
chāo jí jì suàn jī
  • Supercomputer;super computer
  1. IBM公司一台名叫“沃森”的超级计算机在最新的人机大战中获胜。

    An IBM super computer named Watson has won the latest battle of man machine .

  2. 网格是把整个因特网整合成一台巨大的超级计算机,实现资源的全面共享,是下一代的Internet。

    The grid constituted by all the Internet resource that forms a super computer can share all the Internet resource and it will be the Internet of next gap .

  3. 超级计算机价格昂贵。

    Supercomputers are big-ticket items .

  4. 其最终目标是构建一台虚拟超级计算机,能实现服务点播(ServiceOnDemand)和一步到位服务(OneClickIsEnough)。

    Its final target is to set up a super virtual computer , realizing Service on Demand One Click Is Enough .

  5. 现在的IBM致力于服务、软件和沃森超级计算机。

    Now IBM is about services , software , Watson .

  6. 有关超级计算机的一个有趣事实是它们都运行了某个版本的Linux。

    One interesting fact about supercomputers is that they all run a version of Linux .

  7. 拿IBM来说,他们来到我们中间,提供了超级计算机沃森,

    IBM , for example , IBM came to us and offered their supercomputer Watson ,

  8. 第一台超级计算机曾经配备不是很多的CPU,

    The first supercomputers had a few more CPUs ,

  9. 具有超级计算机功能的CMOSDSP芯片

    CMOS DSP chip packs punch of a supercomputer

  10. 网格是在Internet的基础上发展起来的一组新兴技术,可看成一个集成的巨大的超级计算机。

    Grid , which is a new technology developed on the foundation of Internet , can be regard as an integrated and huge supercomputer .

  11. 20世纪90年代,当IBM的超级计算机“深蓝”击败国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫时,它登上了媒体头条。

    In the 1990s , it got headlines when deep blue beat world champion Gary Kasparov at chess .

  12. 新研制的天河-1A系统是由国防科技大学(NationalUniversityofDefenseTechnology)研制的,周四在北京召开的一场超级计算机会议上亮相。

    The new system , known as Tianhe-1A , was developed by the National University of Defense Technology and unveiled at a supercomputing conference in Beijing on Thursday .

  13. 基于Intel处理器的天河2号超级计算机,此前已在TOP500榜单上连续六度称雄。

    Tianhe-2 , an Intel-based supercomputer , had claimed the top spot on the past six TOP 500 lists .

  14. IBM公司鼎鼎大名的超级计算机沃森(Watson)在《危险边缘》(Jeopardy,美国一档著名的智力竞赛节目&译注)节目中击败了低劣的人类,但这仅仅是它小试牛刀的起点而已。

    Beating lowly humans on jeopardy was just the beginning .

  15. 它最初是为C语言设计的,后来被移植到各种计算系统(从小型嵌入式设备到大型超级计算机)中调试多种语言的代码。

    Originally designed for C , it 's been ported to debug code in many languages on a variety of computing systems , from tiny embedded devices to large-scale supercomputers .

  16. 去年Google决定将NASA可用的超级计算机作为霸权实验的标杆。

    Google struck an agreement last year to use supercomputers available to NASA as benchmarks for its supremacy experiments .

  17. NetRemoting的相关技术去构建一个分布式超级计算机,在一个具体的应用中进行分布式计算。

    Net remoting to build a distributed supercomputer , and carry on distributed calculation in a concrete application .

  18. 并行环境是网格计算的基础,项目中并行环境采用了专业的联想1800超级计算机和数台普通PC机组建的一个集群环境。

    Parallel Computation Environment is the basement of the grid compute . Our Parallel Computation Environment has a supercomputer Lenovo HPC 1800 and a PC cluster .

  19. 1997年,IBM的“深蓝”(DeepBlue)超级计算机击败了当时的国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    In 1997 , IBM 's Deep Blue supercomputer beat Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion .

  20. 当时的国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)被IBM的超级计算机“深蓝”(DeepBlue)击败。

    Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion , was beaten by IBM 's supercomputer , Deep Blue .

  21. 通过该系统,用户可以把通过网络连接的多台计算机看作一台超级计算机,它有多个CPU和多个存储器。

    Through this system , the user can regard this multi-computer of network as a super computer which has many CPUs and many memorizers .

  22. 本文介绍了基于UNIX平台的超级计算机群的网络资源管理系统的研究与应用。

    A research and application of supercomputers network management system which is based on Unix platform was introduced in this paper .

  23. NEC公司出售这种新型超级计算机的小型版本。

    NEC sells a scaled-down version of the new supercomputer .

  24. 网格将分布在Internet上的各种计算资源、数据资源、存储资源联系起来,用户无论在何地都可以共享Internet这个超级计算机。

    Grid technology combines all kinds of computational resource , data resource , storage resource scattered in the Internet , and it enable users all over the world take Internet as a virtual super computer .

  25. 网格是一种新的技术基础设施,作为一种重要的信息技术,网格的目的就是把整个因特网整合成一台巨大的超级计算机,实现Internet上所有资源的共享。

    Grid is a new technical infrastructure , as an important information technology , the purpose of the grid is to integrate the Internet into a giant super-computer , to achieve resource sharing on Internet .

  26. 这位45岁的科学家是超级计算机Watson的研发主力。

    Eric brown , a research scientist with IBM ( IBM ) , is charged with changing that .

  27. 尽管Linux最初开发为桌面操作系统环境,但现在在服务器、微型嵌入式设备、主机和超级计算机中都能发现它。

    Although Linux was originally developed as a desktop operating system experiment , you 'll now find it on servers , tiny embedded devices , mainframes , and supercomputers .

  28. 从表面看来,这套并行库感觉和Fortran或C程序员在超级计算机使用的OpenMP库非常相似。

    On the surface this feels a lot like the OpenMP library used by Fortran and C programmers on supercomputers .

  29. IBM公司与瑞士苏黎世联邦技术学院本周二宣布,他们计划利用水冷超级计算机系统散热过程中产生的热水来为学院的大楼供热。

    IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich plan to build a water-cooled supercomputer whose surplus heat will be re-used to heat the university 's buildings .

  30. 在分布式超级计算机(如IBMSP)上,矩阵乘的并行计算需要较多的数据移动,有效的数据传输对矩阵乘的实现至关重要。

    On distributed systems , such as IBM-SP , the multiplication of two matrices requires data transpose and the efficient data communication are crucial to its performance .