
  • 网络conflict management theory
  1. 营销渠道冲突管理理论研究述评

    Review of Conflict Management Theory in Marketing Distribution Channel

  2. 冲突管理理论初探

    A Study of Conflict Management Theory

  3. 第一章主要对西方渠道冲突管理理论作了系统的概括和介绍。

    This thesis includes four chapters : Chapter 1 mainly systematical introduces and generalizes the western theory of channel conflict management .

  4. 首先,本文对西方冲突管理理论进行回顾,对中国近二十年来关于组织内部冲突管理文献也进行了较详细的综述;

    Firstly , the thesis reviews the conflict management theories of the western countries , and detailed summarizes the Chinese literatures about conflict management over the past 20 years .

  5. 本文运用冲突管理理论分析土地利用冲突,以期为我国土地管理部门提供一些政策建议。

    This thesis uses the conflict management theory to analyze the land use conflict in order to provide some advises on policy for the land management department in our country .

  6. 本文以闽北林区为剖析对象,以冲突管理理论和产权理论等为主要理论依据,对商品林冲突管理进行了研究。

    This thesis , focusing on the forest areas in northern Fujian province , and armed with theories of conflict management and property rights , studies the management of the commercial forest conflict .

  7. 笔者认为,高校课堂有其自身的特点,应该将冲突管理理论的精髓引入高校课堂管理中,加强高校课堂管理,扭转高校课堂管理的现状。

    I believe that the university classroom has its own characteristics , should be the essence of conflict management theory into the college classroom management , strengthening the university classroom management , to reverse the status of universities classroom management .

  8. 研究冲突管理的理论。

    Examines theories of conflict management .

  9. 当前项目冲突及其管理的理论研究明显滞后于实践发展的需要。

    Conflict and its current project management theory research practice have lagged far behind in development .

  10. 本文的研究工作不仅从理论上丰富了认知冲突理论以及冲突管理理论,在总结认知冲突对页面质量影响规律中也丰富了页面质量影响因素,为页面质量的自动评估提供新的视角。

    This research work not only enriches the cognitive conflict theory and conflict management theory , but also provides a new research perspective of automatic page quality evaluation .

  11. 针对网络环境下IT企业营销渠道冲突的特殊性,并结合国内外相关渠道冲突管理理论,本文提出了基于冲突处理流程的网络环境下渠道冲突管理模式。

    This essay develops marketing channel conflict management model based on the conflict handling process from the channel conflict management theories and the special IT firms .

  12. 本文将分析D公司服务销售渠道冲突的成因,并针对这些原因结合渠道冲突管理的相关理论提出解决办法。

    This paper will analyze the causes of channel conflict .

  13. 希望通过本文对项目冲突及其管理进行的探讨,能够为项目管理人员进行项目冲突管理提供一些理论参考。

    In this paper , we hope it will help the project staff in conflict management to provide some reference .

  14. 第2章对国内外利益相关方理论和冲突理论研究情况进行了综述,并提出了解决利益相关方冲突管理的理论架构。

    The second chapter reviews literature on conflict management inside and outside China and proposes the theoretical framework on how to solve conflicts among stakeholders .

  15. 而西方学术界对渠道冲突问题早已做过深入的研究,并已形成了较为系统化的冲突管理理论。

    While in the western academia , the problem has been studied deeply and quite systematic theory of managing conflict has been built .

  16. 对冲突管理的方式、条件和目标等进行了初步分析,便于进一步了解冲突管理理论的具体内涵和操作方式,希望最终为外交实践提供有益的理论和实践指导。

    On the Administrative Guidance EDITOR 'S GUIDANCE The anthor hopes that the study could provide instructive theoretical and practical guidance for diplomatic practices .

  17. 本研究探讨企业员工人际冲突的处理模式,及其对员工行为的影响与作用机制,进而建构企业员工冲突管理的一套理论模型。

    This research explored the mode of handling interpersonal conflict , and its influence on employees ' behavior and action mechanisms .