increasing demand for ships drove up vessel prices amid growing global trade surrounding China .

  13. Areva的工业合作伙伴日本三菱重工业(MitsubishiHeavyIndustriesLtd.)也表示对收购Areva股份抱有兴趣。

    Japan 's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. , which has industrial partnerships with Areva , has said it would be interested in Areva shares if they were made available .

  14. 但对中国这样的液化天然气进口大国来说,壳牌和BG的合并将带来截然不同的一系列问题,尤其是在供应安全和对重工业的影响方面。

    But for Beijing , a big LNG importer , the combination will pose a different set of questions , particularly over security of supply and the impact on heavy industry .

  15. 介绍长春客车厂与韩国韩进重工业公司合作制造的30辆时速200km不锈钢客车的主要技术参数、性能及结构设计特点。

    Thirty 200 km / h stainless steel passenger cars were manufactured jointly by Changchun Passenger Car Works and Korean Hanjin Heavy Industry Corporation . The main technical parameters , performances and structural design characteristics are described .

  16. 河北国华定洲发电厂2×600MW一期工程烟气脱硫工程,总体设计由日本川崎重工业株式会社负责,河北省电力勘测设计研究院作为分包商承担烟道的详图设计。

    A Japanese heavy industrial company was responsible for general design of the FGD project of 2 x 600 MW for Hebei Guohua Dingzhou Power Plant , phase I and Hebei Provincial Electric Power Survey Design Research Institute undertook the design of detailed drawings as a subcontractor .

  17. 这样,重工业是不是不为主了?

    Does this mean that heavy industry is no longer primary ?

  18. 重工业的稳固发展为这些进展打下了基础。

    These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry .

  19. 没有钢铁,我们就不能发展重工业。

    Without iron and steel we can not develop heavy industry .

  20. 大直径桩在重工业厂房中的应用

    The Application of Large Siz Pile Foundation to Heavy Industry Building

  21. 在我国推进工业化的过程中,重工业起着举足轻重的作用。

    Heavy industry plays a significant role in the process of industrialization .

  22. 在此期间,重工业成为杨浦特色的一部分。

    During this time heavy industries became a characteristic part of Yangpu .

  23. 三明是福建省的重工业基地。

    Sanming is Fujian Province 's heavy industrial base .

  24. 重工业通常生产大件物品,比如轿车。

    Heavy industry usually produces large goods like cars .

  25. 重工业将获得一亿美元的刺激。

    The heavy industry will get a $ 100million shot in the arm .

  26. 泊头是以重工业为主的老工业基地。

    Botou is mainly the old heavy industrial base .

  27. 实施清洁生产对于重工业城市抚顺来说具有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important to implement the cleaner production in Fushun City .

  28. 在重工业中有很多私有的钢铁厂和化工厂。

    In heavy industries , there are many private steel companies and chemical companies .

  29. 对工业化作狭义理解导致了重工业优先发展战略;

    The narrow understanding for industrialization led to the heavy industry priority development strategy .

  30. 到那时为止,该国还没有重工业。

    Up till that time , there is no heavy industry in that country .