
  • 网络refined oil;Oil;petroleum products;Refined oil product
  1. 全国重点监测的粮食生产、加工企业的复工率达94.6%;天然气、电力、成品油供应充足。

    About 94.6 percent of the country 's major grain production and processing firms have resumed production , while supply of natural gas , electricity and refined oil is sufficient .

  2. VMI模式下成品油补货问题研究

    Under the VMI pattern the refined oil makes up the goods question to study

  3. GIS在成品油营销管理中的应用研究

    Application Study of GIS in the Marketing Management of the Product Oil

  4. 成品油管道顺序输送中V形锥流量计的模拟研究

    Simulation on the Fluid Flow of V-cone Flowmeter in Product Pipelines of Batch Transportation

  5. 用Excel解决成品油二次配送路线优化问题

    Solve Secondary Distribution Route Optimizing Problem of Oil Products by Excel

  6. 2004年12月11日,中国兑现加入WTO的承诺,正式对外资开放成品油零售市场;

    China formally opened the retail market of processed oil to foreign capital on December 11 , 2004 , fulfilling its commitment of WTO .

  7. 中石化表示,其并没有甩卖国II标准成品油,也没有打算提高国III成品油的价格。

    Sinopec has said it is not dumping Standard Two products and does not plan to increase prices for Standard Three products .

  8. 随着我国逐步落实WTO承诺以及国家进一步放开成品油营销市场,行业内企业竞争日趋激烈,因此成品油行业也亟需对国内市场营销进行战略选择,以更好地适应市场发展,维持企业的竞争优势。

    Along with the gradual implementation of WTO commitments , as well as the country further open product marketing in the industry market , enterprise competition is becoming increasingly fierce .

  9. 随着中国加入WTO后成品油市场的逐步开放,液体石油产品交接模式必须与国际接轨。

    Along with the gradual opening of Chinese refined oil products market after entering WTO , the manner of liquid petroleum product hand - over shall be in line with international practice .

  10. 根据加入WTO的有关协议,中国已经在2004年底开放成品油零售市场,并将在2007年开放成品油批发市场。

    According to the agreements on WTO , China has already opened its retail market of product oil at the end of 2004 , and will open its wholesale market in 2007 .

  11. 中国加入WTO后,承诺2004年底开放成品油零售市场,2006年底开放成品油批发市场。

    After the entry of WTO , the government of china has promised that the retail market and the wholesale market of petroleum will be opened by the end of 2004 and 2006 respectively .

  12. 本文采用SWOT分析方法,论述了我国成品油物流的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁,为我国成品油物流的发展提供参考。

    Based on SWOT analysis method , this paper analyzes the strength , weakness , opportunity , threat of refined oil logistics of China and provides reference for the development of it .

  13. 接下去,在上述研究结果的基础上,应用实时专家系统工具G2开发了成品油调合调度系统软件。

    Next , based on above researching results , it develops the product oil blending and scheduling system software utilizing the real time expert system tool G2 .

  14. 本文基于客户朋艮务器(C/S)构架,运用组件GIS(COMGIS)技术开发了一个成品油营销管理系统,并介绍了系统的部分功能及其相关实现技术。

    Based on the framework of C / S , this thesis has utilized the technology of Com GIS to develop the product oil marketing administrative system , and has introduced some functions of the system and the relevant realization technology .

  15. 为了解决建模中样本数据选择问题,在分析加油站每日成品油销售记录和相关辅助信息的基础上,针对BP网络模型提出了几种样本选择方式和网络输入输出设计模式。

    For solving sample selection during the modeling , several methods of selecting samples and designing patterns of network in-out on aiming at BP model are presented on the basis of analyzing daily sale records and specified interrelated assistant information in a gas station .

  16. 成品油的合理营销需要管理具有空间位置差异的实体及其各类属性信息,因此,在GIS的基础上建立统计地理信息系统(StatisticalGIS,简称SGIS)是必然的。

    The rational marketing of the product oil needs to manage the entity with difference of spatial location and all kinds of attribute data . So , it is inevitable to set up the Statistical Geographical Information System on the basis of GIS ( SGIS ) .

  17. 在格拉成品油管道上对局部管段进行了FLOXS减阻剂的应用试验。

    Application test of FLOXS drag reducer in partial section of Gela Oil Product Pipeline has been carried out .

  18. 以BRGISC模型知识表示方法为基础,实现了中石油大连配送分公司某片区成品油配送VRPTW问题的实例求解。

    Based on the presented model representation method , we solve the gas distribution vehicle routing problem with time windows in the north area of Dalian Distribution Center of China Petroleum Corp.

  19. 同时,埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等美国超级石油巨头以及Phillips66等炼油企业还在出口创纪录数量的成品油,以满足拉丁美洲与非洲对汽油、柴油和煤油的需求,进一步降低美国的石油净进口量。

    In addition , US super-majors and refiners such as ExxonMobil and Phillips 66 are exporting record quantities of oil products to meet soaring demand for gasoline , diesel and kerosene in Latin America and Africa , lowering the countrys net oil imports .

  20. 兰成渝成品油管道仿真系统的开发

    The Development of Simulation System for Lanzhou Chengdu Chongqing Products Pipeline

  21. 耐沾污型成品油储罐外防腐涂料的研究

    Study on Anti-contamination External Coating Material of Products Oil Storage Tank

  22. 我国成品油管道运输发展的几个问题

    Several Points on the Development of Product Pipeline Transportation in China

  23. 成品油销售企业导入顾客满意战略之浅见

    Views on introduction of CS strategy in refined oil sales companies

  24. 成品油物流配送运输优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Product Oil Logistics , Distribution and Transportation

  25. 中国原油和成品油流通体制的改革

    Reform of China 's Crude and Finished Oil Products Distribution System

  26. 论中石油成品油销售企业的企业形象塑造

    A Thesis of Corporate Image-Building of PetroChina Finished Oil Sales Enterprise

  27. 高度市场竞争环境下的国内成品油营销策略思考

    Marketing strategies for domestic oil products in a fiercely competitive market

  28. 成品油顺序输送时的混油粘度计算与误差分析

    Calculation and Error Analysis of Contaminated Viscosity in the Batch Transportation

  29. 炼油产能过剩导致国内成品油供给增长。

    Excess refining capacity is leading to higher product supplies domestically .

  30. 格&拉成品油管道技术改造试点工程回顾

    Review the Technique Reformation Engineering of Ge-La Finished Product Oil Pipeline