
fǎ dìnɡ quán lì
  • statutory power
  1. 民事抗诉权是检察机关的一项法定权力,其来源于国家权力。

    Civil right of protest is a statutory power of procuratorial organs .

  2. 校长在办学治校中,依靠的不仅是法定权力和工作阅历,更重要的是在学校管理工作中如何充分发挥校长的非权力影响力。

    In the school running and management , the headmaster relies on his statutory power and working experience . But it is more important for him to give full play to his non - power influence in the school management .

  3. 《核数条例》赋予审计署署长法定权力,审核帐目是否妥善。

    The Audit Ordinance gives the Director statutory authority for conducting regularity audits .

  4. 他行使首相的法定权力去阻止这场调查。

    He exercised his legal right as Prime Minister to halt the investigation .

  5. 以上规则最初将只在法定权力更明晰的欧元区内部实行。

    All this would apply at first only to the euro zone , for which the legal powers are clearer .

  6. 知识与法定权力之间的不同亲和力是决定各种知识命运的关键因素。

    The differences of affinity between knowledge and legitimate power are key factors deciding the fate of all kinds of knowledge .

  7. 如果您不具备上述法定权力,请不要点击下面的“我接受”按钮。

    If you don 't have the legal authority to bind , please do not click the " I accept " button below .

  8. 但在法定权力和奖赏权力的理解和重视上,以及对某几种策略的应用则存在差异?

    Differences exist but only in the understanding of legitimate power and reward power rating situations and in the use of certain specific strategies .

  9. 中央政府机构和地方政府机构以外的机构,包括有执行技术法规的法定权力的非政府机构。

    Body other than a central government body or a local government body , including a non-governmental body which has legal power to enforce a technical regulation .

  10. 从权力的存在形态来看,可划分为应有权力、法定权力和实有权力。

    To the standard of the existing form of power , it can be subdivided into the original power , the law power and the actual power .

  11. 此项判决是中国在反垄断审查中首次动用2008年8月获得的法定权力,强制要求处置境外的资产。

    The ruling marks the first time that China has used powers introduced in August 2008 to compel disposals outside the mainland as part of an anti-monopoly review .

  12. 边区的乡市政权系统主要由民意机关、政府机关及其附属的各种委员会组成,这种正式的法定权力机构成为乡村社会权力的主体。

    Border regime in the rural or urban system was composed mainly of public institutions , government agencies and its various subsidiary committees that constitute the main power of rural society .

  13. 为此,我们会尽早成立一个具有法定权力的市区重建局,以提高规划和收地工作的效率和成效。

    To help in this regard , we will seek to establish as soon as possible an Urban Renewal Authority with statutory powers to make plans and acquire land more effectively and efficiently .

  14. 行政权限争议是行政机关之间法定权力的争议,该争议的合理、有效解决直接关涉公民合法权益的保障与公共利益的增长。

    It is the safeguard of the lawful welfare of the citizens to solve the disputes of administrative authority properly and efficiently , which are the disputes among administrative organs about the legal power .

  15. 有些行政机关有明确的法定权力补偿那些没有财力在特定的诉讼中表达其看法的团体和个人,总审计官也裁定,许多其他行政机关拥有欣示的自由裁量权给予补偿。

    A few agencies have explicit statutory power to compensate groups and individuals who lack the resources to present their views in particular proceedings , and the Comptroller General has ruled that many other agencies have implied discretionary authority to do so .

  16. 该委员会利用其法定权力,要求各公司提供证据,以调查为何在整个金融业,全职女性员工每年的总收入比男性少55%高于英国整体上28%的差距。

    The Commission used its statutory powers to require companies to provide evidence to discover why , across the sector , full-time women earn 55 per cent less gross annual salary than men compared with a 28 per cent gap for the economy generally .

  17. 超过了法定的权力或职权的范围,或者滥用了法定的权力或职权。一个司法官的职权范围。

    Beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority . the jurisdiction of a justiciar .

  18. 财务汇报局会有更广泛的法定调查权力,又独立于会计界之外,能更有效地展开调查工作。

    The FRC will be able to carry out investigations more effectively , as it will be given more comprehensive statutory investigatory powers and be independent of the accountancy profession .

  19. 平等作为西方国家行政官员的一个重要德性,是指行政官员在管理社会公共事务过程中只拥有法定的权力和权利,不享有也不该享有特殊的权力和权利,即特权。

    Equality , as an important moral of administrative officials in western countries , means that administrative officials only have legal power and rights in the process of managing social public affairs and that they do not and should not have special power and rights , that is privilege .

  20. 在我国,一般情况下只有法定的公权力机关才能依照法律的规定限制和剥夺人身自由。

    Only statutory public authority could restrict personal liberty in accordance with the provisions of the law under normal circumstances in China .

  21. 这样才能规范国有独资公司法定代表人的权力运行,确保国有资产保值增值。

    Based on these proposed measurements , the powers of the legal representative of the exclusively state-owned company can be effectively normalized and the value of the state-owned capital assets can be added .

  22. 国会和总统有权指定哥伦比亚特区和联邦领土内的法定假日,但却没有宣布全国性法定假日的权力。

    Congress and the president designate the legal holidays for the District of Columbia and the federal territories but are without power to declare national holidays .