
kànɡ bìnɡ dú yào wù
  • antiviral drug
  1. 背景:现有的抗病毒药物单用均难以完全清除乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染。

    Background : There is no single antiviral drug that can eradicate the hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection .

  2. 对2009年H1N1流感病毒在基因、抗原和机能方面出现的重要改变进行监测,比如抗病毒药物的敏感性。

    Monitoring the H1N12009 virus for important genetic , antigenic or functional changes , such as antiviral drug sensitivity .

  3. 结论:定量PCR是筛选抗病毒药物的有效方法;

    Conclusion : The quantitative PCR is an effective method of screening antiviral drugs .

  4. HPLC法测定抗病毒药物口罩含药湿巾中利巴韦林含量

    Determination of ribavirin in antivirotic drug-mask by HPLC

  5. 利用病毒复制激活DNA修复途径而制成的抗病毒药物需要进一步检测。

    Exploiting the activation of the DNA damage pathway by viral replication for the generation of antiviral drugs needs to be examined .

  6. HPLC法研究鸟嘌呤类抗病毒药物的油/水分配系数与药物结构的关系

    HPLC Studies on the Correlation Between the O / W Partition Coefficients and the Structure of Guanine Antiviral Agent

  7. 结论对HIV阳性孕产妇及所生婴儿及时服用抗病毒药物,并对婴儿实施纯人工喂养等措施,可有效降低HIV的母婴传播率。

    Conclusion Timely ART provided for mothers and their babies and using artificial feeding can effectively reduce HIV mother-to-child transmission .

  8. 目的检测HBVmRNA的活性,了解HBV的复制状态,评价抗病毒药物的疗效。

    Objective To detect selectively the activity of hepatitis B virus mRNA and to understand HBV replicative status from different specimens .

  9. 茚地那韦属于蛋白酶抑制剂,是一种抗病毒药物,已用于治疗HIV感染及获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)病人。

    Indinavir is a protease inhibitor that has been found to be extremely effective for patients with HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) .

  10. 持续发生抗病毒药物耐药型的2009年H1N1流感传播

    Sustained transmission of antiviral-resistant H1N12009 influenza

  11. 通过攻击病毒蛋白,抗病毒药物能极大地提高HIV阳性病人的生活质量并延长其生存时间。

    Antiviral drugs , which typically attack viral proteins , have had a huge impact on the quality and length of life of HIV-positive patients .

  12. 结论肌注型HBIg联合核苷类抗病毒药物能有效预防肝移植术后HBV再感染。

    Conclusion Combination of intramuscular HBIg and nucleoside analogs as prophylaxis of HBV reinfection is effective .

  13. 目的评价小剂量肌肉注射剂型乙肝免疫球蛋白(HBIg)联合核苷类抗病毒药物预防肝移植术后乙肝病毒(HBV)再感染的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of combination of intramuscular HBIg and nucleoside analogs of HBV reinfection .

  14. 但是由于HBV基因组较小,易发生突变,限制了靶向病毒的抗病毒药物的发展。

    The crux of the matter , limited the development of anti-HBV drugs , is due to the smaller viral genomes and the higher mutation .

  15. 结论抗病毒药物α-干扰素治疗成人HBV相关肾炎具有一定效果。

    Conclusion Interferon - α, as an antiviral medicine , is beneficial in the treatment of HBV associated glomerulonephritis with decrease of proteinuria and bDNA concentration .

  16. RP-HPLC法测定更昔洛韦粉针剂含量及有关物质抗病毒药物更昔洛韦的合成与研究

    Determination of Content of Ganciclovir Injection and Its Related Substances by RP-HPLC Preparation and Study of the Antivirus Agent Ganciclovir

  17. 因此,较其它基因疗法如RNAi、DNAdecoy等,更能有效地抑制HIV复制,并且对由HIV变异而导致的耐药病毒株同样有效,同时对病毒突变的诱导作用也较其它抗病毒药物低。

    Compared with other gene therapies such as RNAi and DNA decoy , ribozymes could inhibit the replication of HIV more effectively including HIV persisters ;

  18. 虽然抗病毒药物研究不断发展,但慢性HBV感染病人的抗病毒治疗目前仍无理想药物。

    Although with the development of the research of antiviral drug , there aren 't ideal antiviral drug for treatment to the patients with chronic HBV infection .

  19. 目的定量检测乙型肝炎病毒脱氧核糖核酸(HBVdna)和乙型肝炎病毒e抗原(HBeAg)来监控抗病毒药物治疗的反应和乙肝患者病情的发展。

    Objective To monitor the response to the antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B with quantitative measurement of hepatitis B virus DNA ( HBV DNA ) and HBeAg .

  20. 目的:观察维生素B12球结膜下注射联合抗病毒药物治疗深层单疱病毒性角膜炎的疗效。

    AIM : To evaluate the effect of Vitamin B12 on deep herpes simplex keratitis .

  21. 抗病毒药物对CHB病人离体培养外周血淋巴细胞的遗传学影响

    An in vitro genetic study of effect of antiviral drugs on peripheral lymphocytes in CHB patients

  22. 缺乏高效的体外细胞复制体系和小动物模型是阻碍HCV致病机制研究及抗病毒药物研发的主要原因。

    The lack of an effective cell culture system and small animal model for HCV has slowed HCV pathogenic mechanism research and antiviral drug development .

  23. 美国食品与药物管理局(以下简称FDA)无需听从抗病毒药物顾问委员会的意见,但通常他们都会遵照行事。

    The Food and Drug Administration is not required to follow the advice of its Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee , but usually does .

  24. 今天,世卫组织公布了治疗感染了甲型H1N1大流行性流感病毒病人的抗病毒药物使用指南。

    WHO is today issuing guidelines for the use of antivirals in the management of patients infected with the H1N1 pandemic virus .

  25. 虽然抗病毒药物有很多,但是当HIV-1很快发生变异或产生耐药性时,它们通常都失去了作用。

    There are a lot of antiviral drugs , but they are often ineffective as HIV mutates quickly and acquires drug resistance .

  26. 抗病毒药物PMEA和Ribavirin衍生物合成研究

    Synthesis and Studying of Prodrugs of PMEA and Derivatives of Ribavirin

  27. 有证据显示抗病毒药物对治疗H1N1病毒感染后罹患并发症风险较高的病人尤为有效。

    Evidence shows that antivirals have been especially effective for treating patients at increased risk of developing complications from H1N1 [ 1 ] .

  28. 对感染A(H1N1)型猪流感病毒的确诊、疑似和可疑病例可以考虑使用经验性抗病毒药物。

    Empiric antiviral treatment should be considered for confirmed , probable or suspected cases of swine influenza A ( H1N1 ) virus infection .

  29. 近年来,AD作为抗肿瘤、抗病毒药物开发的先导化合物已成为基于AD新药开发的热点之一。

    In recent years , AD , as a lead compound for the synthesis of anti-tumor and anti-viral drugs , has become one of the hot spots in the new drug development area .

  30. 而正链RNA病毒的反向遗传操作系统在病毒复制、致病机制研究,抗病毒药物筛选和新型疫苗、导向载体制备等方面是一个极其有用的工具。

    Positive-strand RNA virus reverse genetics system is an useful tool in viral replication , pathogenesis research , screening antiviral drugs and new vaccines , vector-oriented areas such as the preparation .