
  • 网络the consumption environment
  1. 四是完善消费环境和政策。

    Fourth , we will improve the consumption environment and consumption-related policies .

  2. 改善农村消费环境;更新农民消费观念;

    Improving the consumption environment in the countryside ;

  3. 加入WTO后,维护消费者权益的工作将会面临一系列新情况、新问题,但最根本的还是应从维护规则的需要出发,营造健康的消费环境。

    After China entered WTO , the work of protecting the consumers ' legitimate rights and interests is facing a series of new conditions and new problems . It is essential to proceed from the needs of maintaining rules , thereby to construct a healthy consumption environment .

  4. 以人为本至诚服务构建和谐消费环境&民航总局举办3.15消费者权益日主题活动

    CAAC Holds " March 15 " Consumer Rights Day Theme Event

  5. 为农户创造良好的外部消费环境。

    For the farmers to create a favorable external consumer environment .

  6. 第二部分从电影消费环境的宏观方面分析。

    The second part is from the macro aspects of environment .

  7. 改善我国农村消费环境的若干措施

    Countermeasure of the Improvement of the Rural Consumer Environment in China

  8. 中国城市社区大众体育消费环境的研究

    The Study of China Masses Sports Consumption Environmental in City Community

  9. 商品标志不科学、不通俗。建议从立法上进行保护,营造良好的消费环境。

    My suggestion is to protect good consumption environment by law .

  10. 农村消费环境不够理想等。

    The rural consume environment is not so ideal , etc.

  11. 改善贵州省旅游消费环境的对策研究

    Countermeasures Studies on Improving Tourism Consumption Environment of Guizhou Province

  12. 改善农村消费环境启动农村市场

    Improving the Rural Consumption Environment and Promoting the Market

  13. 论改善贵州消费环境的战略对策

    On the Countermeasures for Improving Consumption Environment in Guizhou

  14. 改善消费环境,完善农产品市场体系;

    Improving consume environment and complete agricultural products systems ;

  15. 市场环境和消费环境逐步改善。

    As a result , the market environment and the consumption climate gradually improved .

  16. 和谐消费环境中的企业社会责任

    Social Responsibilities of Corporation in Harmonious Consuming Environment

  17. 消费环境优化对消费质量的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Impact of Optimizing Consumption Environment on the Quality of Consumption

  18. 优化消费环境提高消费质量

    Optimize Consumption Environment and Enhance Consumption Quality

  19. 农村消费环境差,制约了农民的消费。进一步启动农村消费市场,要在增加农民收入;

    To further start the consumption market , the farmer 's income should be increased ;

  20. 论经营者安全消费环境义务的归责问题

    On Liability of a Safe Consumption Environment

  21. 随着网络时代的到来,旅游者的消费环境发生了改变。

    With the advent of the network era , tourists ' consumption environment has changed .

  22. 只有当虚假代言消失时,才能还消费者一个安全的消费环境。

    Only when false endorsement disappears can a secure environment come into existence for the consumers .

  23. 汽车消费环境的国际比较

    Global Comparison of Car Consumption Environment

  24. 从而营造一个公平有序,安全健康的食品消费环境。

    Only by doing so , can we create a fair systematical and healthy consumption circumstance .

  25. 这与宁夏社会、经济发展落后有关,也与宁夏社会总体消费环境和宁夏体育市场的完备程度密切相关。

    It is correlated with society of Ningxia and undeveloped economy and environment of total consumption .

  26. 消费环境不配套等等。

    Consume environment is not adaptive etc.

  27. 2改善消费环境,调整消费政策,引导居民正确的消费观念;

    Second , to improve consumption environment , to adjust consumption policy and induce proper consumption concept .

  28. 企业信息消费环境初探江西省居民信息消费的现状分析及发展对策

    Analysis on the Present Situation of the Residents ' Information Consumption in Jiangxi Province and Developing Countermeasures

  29. 粗粒度的服务接口:可以利用它们轻松地支持许多种服务消费环境;

    Coarse-Grained Service Interfaces which can be easily refined to support a multitude of service consumption scenarios ;

  30. 整顿和规范市场秩序,努力营造便利、安全、放心的消费环境。

    We will overhaul and standardize markets to create a convenient , safe and worry-free environment for consumers .