
  1. 份额油比重仍将继续增加。

    The proportion of share oils continuing increase .

  2. 随着石油净进口量逐年递增,积极参与国际石油资源开发、确保我国21世纪石油供应安全和在海外石油资源中拥有更多的份额油已成为我国石油资源战略的重要组成部分之一。

    With the net import volume of petroleum increasing year by year , one or the important petroleum resources strategies of our country is to actively participate in the international petroleum development so that we can guarantee petroleum supply from oversea in 21st century with more share oil abroad .

  3. 未来20年我国石油需求的50%左右可由国内石油生产来满足,国外份额油和包括俄罗斯及哈萨克斯坦原油在内的外贸油的稳定进口将使我国的石油供给基本安全。

    China can depend on the domestic oil production to satisfy 50 percent of the demand in the next two decades while the overseas equity oil and the stable oil import including the piped oil coming from foreign trade will also secure the basic oil supply for the country .
