
  • 网络achievement motivation theory;Theory of Achievement Motivation;McClelland Achievement Motivation Theory
  1. 自我价值理论是一种成就动机理论。

    The self-worth theory is a kind of achievement motivation theory .

  2. 基于成就动机理论的网络学习影响因素分析

    The Analysis of International Study Influence Elements in the View of Achievement Motivation Theory

  3. 这三个因素都是成就动机理论的重要组成部分。

    These three factors are important constructs in achievement motivation theories .

  4. 结合教学实践,谈谈怎样运用成就动机理论调动学生学习英语的积极性。

    How to arouse students'interest in English by applying the principle of achievement motivation .

  5. 第二部分是职业经理人激励的意义,第三部分相关理论综述与研究,包括层次需要论、成就动机理论、委托代理理论、人力资本理论等;

    Second is the meaning of Professional Executive motivation ; third is relative theory statement ;

  6. 成就动机理论与英语教学

    Theory of achievement motivation and English education

  7. 成就动机理论一直是学习心理学家和语言学家重点研究的课题之一,他们认为成就动机是一种较高级的社会性动机,是学生课堂学习中的一种主要动机。

    Achievement motivation as one of relatively advanced social motivations has still been studying by psychologists and linguists .

  8. 然后以成就动机理论为基础,建立大客户经理的需求动机与营销绩效关系模型。

    Then based on achievement motivation theory , establish the key account manager needs motivation and marketing performance relationship model .

  9. 文章就成就动机理论分析了教师应如何激发学生的外语学习动机。

    Based on the theory of achievement motivation , the paper analyses how to excite students ' motivation to learn foreign languages .

  10. 奥苏贝尔成就动机理论从认知驱力、自我一增强驱力、附属驱力三方面阐述了学生的学习动机。

    Ausubel achievement motivation theory explains the students'motivation of learning in the following three aspects : cognitive drive , self-enhance drives and affiliated drives .

  11. 韦纳吸收早期归因研究的观点和成就动机理论,提出了动机归因理论。

    Weiner derives the strength from aspects of achievement motivation and views of the prior researchers on attribution and constructs the attribution theory of motivation .

  12. 第三部分介绍了地理学习动机研究的理论基础,包括强化理论、成就动机理论、归因理论、自我效能感理论等。

    The third chapter describes the theoretical basis of the motivation of high school geography , including the reinforcement theory , the achievement motivation theory , attribution theory , self-efficacy theory .

  13. 运用自我效能感的原理和麦克利兰的成就动机理论,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,在体育专业大学生中进行自我效能感和成就动机的关系研究。

    In the light of the theory of self-consciousness and the achievement motive theory , the author makes a research into the relationship between the self-consciousness and the achievement motive of PE major students .

  14. 学习动机理论试图对这个问题作出解释。学习动机理论包括认知成就动机理论和归因动机理论,人本主义的动机理论,行为主义的强化动机理论等。

    Learning motivation theories , which consist of achievement motivation theory , attribution motivation theory , humanism motivation theory , and strength motivation theory , try to explain what causes student 's original learning motivation .

  15. 同时,作为社会认知学理论框架内影响教师专业发展的另外两个心理机制教师自我效能感和成就动机在理论上被认为与教师倦怠存在着紧密的内在联系。

    Meanwhile , teacher self-efficacy and achievement motivation , other two important psychological mechanisms in the framework of social cognition , are theoretically considered as closely related to teacher burnout .

  16. 作为外语教师在教学中要充分应用成就动机归因理论,引导学生逐渐将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机,帮助他们形成有效的学习策略,减少学生学习英语的困难,提高学习效率。

    It fails to include requirements on English learning strategies particular to junior middle-school students . Teachers should make full use of achievement motivation to ensure their long interest in English , to form their learning strategy and to improve learning efficiency .

  17. 成就动机的归因理论与教学改革

    Attribution Theory of Achievement Motivation and Teaching Reform

  18. 第三章,从成就动机的相关理论和网络学习的相关理论出发,分析了本研究的理论基础,为研究的顺利开展寻找到理论的支持。

    The third chapter is about the theoretical framework of this study , namely , the theory of achievement motivation and that of cyber-learning .

  19. 成就动机的多重目标理论

    The multiple goal theory of achievement motivation

  20. 成就动机的自我价值理论认为,学生的成就行为是为了保护自我价值。

    According to the self-worth theory of motivation , the behaviors of students are in order to protect their self-worth .

  21. 成就动机是社会心理学理论中一个重要概念,它指个体追求自认为重要的有价值的工作,并使之达到完美状态的内在心理过程。

    Achievement motivation is an important concept in the theory of social psychology . Achievement motivation is that Individual pursuit the job which thinks important or valuable , and . makes the perfect state of internal mental process . Domestic and foreign scholars have studied in this .