
  • 网络socio-technical system;Sociotechnical System;Social-technology method
  1. 发现和解决社会技术系统冲突情形的多项选择的开发方法和计算机方法;

    Developing methods and computer means for multiple choice of uncovering and resolving conflict situations in sociotechnical systems ;

  2. 强调通过职位扩大化,职位丰富化方式来提高工作的复杂性,通过围绕各种社会技术系统来对职位进行构建。

    A focus on increasing job complexity through job enlargement , job enrichment , and the construction of jobs around sociotechnical systems .

  3. 舰船系统是一个复杂的社会技术系统(STS)。

    The naval vessel system is a complicated socio-technical system ( STS ) .

  4. NASA作为一个社会技术系统:如何管理?其管理中的主要问题是什麽?

    NASA as a sociotechnical system : how is it managed ? what are the main issues in its management ?

  5. 基于社会技术系统理论的舰船系统设计

    Design of Naval Vessel System Based on Theory of Socio-technical System

  6. 社会技术系统理论及其在项目组织设计中的应用

    Sociotechnical System Theory and Its Application in the Organizational Design of Project

  7. 安全文化在复杂社会技术系统安全控制中的作用

    The Role of Safety Culture in Safety Control of Complicated Socio-Technical System

  8. 复杂社会技术系统安全事故的成因结构敏感性及预防对策研究

    Structural Sensitivity of Accident Causation for Complex Socio-technical System and Its Preventive Countermeasures

  9. 复杂社会技术系统安全控制人因研究的转变趋向

    The New Trends of Human Factor Research in Safety Control of Complex Socio-technical Systems

  10. 在复杂社会技术系统中,人因失误已成为引发事故的最主要原因之一。

    In a complex social-technology system , human error has become a main cause leading to accidents .

  11. 复杂社会技术系统发展的特征对系统中人因产生了极大的影响。

    Recent developments of complex socio-technical systems make a strong impact on human performance in these systems .

  12. 煤矿生产系统是一个复杂的社会技术系统,其中关于煤矿重大瓦斯事故的致因机理也具有复杂性。

    As a complex socio-technical system , the accident causes in the coal mine system come with even more complexity .

  13. 复杂社会技术系统通常以团队方式运行,认识与预防团队人误是控制安全风险的重要途径。

    Identifying and preventing team errors is one of the important means to control safety risk in complex social-technical system .

  14. 本文认为,煤矿这一社会技术系统的要素众多、功能复杂,多输入多输出等特征带来了事故致因的复杂性。

    It is pointed out the huge , multi functional and multi input and output socio technical system that brings complexity to accidents causing .

  15. 本文在组织层面上对最优社会技术系统整合设计方法进行探讨,把社会技术方法引入组织创新,以提高组织创新绩效和成功率。

    In order to improving the performance and success of organizational innovation , the optimal integrated social-technical approach is discussed and applied in this paper .

  16. 工作生活质量是在社会技术系统理论的基础上,在员工需求发生极大变化的时候出现的新概念,并引起国内外学者的极大关注。

    Based on a large sample survey , the study offers detailed comparative analyses on job and life stress between public servants and enterprise staff in our country .

  17. 用新的视角(社会技术系统理论)对会计决策支持系统与环境和组织的关系作了深入的探讨;

    By adopting a new perspective , that is , social technical systematic theory , it discusses deeply on the ADSS 's relationship with its environment and its organization .

  18. 但企业信息系统,尤其是管理型信息系统,作为一个复杂的社会技术系统,与其相关的评价并不是一个简单的技术项目评估问题,而是一个复杂的社会过程。

    But being a perplexing process of society and technique , the evaluation of information system is not a simple problem about technology yet , but a perplexing society process .

  19. 因此,本文以具有高风险的复杂社会技术系统为研究对象,深入分析影响系统安全运行的组织因素,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。

    So , the paper chose the high risk Complex-Social systems to study and analyses the impact of organization factors on system operation security has important theoretical and practical value .

  20. 从先进制造模式与组织变革的趋势出发,综合运用社会技术系统、现代组织管理与组织经济学的理论观点,定义了最优组织单元的概念。

    From the trade of the advanced manufacturing mode and the change of organization , the conception of optimization organization unit is defined , which applies Socio-Technical System , modern organization management and organizational economics synthetically .

  21. 信息工程及其社会-技术系统工程特征

    Information Engineering and its features of society - technique system engineering

  22. 核电厂是一个复杂社会&技术系统,包括技术设备、人和组织及环境三大元素以及它们的子系统。

    Nuclear power plant ( NPP ) is a social-technic complex , including technical equipments , human and organization & environment as well as their subsystems .

  23. 根据社会-技术系统理论,企业的生产系统可看作是一个多层递阶控制系统,该系统可能呈现不同的安全状态;

    Based on social-technical system theory , enterprise production system can be modeled as a multi-layer hierarchical control system , which may show different safety statuses .

  24. 由于企业是一个复杂的社会-技术系统,组织与过程的优化重构是制造资源优化配置的基础。

    As an enterprise is a complex socio-technical system , the optimal reconfiguration of organizations and processes is of critical significance in optimally allocating and restructuring manufacturing resources .

  25. IT项目的复杂社会&技术系统本质决定了其建设过程的高风险特征,于是也使项目风险管理具有更高的经济杠杆作用。

    Risk management in IT project plays a great leverage role because of the high_risk characteristic of IT project determined by its nature as a complex social _tech system .

  26. 经济区域内的公路运输站场群体是一个社会经济技术系统,站场选址涉及到很多定性和定量的因素,因此必须对站场备选地址进行综合权衡。

    Road transport within the economic zone station group is a social-economic-technical system , and depot location involves many qualitative and quantitative factors , therefore , it is necessary to conduct comprehensive station weigh alternative address .

  27. 尽管如此,您应该意识到使用社会工程技术危害系统往往更加简单。

    Nonetheless , be aware that it is often easier to compromise systems using social engineering techniques .

  28. 服务系统是社会化的技术系统,为服务的实现和交付提供支撑平台。

    The service system is the socialization technology system , providing the supporting platform for realization and delivery of service in the modern service industry .

  29. 对于与技术和政治经济领域中的变化速度相结合的现代企业环境的随机性和波动性特点,只能通过与当代全球社会经济和技术系统的要求特性相应的、必要的多样性进行妥善管理。

    The stochastic and volatile character of the modern enterprise environment combined with the speed of change in technical and political economic spheres can only be properly managed with the requisite variety corresponding to the demands characteristic of the contemporary global socioeconomic and technological systems .

  30. 具体分析了这一理论的3条研究路线:社会建构方法、技术系统方法、行动者网络方法。

    There are three concrete research approaches for this theory : social construction approach , technological system and actor networks .