
  • 网络collision domain
  1. 以100base-t的速度连接单个冲突域内多个终端站的设备。

    A device that connects multiple end stations within a single collision domain at100base-t speeds .

  2. 两个网络中的所有设备属于同一冲突域。

    C. All the devices on both networks are members of the same collision domain .

  3. 本文提出了一个基于Web服务的事务处理协调框架,框架中采用支持功能候选的事务模型,以及基于冲突域的事务并发控制机制,以满足民航领域系统集成和流程自动化管理和实施的需求。

    This paper proposes a coordination framework of transaction processing based on Web Services . This framework applies the transaction model which supports function substitution , and the concurrency control coordination mechanism based on conflict sphere .

  4. DS-UWB通信系统CT-MAC协议中的冲突域计算

    Exclusion Region Calculation in CT-MAC Protocol of DS-UWB Communication System

  5. 桥定义广播域而交换机定义冲突域。

    E. Bridges define broadcast domain while switches define collision domains .

  6. 详细介绍了计算机局域网冲突域和广播域的基本知识,可以使用虚拟局域网技术来隔离广播域。

    This paper offers a detailed introduction to the basic knowledge on LAN collision area and broadcasting area .

  7. 以太网交换机可以将以太网划分为冲突域隔离的小网段,同时为端点提供更高速的网络性能。

    Ethernet switch can divide Ethernet into small segments of different collision areas and provide a higher speed network performance .

  8. 网络中数据包发生拥塞的地方就称为冲突域。

    The area within the network , where the data packets originated and collided , is called a collision domain .

  9. 尽管路由器因可以分割广播域而熟知,但更重要也要记住它同时也分割冲突域。

    Even though routers are known for breaking up broadcast domains by default , it 's important to remember that they break up collision domains as well .

  10. 本文的主要研究成果有:1.由于发送节点采用不同功率发送数据时的冲突域大小不同,影响其邻居节点发送的数据量也随之不同。

    The main contributions of this thesis are as follows : 1 . As sending nodes which use different power to transmit data have different conflict range , they affect different throughput of their neighbors .

  11. 以太网技术主要用于数据通信,但是冲突域机制和大量的广播报文带来的广播风暴问题使得很多专家对以太网作为主干网络心存疑虑。

    Ethernet technology is mainly used for data communication , but the collision domain mechanism and lots of broadcast message bring the problem of broadcast storm , which makes many experts doubt with Ethernet as a backbone network .

  12. 本文对IRBAC模型下的一些冲突和域穿梭给出了解决的方案。

    This paper proposed the solution for role conflicts and domain crossing in IRBAC model .

  13. 从法律冲突的法域及其对主体权利义务确定的方式上分析,少数民族婚姻习惯法与国家制定的婚姻法之间的冲突,具有“二级法律冲突”的属性。

    Analyzing from the ways which are used to make sure which kind law should be apply to and subjects ' right and duty when the laws conflict , the conflicts between minority marriage custom and national marriage law have the attribute of " secondary conflict of laws " .

  14. 由于域间的安全策略异构,在集成中命名冲突、角色层次异构、约束冲突等,域间的互操作和资源共享等就变的非常困难。

    As the heterogeneous of security policies , for example , naming conflicts , the heterogeneous of role level , the restraint conflict and so on , interoperability and the resource sharing , in the multi-domain environment , would be very difficult .