
  • 网络incentive structure
  1. 激励结构和法律框架对我们有利。

    The incentive structure and legal framework work in our favour .

  2. 信息费用与国有企业激励结构设计

    Informational cost and the incentive structure of state enterprises

  3. 因此利用PZT进行做多激励结构健康监测有广阔的应用前景。

    So , PZT can be used widely in smart materials and structure .

  4. 但是,内生于这种激励结构的相对绩效评估又造成了城乡和地区间收入差距的持续扩大、地区之间的市场分割和公共事业的公平缺失等问题。基于DEA模型的政府绩效相对有效性评估

    In the meantime , the relative evaluation-based incentive schemes lead to inter-regional market segmentation , increasing inter-regional development gaps and unequal provision of certain public goods . The Application of DEA Model to Government Performance Evaluation

  5. 地震多点激励结构随机分析方法

    A random analytical approach for structures with random multi-point earthquake exciation

  6. 随机激励结构-声场耦合振动声学数值仿真研究

    Research on Acoustic Numerical Simulation for Structure-Acoustic Coupled Random Vibration

  7. 受任意激励结构的独立模态空间控制方法

    Independent Modal-Space Control Method for Multimode Structures Under Arbitrary Excitation

  8. 受演变随机地震激励结构的时变功率谱分析

    Analysis of time-dependent PSD for structures subjected to evolutionary random seismic excitations

  9. 稳态强迫激励结构振动最优控制

    The optimal vibration control of structure excited by steady force

  10. 很多评论一直集中在高层管理团队的激励结构上。

    Much comment has focused on incentive structures for senior executive teams .

  11. 受演变随机激励结构响应的精细逐步积分法基于反应谱的土与结构相互作用体系演变随机激励响应

    Response spectra methods of the evolutionary stochastic excitation for seismic response of soil-structure system

  12. 受非均匀调制演变随机激励结构响应快速精确计算

    Fast and precise computation of structural responses to non uniformly modulated evolutionary random excitations

  13. 股权结构和公司成长性:上市公司股权激励结构的实证分析

    Ownership Structure and Corporation Growth From Corporation

  14. 政策性信用担保的激励结构

    Compared the actuality of the structure of th Incentive System of Credit Guaranteed by Government

  15. 很多企业的激励结构是为了将风险降至最低,而不是将机遇最大化。

    The incentive structures of many companies are to minimise risk rather than maximise opportunity .

  16. 创新企业激励结构分析

    Incentive Structure in Innovation Corporation

  17. 对受非均匀调制演变随机激励结构响应问题进行了研究。

    The research on the responses of structures subjected to non-uniformly modulated evolutionary random excitations is performed .

  18. 对金融机构资本充足率的要求会被提高,同时激励结构将会被重新调整,以控制冒险行动。

    Capital ratio requirements for financial institutions will rise , and incentive structures will be re-calibrated to damp risk-taking .

  19. 尽管核物理术语或许已经渗透到了整个金融领域,但激励结构却还没有,这让人遗憾。

    While the language of nuclear physics might have moved across into finance , the incentive structures have sadly not .

  20. 这可以将反应谱方法推广应用到多点激励结构的抗震可靠度分析中。

    This method makes it possible to apply the response spectrum to the seismic reliability analysis of structures subjected to multi-support excitations .

  21. 它形塑行为主体的价值偏好,是隐藏在其行为背后的运行机理和内在逻辑,构建了对行为主体特定的激励结构。

    Institution is operation mechanism and internal logic of the behavior , which shapes the value preference and builds specific incentive structure .

  22. 这说明经理人的激励结构实际上是由股东和债权人降低各自面临的代理成本的努力所共同决定着的。

    So the incentive structure for managers is the common efforts by shareholders and creditors to reduce their agency costs in fact .

  23. 鲍莫尔认为,制度激励结构的改变会影响企业家才能在生产性和非生产性活动之间的配置。

    Ballmer considered that the change in the structure of incentives will affect entrepreneur 's distribution between the production and non-productive activities .

  24. 各国的要务看上去各不相同:法国和英国一直强调激励结构;美国重视的是自营交易的风险。

    Priorities have seemed to differ : France and the UK have emphasised incentive structures ; the us the dangers of proprietary trading .

  25. 通过对合同进行分解分布实施,或改变合同的激励结构可以在一定程度上抑制失信动机。

    However this can be restrained by dividing contract and carried into execution step by step , or changed by changing the incentive structure of contract .

  26. 机构性资产管理的激励结构与效应分析结构可能受到的激励有几种类型。

    The Management of Organizational Assets : Stimulation Arrangement and the Out Comes ; There are several types of excitation to which structures may be subjected .

  27. 与财政政策相比,鼓励央行加入这种联合行动的激励结构产生搭便车问题的可能性更小。

    The incentive structure for central banks to join such concerted action is less likely to create free rider problems than is the case for fiscal policy .

  28. 政府的隐性担保在节约了财政补贴的情况下保障了转型条件下国有经济部门的顺畅融资,但隐性担保合约的不完备性也必然导致激励结构的扭曲。

    Implicit guarantee mechanism guaranteed state-owned sectors convenient financing with decreasing fiscal subsidies , but the incompleteness of implicit guarantee contract also caused distortion of incentive structure .

  29. 制度变革能够引致激励结构的变化,释放经济主体的创造力和参与经济活动的积极性,优化资源配置方式,刺激科技创新。

    Institutional reform can result in the change of prompting structure , release the creativity and activity of economy main body , optimize the resource allocation and stimulate technical innovation .

  30. 徐策和王元表示,超宽松的货币政策、政府投资计划极少或根本没有监督,以及扭曲的官员激励结构,在很大程度上酿成了这些浪费。

    Mr Xu and Ms Wang said ultra-loose monetary policy , little or no oversight over government investment plans and distorted incentive structures for officials were largely to blame for the waste .