
  1. 新古典经济学的研究告诉我们,政府对于消费行为的管制只有在以下情况下才是合理的:对于个体理性的消费者,如果其消费存在外部性,那么,政府就应该对其消费加以管制。

    Neoclassical economics research tells us that governmental interference is proper only in one situation : for those rational consumers , if their consumption leads externalities , then , the government should interfere into such consuming activities .

  2. 上周五,官方数据显示3月份食品价格同比上涨11.7%,之后政府公布了一系列基本消费品的价格管制新举措,突显出广东省试验举措的重要性。

    On Friday , fresh price controls on basic consumer items were revealed after official data showed that food prices had risen by 11.7 per cent in March compared with the same time last year , underlining the importance of the Guangdong experiment .