
  • 网络hormone;hormone drugs
  1. 结果中药生姜、半夏和激素类药物均可用于预防离子型造影剂在脑部CT增强中产生的过敏反应。

    1995 to May 2000.Results Chinese medicine , ginger , pinellia and hormone medicine were all useful in preventing the anaphylaxis of ionic-type radiography agent in brain enhancement CT .

  2. 米勃龙(Mibolerone)为一高药效低副作用同化激素类药物,其物理常数、光谱性质、具体合成方法却未见文献报导。

    Mibolerone is a high efficiency and low side-effect assimilation hormone , whose physical constants , spectral properties and synthetic method have not been reported in the literature .

  3. 糖皮质激素类药物能有效抑制IL-13和CCL24的产生,减轻炎症反应。

    Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate can effectively inhibit its production and relieve inflammatory reaction .

  4. 薯蓣皂苷元(Diosgenin)是合成多种甾体激素类药物和甾体避孕药的理想前体,占甾体激素类药物原料的60%。

    Diosgenin is an important precursor in the synthesis of steroidal hormones and steroidal contraceptives , and about 60 % steroidal hormone medicines are produced from it .

  5. 目的:对结构相似的10种类固醇激素类药物进行定性鉴别。

    Objective : To identify 10 steroid hormones which have similar structures .

  6. 类固醇激素类药物的褶合光谱法鉴别分析

    Identification of steroid hormones by using the convolution spectrum method

  7. 皂素是合成甾体激素类药物的重要原料。

    Diosgenin is important raw material of making steroidal medicine .

  8. 黄姜根茎富含皂素,是生产甾体激素类药物的基础原料。

    It is the basic raw material of producing steroid hormone medicine .

  9. 水包油型微乳液相色谱分离激素类药物的影响因素

    Influence factors of the separation of steroids using oil-in-water microemulsion liquid chromatography

  10. 生产环境中激素类药物残留量检测验证

    Verification on the Detection of Hormone Medicine Residues in the Factory Environments

  11. 性激素类药物诱发胆囊结石的实验研究

    The experimental study on forming of gallstone induced by drugs of sex hormone

  12. 给黄鳝服用了激素类药物吗?

    Can mud eel be fed with hormone medicines ?

  13. 甾体激素类药物是世界上仅次于抗生素的第二大类药物。

    The steroid hormone is the second largest medicine in the world after antibiotic .

  14. 目的探讨雄性激素类药物丙酸睾丸素对肿瘤恶液质患者的辅助治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the adjunctive therapy effects of androgens in treating terminal cancer cachexia .

  15. 糖皮质激素类药物生产对妊娠生理及子代的影响

    The Effects of Glucocorticoids Hormone Drug-production on the Maternal Physiology in Pregnancy and the Filial Generation

  16. 低压性缺氧及糖度质激素类药物对大鼠大脑皮层和肺内β-受体的影响

    Effect of hypobaric hypoxia and glucocorticoids on β - adrenoceptor in rat cerebral cortex and lung

  17. 目的:评价芬太尼透皮贴剂结合糖皮质激素类药物预防性治疗介入栓塞术后疼痛的疗效、安全性及对生活质量的影响。

    Objective : To estimate anti-pain effect of Durogesic combined with dexamethasone after interventional embolism therapy .

  18. 目的:观察激素类药物对针刺治疗面神经麻痹疗效的影响。

    Purpose To observe effect of hormones drug on therapeutic effect of facial paralysis treated with acupuncture .

  19. 子宫肌瘤常规的治疗方法为子宫全切除术、子宫次全切除术、肌瘤剔除术、激素类药物治疗等。

    Routine therapy for uterine fibroids include hysterectomy , uterine hypo-resection , hormone medication therapy and so on .

  20. 中成药和保健食品中非法添加肾上腺皮质激素类药物的检测方法研究

    HPLC-MS / MS Determination of Corticoid Illegally Adulterated in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Food adrenal cortical hormone

  21. 激素类药物进行腹腔神经丛阻滞术可能有助于病人度过剧烈疼痛期。

    Celiac plexus block using steroids may be helpful to tide patients over an episode of severe pain .

  22. 亚历克斯曾经尝试过按摩、水疗等方式,甚至在赛前注射可的松(一种用于治疗活动性风湿症、类风湿关节炎等病的激素类药物)。

    Alex Naddour has tried massages , a hot tub for recovery and gotten cortisone shots before a competition .

  23. 目的:探索检测饲料和动物性产品中克伦特罗等违禁激素类药物快速、灵敏、方便的检测方法。

    Objective : To study analytical method for detecting clenbuterol and its analogous hormone in feed and animal products .

  24. 目的为研究双黄连粉针剂与临床常用抗生素、激素类药物是否可以配伍使用。我们对双黄连粉针与抗生素、激素类及几种常用的急救用药配伍实验进行了研究。

    Objective To study whether Shuanghuanglian injection powder has compatibility with antibiotics and steroids which are common used in clinic .

  25. 糖皮质激素类药物地塞米松磷酸钠是一类应用广泛的处方药,主要作用是抗炎和免疫抑制。

    Glucocorticoids are also one of the most commonly prescribed drugs worldwide , primarily used for their anti-inflammatory or immune-suppressive effects .

  26. 9例脑囊虫病人呈阴性反应,其中4例经临床手术证实为脑囊虫,假阴性的出现可能与服用激素类药物有关。

    Four in 9 negative reaction cases were observed to be false negative , which might be associated with the application of hormone drugs .

  27. 临床常见的药物有:缓解类风湿性关节炎的药物,非甾体抗炎药,激素类药物。

    Therapeutic agents , such as disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs ( DMARDs ), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) and hormone drugs are clinically common .

  28. 甲泼尼龙琥珀酸钠注射剂是一种糖皮质激素类药物,具有强大的抗炎、免疫抑制、抗过敏、抗休克等药理作用。

    Methylprednisolone sodium succinate injection is a kind of glucocorticoids , with a strong pharmacological action on anti-inflammatory , immunosuppression , allergy and shock resistance .

  29. 眼部组织高度敏感性和独特生理功能,且常规眼用剂型受到血-眼屏障影响,眼内难以达到有效的治疗浓度,药物利用率低,易导致皮质激素类药物治疗的全身毒副作用。

    Eye-tissue has an acute sensibilities and particular function , so drug are accessible to ocular barrier and difficult to reach effective concentration in intraocular tissue .

  30. 金耀集团是目前亚洲最大的皮质激素类药物科研、生产和出口基地,也是国内第一支氨基酸输液产品生产企业。

    Jinyao Group is the largest base in Asia for scientific research , production and export of corticosteroids and the first manufacturer for amino acid transfusions .