
It has all the same refactoring options as C # plus one extra ( move a class to a new package ) .
While FPGA has the ability of reconfiguration , and compromises on both performance and flexibility , the method of development design based on FPGA attracts extensive attention .
It shows that the PCA approach has good ability of fault detection , fault identification and fault reconstruction though employing in HVAC monitoring and controlling system .
I should also mention IntelliJ contains nice refactoring capabilities for SCA XML assemblies such as automatic renaming in XML when a class is renamed or its package changes .
There are many benefits of this technique , including the ability to use your Java IDE 's code completion and refactoring capabilities even as you 're working with untyped JavaScript objects .
As with JBuilder , one of Eclipse 's most powerful features is the ability to refactor code .
However , the existing SDR platforms all have many problems to different degrees , such as poor multi-mode compatibility 、 low system software degree and insufficient reconfigurability .
The design principle behind Moq is to be refactoring friendly with a very low barrier of entry .
Let 's start with some questions related to the problem at hand : extending the JDT with our own method visibility refactoring capability .
Objective : We detected the coronary arteries by intravascular ultrasound ( IVUS ) and studied the different ultrasonic characteristics of plaques and the compensatory ability of remodeling .
Agile information system has the ability of fast reconstructing and adapting .
Through the defined common interface , tasks and the executors bind dynamically , which enhance the system reconfiguration .
Secondly , the article studies the stability , control performance and reconfiguration ability of the aircraft in theory when the differential tail is used .
The inventory management is the high point to research the agile supply chain , which emphasizes the prompt response abilities , prompt restructure capabilities .
Layered function decomposing makes functional concept more clear in CNC software , and the client / sever model simplifies the relations between the CNC function units .
This model is based on activity decomposition and hierarchical methods and reduces the complexity of each workflow system and improves the reconfigurability of the overall system .
Or reinforce learning ability , reconstruction ability , coordination ability and innovation ability to integrate the core competence of the firm to reach a new coordinate condition .
So we can regard information processing ability , system 's real-time , dependability , reconfiguration and system 's cost as the main performance indexes for evaluating the integrated avionics .
The results suggest that all the three dimensions of dynamic capabilities have obviously positive effect on technology discontinuous innovation , so as to the effect of organizational reconfiguration capabilities on market discontinuous innovation .
The synchronous self-organization network based on traditional time slot structure is presented , which has stronger capability of antijamming and of reconstructing network flexibly under condition of intensive jamming and the group mobile user .
Applied to the data fusion , it can better improve the robustness of the system , that makes it had more open time and space overlaid area and more strong ability of the failure detection and recovery .
To develop the students ' ability to deconstruct and reconstruct the contexts of texts in the teaching of English reading , which is helpful to solve the problem existing in the teaching of English reading , is an important way to improving their ability to interpret texts .
The system information interaction adopts Agent technology , which has integration , expansibility , reconfiguration and bidding tactics .
Its capability of locomotion and self-reconfiguration is examined through experiments .
Collaborative Manufacturing Executive System , which is the trend of next generation MES , lays a stronger emphasis on abilities of integration , collaboration and reconfiguration .
The Causes , Process and Methods of Enterprises Reconfigurable Competitiveness
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on reconfigurable competition competence of enterprises
With the application of the model , businesses can be aware of their own ranking in peer competitors .
In times of high change , the ability to refactor code , data , and whole applications becomes a critical skill .
The concept of dynamic and logical manufacturing cell is presented to organize manufacturing resources so that the ability of dynamic re-configuration in dynamic shop floor environment is achieved .