- refuse to pay tax;tax dodge

[tax dodge;refuse to pay taxes] 抗拒纳税
Reasons for the Struggle against Paying Taxes in Laiyang , Shangdong Province
Tax revolt breaks national tax code and endanger the sequences of regular taxation .
The unit crime of refusing to pay taxes should he stipulated in the view of perfect angle .
Fantastic grow the evening gowns Agents of the Fisc pursue Absconding tax-defaulters through The sewers of provincial towns .
Thoreau therefore refused to pay his taxes , fully understanding that the price of his refusal would be jail .
Sporadic acts of resistance against rent and tax collection spread across the state , and in1845 the governor declared martial law .
It 's a radical act of rebellion against taxes imposed by a king 3000 miles away . To the British , they 're just common smugglers . This mall skirmish changes everything .
On the Reasons of Refusal to Pay Taxes in the New Situation and the Prevention Strategies ; An analysis of coal seam spontaneous combustion in Xing'an Coal Mine , Hegan Coal Mining Group
Tax revenue crime is a combination of new and old crimes . It includes evade taxes , resistance of tax and other traditional crimes , and newly-increased crimes such as the invoice crime as well .
Therefore , it is understandable that people for the fact that their right to life in taxation is often jeopardized often file for taxation remedies and even invoke their right to peaceful resistance - refusing to pay taxes .
It explains the conception and characteristics of tax-planning , tells us the history of its development at home and abroad , and compares tax planning with tax-saving , tax-evading , tax-escaping , tax-dodging and tax-refusing , which makes readers recognize tax planning basically .