
  • 网络motivation theory;Incentive theory;Content Theory
  1. 在薪酬理论和激励理论的指导下,结合公司原工资制度的分析研究,本文着重对DC公司的薪酬体系进行了再设计。

    Under the salary theory and the motivation theory , it researches and analysis the old wages system in Company DC . Then it emphasizes to reform the salary system of company .

  2. 作者运用关系市场营销理论、数据库营销理论和组织结构理论、激励理论等来说明和论证这些理论在CRM客户关系管理系统中的作用。

    The author explains and justifies these theoretical role in the CRM system by using the theory of relationship marketing , database marketing theory and structure theory , motivation theory .

  3. 基于博弈理论下的企业RD激励理论、方法及实践

    Under the Game Theory of the Enterprise R D Incentive Theory 、 Methods Practice

  4. 本文以C市的中日合资企业C&S汽车公司作为研究对象,运用当代跨文化管理的激励理论,对案例中的中日文化冲突现象进行分析。

    This article takes Sino-Japanese Joint Venture C & S Motors Company in C city as the study case , analyzes the cultural conflicts between China and Japan using the contemporary cross-cultural management principles .

  5. 接下来,介绍了EVA理论的基本原理,对EVA的计算方法、会计调整进行了简单论述,并对基于EVA的薪酬激励理论进行论述。

    And then , the paper introduces the fundamental of EVA , discusses simply the calculating method and accounting adjustment , explains the compensation inspiring theory based on EVA .

  6. 本文以委托一代理理论、企业家人力资本要素理论、产权激励理论为基础,从中引出MBO的经济学动因,即企业家为实现其人力资本价值,对剩余索取权的追求促使产权革命。

    This thesis is based on these theories including entrusts-act theory , human capital theory and ownership theory , and bring up the motive and reason of MBO .

  7. 而这种基于博弈论的契约可以克服有成本的状态验证模型(CSV)及经典激励理论中承诺的可信性问题。

    The model presented here is proved to overcome the problem of credibility in costly state verification ( CSV ) model and some related research in the theory of incentive .

  8. 其次,通过研究薪酬基础理论和薪酬激励理论,结合合肥H百货大楼的实际,明确了薪酬激励的原则、完善薪酬制度的理论依据并进一步分析了企业的薪酬激励体系。

    Secondly , through studying salary basis theory and salary stimulation theory , combining the fact of Hefei H Department Store , confirming the principle of designing the salary regime , the theory basis of perfecting the salary system , and further analysing the salary design regime of the enterprise .

  9. 本文运用人的行为模式理论和需要激励理论结合企业人力资源管理中激励理论和激励过程,引入国际ISO9000质量管理体系相关方法,对运用激励机制促进企业员工全面发展作出了论述。

    Applying the human beings acting model theory , the needing encouragement theory and Maxims , introducing related methods of international ISO9000 quality management system , this paper has a statement of Promoting employees ' all-sided development through stimulant system .

  10. 从人性假设的发展看激励理论的演变

    The Development of Humanity Hypotheses and the Evolvement of Motivation Theories

  11. 基于双因素激励理论的企业人力资源管理变革

    Enterprise Human Resources Management Transformation Based on Double Factor Drive Theory

  12. 胡萝卜加大棒的激励理论在一定的环境中能够合理地发挥作用。

    The carrot-and-stick theory of motivation works reasonably well under certain circumstances .

  13. 激励理论中的重要问题及相关检验

    Some Important Issues and the Relevant Test in Incentive Theory

  14. 跨文化激励理论研究及主要模式。

    Second , Cross-Culture motivation theories and the main modes .

  15. 高校管理中运用激励理论的探讨

    Application of motivation theory to administration of colleges and universities

  16. 精算模型及激励理论在保险中的应用

    The Application of Actuarial Model and the Theory of Incentives on Insurance

  17. 试论激励理论在高等教育管理中的运用

    Discuss the theory of stimulation applying to educational management in the universities

  18. 分析了激励理论中的马斯洛需求层次论,并将该理论应用于安全管理。

    Hierarchy of need theory is analyzed and applied in safety management .

  19. 激励理论在逻辑起始于人的需要或者说本性。

    Incentive theories start logically in the individual demand or natural characters .

  20. 基于企业激励理论的国有企业动力机制分析

    Analysis of state-owned enterprises ' motion mechanism : based on incentive theories

  21. 关于股票期权激励理论与实践的思考

    On the Theory and Practice of Stock Option Incentive

  22. 论激励理论在高职科研机制的应用

    The Application of Stimulating Theory to the Scientific Research in Higher Vocational Education

  23. 经济学中团队激励理论述评

    A Review of Researches on Team Incentives in Economics

  24. 试析激励理论的研究及应用

    On the Research and Application of the Inspiration Theory

  25. 需要激励理论是从研究人的需要开始的。

    Need-motivation theory is from the beginning of the needs of the people .

  26. 浅议激励理论在辅导员工作中的应用

    Application of Stimulating Theory in the Work of Counselors

  27. 第二章主要概括了典型的激励理论。

    Chapter II outlines the major theories of encouragement .

  28. 浅谈激励理论在税务代理行业人力资源管理中的应用

    On the Application of Impetus Theory in Revenue Agency Industry Human Resource Management

  29. 浅谈激励理论在企业中的作用

    On the Function of Stimulation Theory in Enterprises

  30. 基于激励理论的员工绩效考评体系的构建研究

    Research on Staff Performance Appraisal Based on Incentive