
chénɡ běn fǎ
  • law of costs
  1. 随着股市波动,当股价下跌时,按照平均成本法投资将买入更多股票,而当股价上涨时,则买入的更少。

    As prices fluctuate , the dollar-cost averager will buy more of the market when prices are low , and less when prices are high .

  2. 作业成本法在H家具厂的应用

    The Application of ABC to H Furniture Manufactory

  3. ABC成本法对管理决策的意义

    Importance of Activity - Based Costing in Decision - making

  4. 最后,以改进的重置成本法为理论基础,运用面向对象的高级程序语言VISUALBASIC6.0设计开发了一套旧机动车鉴定估价信息系统。

    Finally , according to the improved Production Costs Method , designs an appraisal and assessment system of the used motor vehicles by Visual Basic 6.0 .

  5. CPC理念下基于作业成本法的动态联盟伙伴企业的评价与选择

    Evaluating and Selecting for Companion Enterprises of AVE at a improved ABC Method On the basis of CPC 's Theory

  6. 通过快递物流企业的个案分析,探讨基本作业成本法(ABC法)在物流成本核算中的可行性。

    Analyzing the individual case of logistics enterprises , the paper discusses the feasibility of applying ABC method in logistics cost calculation .

  7. 通过考虑时间和物价变动因素,对成本法中旧有房地产估价的折旧方法进行了改进,并应用AHP法来量化影响成新率的各项因素的影响值大小。

    Through taking account of the influences of time and price fluctuant , I mended the old method of discount calculation and used AHP to make the influences quantitative .

  8. 通过分析传统的ABC(作业成本法)的缺陷,引出可以克服ABC缺陷的一种新的成本分析法(PVA法)。

    It gets a new cost analysis method ( PVA ) through analyzing the shortcomings of current ABC methodologies . It mainly explains how PVA improves ABC .

  9. 然而,即使作业成本法兴盛一时,IMA却发现这种兴盛难以持久。

    However , even though ABC had been popular for a while , IMA soon found that this popularity can not be sustainable .

  10. 方法:回顾性分析军事医学科学院附属医院44例肿瘤患者使用国产和进口长春瑞滨的情况,采用最小成本法对NP方案(长春瑞滨+顺铂)进行经济学评价。

    Methods : To retrospectively analyze 44 cases on the application of vinorelbine in therapeutic scheme of NP ( vinorelbine + DDP ) and to evaluate the economic effectiveness with minimized cost analysis .

  11. 目前,作业成本法(ABC)因被认为是确定和控制成本最有前途的方法而受到物流企业管理者和学术研究者的广泛关注。

    At present , Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ) is given the logistics enterprise managers and academic researchers ' attention because it is considered to be the most promising method to identify and control cost .

  12. 此方法使作业成本法和MRPⅡ软件有机地结合在一起,不仅降低了作业成本法的实施难度,也提升了MRPⅡ软件的成本核算功能。

    The method integrates the activity costing with MRP ⅱ software . It not only solves the implementary difficulty of activity costing , but also upgrades the function of the costing of MRP ⅱ software .

  13. 第三,将作业成本法(Activity-basedCosting,简称ABC)引入物流成本计量,建立了制造企业物流成本ABC计量模型,并详细分析了制造企业运用作业成本法计量物流总成本的可行性。

    To fulfill this aim , this article imports the activity based costing into the measurement of logistics cost and analyzed in detail the feasibility of measure the logistics total cost by the activity based costing in manufacture .

  14. 作业成本法(ABC成本法)的重点是对生产成本中的间接费用依据成本动因进行分配,并可以通过对作业价值链的分析消除和压缩不必要的非增值作业,最终降低产品成本。

    The aim of processing costing method ( ABC costing ) is to attribute the indirect cost of manufacturing based on cost motivation , and through analysis to eliminate and cut down unnecessary processing so as to reduce products ' cost .

  15. 基于工作流管理系统、使用作业成本法提出建立面向PLE软件过程的成本管理系统的方法。

    Based on workflow management system and using activity based costing method , this paper presented a way to create a activity based costing system oriented to PLE Software process .

  16. 长期股份投资在会计核算上有两种方法:成本法和权益法。

    There exist two accounting methods in the long-term equity investment ;

  17. 无形资产评估成本法适用性探讨

    The Applicability of the Cost Mothod on the Intangible Assets Assessment

  18. 从经济学角度看作业成本法的应用

    Economic Analysis of the Application of the Activity - based Costing

  19. 基于重置成本法的分别比估计在机器设备评估中的应用

    Application of Separate Ratio Estimator to Appraisal of Machinery and Equipment

  20. 基于作业成本法的高科技企业技术开发项目成本管理研究

    Activity-based Costing in High-tech Enterprise Technology Development Project Cost Management Research

  21. 改进的重置成本法评估旧机动车价值IT的价值

    Improvement for used motor vehicle value assessment with production costs method

  22. 作业成本法在现代船舶制造企业中的应用研究

    The Research on Application of Activity-based Accounting in Contemporary Shipbuilding Enterprises

  23. 论作业成本法与经济增加值的结合应用

    On a Combined Application of Job Costing and Economic Value Added

  24. 探索变动成本法与现行财务会计相结合的模式

    Try to Find the Model Combined Variable Costing and Absorption Costing

  25. 民营企业作业成本法的创新与实践

    The Innovation and Practice of Operation Costs Method of Private-owned Enterprises

  26. 变动成本法与全部成本法损益差量研究

    Study of the Differential Profit about Variable Costing and Full Costing

  27. 因此在作业成本法下必须对传统的本量利分析模型进行修正。

    According to ABC , we should modify the traditional CVP model .

  28. 企业作业成本法研究

    On the cost of operation Research on Application of Activity

  29. 成本法核算时长期股权投资收益的确认

    The Confirmation of Long-term Share Investing Gains in Working out the Cost

  30. 基于作业成本法下物流企业成本控制研究

    The Study of Cost Control in Logistics Enterprise Based on Activity-Based Cost