
  1. 它提供了与C一样的重构能力,此外还可以将类移动到新的包中。

    It has all the same refactoring options as C # plus one extra ( move a class to a new package ) .

  2. FPGA具有可重构能力以及在性能和灵活性方面的良好折中,基于FPGA的开发设计方法受到网络研究者的广泛关注。

    While FPGA has the ability of reconfiguration , and compromises on both performance and flexibility , the method of development design based on FPGA attracts extensive attention .

  3. 通过对空调监测系统的传感器故障检测与诊断结果展示出PCA方法具有良好的故障检测、识别和重构能力。

    It shows that the PCA approach has good ability of fault detection , fault identification and fault reconstruction though employing in HVAC monitoring and controlling system .

  4. 我还应该提到IntelliJ所具备的对于SCAXML装配的很好的重构能力,如当类或其所在包变更时,在XML中的自动进行重命名。

    I should also mention IntelliJ contains nice refactoring capabilities for SCA XML assemblies such as automatic renaming in XML when a class is renamed or its package changes .

  5. 该技术有很多优势,如利用JavaIDE的代码完成和重构能力,甚至当你在编写无类型的JavaScript对象时也可以充分利用这一优势。

    There are many benefits of this technique , including the ability to use your Java IDE 's code completion and refactoring capabilities even as you 're working with untyped JavaScript objects .

  6. Eclipse与JBuilder类似,其中一个最强大的特性就是对代码的重构能力。

    As with JBuilder , one of Eclipse 's most powerful features is the ability to refactor code .

  7. 然而,已有的SDR平台都不同程度地存在着多体制兼容性不好、系统软件化程度低、缺乏足够的可重构能力等问题。

    However , the existing SDR platforms all have many problems to different degrees , such as poor multi-mode compatibility 、 low system software degree and insufficient reconfigurability .

  8. Moq的设计原则就是以极低的门槛来获取良好的重构能力。

    The design principle behind Moq is to be refactoring friendly with a very low barrier of entry .

  9. 让我们首先讨论与以下这个问题相关的一些问题:使用我们自己的方法可视性重构能力来扩展JDT。

    Let 's start with some questions related to the problem at hand : extending the JDT with our own method visibility refactoring capability .

  10. 目的:应用血管内超声(IVUS)检测冠状动脉,探讨其不同性质斑块的超声特征及其血管的代偿性重构能力。

    Objective : We detected the coronary arteries by intravascular ultrasound ( IVUS ) and studied the different ultrasonic characteristics of plaques and the compensatory ability of remodeling .

  11. 敏捷信息系统是具有快速可重构能力的适应性系统。

    Agile information system has the ability of fast reconstructing and adapting .

  12. 系统通过所定义的通用接口,使任务及其执行者可以进行动态绑定,使系统具有相当的重构能力。

    Through the defined common interface , tasks and the executors bind dynamically , which enhance the system reconfiguration .

  13. 其次,本文对于差动平尾所引起的飞机稳定性、控制性能的变化及重构能力进行了理论研究。

    Secondly , the article studies the stability , control performance and reconfiguration ability of the aircraft in theory when the differential tail is used .

  14. 敏捷供应链强调供应链的快速响应能力、快速重构能力,库存控制是其研究热点。

    The inventory management is the high point to research the agile supply chain , which emphasizes the prompt response abilities , prompt restructure capabilities .

  15. 分层的功能划分模型,使数控软件具有重构能力:用客户/服务器模型描述对象之间的关系,使得各功能之间的关系清晰明了,并使各功能之间的同步关系自然简单;

    Layered function decomposing makes functional concept more clear in CNC software , and the client / sever model simplifies the relations between the CNC function units .

  16. 该模型采用了活动分解与分层递阶方法,使每一工作流系统的问题复杂度得到降低,并增强了系统的重构能力。

    This model is based on activity decomposition and hierarchical methods and reduces the complexity of each workflow system and improves the reconfigurability of the overall system .

  17. 或积极强化学习能力、重构能力、协调能力与创新能力,使企业核心能力整合达到一种新的协调。

    Or reinforce learning ability , reconstruction ability , coordination ability and innovation ability to integrate the core competence of the firm to reach a new coordinate condition .

  18. 航电系统的信息处理能力、实时性、可靠性、重构能力以及系统成本,成为评价一个系统优劣的主要性能指标。

    So we can regard information processing ability , system 's real-time , dependability , reconfiguration and system 's cost as the main performance indexes for evaluating the integrated avionics .

  19. 实证结果发现,动态能力构念的三个构成维度对技术不连续创新均具有正向影响效应,组织重构能力对市场不连续创新也具有正向影响效应。

    The results suggest that all the three dimensions of dynamic capabilities have obviously positive effect on technology discontinuous innovation , so as to the effect of organizational reconfiguration capabilities on market discontinuous innovation .

  20. 本文提出了基于传统时隙结构的同步自组织网络,在强干扰和集群移动用户的环境下,该网络结构具有较强的抗干扰能力和灵活的网络重构能力。

    The synchronous self-organization network based on traditional time slot structure is presented , which has stronger capability of antijamming and of reconstructing network flexibly under condition of intensive jamming and the group mobile user .

  21. 因而应用信息融合领域,可更好地提高系统的稳健性,宽阔的时空覆盖区域,以及更强的故障容错和系统重构能力。

    Applied to the data fusion , it can better improve the robustness of the system , that makes it had more open time and space overlaid area and more strong ability of the failure detection and recovery .

  22. 在英语阅读教学中注重培养学生对语境的解构和重构能力,有助于解决现实英语阅读教学中存在的问题,是提高学生篇章解读能力的一条重要途径。

    To develop the students ' ability to deconstruct and reconstruct the contexts of texts in the teaching of English reading , which is helpful to solve the problem existing in the teaching of English reading , is an important way to improving their ability to interpret texts .

  23. 该系统采用Agent进行信息交互,具有一定的集成性与系统扩展与重构的能力,同时提供了竞价策略。

    The system information interaction adopts Agent technology , which has integration , expansibility , reconfiguration and bidding tactics .

  24. 通过试验检验了USR运动和自重构的能力。

    Its capability of locomotion and self-reconfiguration is examined through experiments .

  25. 相对于传统MES,协同制造执行系统更加强调系统的可集成性、可交互性和灵活重构的能力。

    Collaborative Manufacturing Executive System , which is the trend of next generation MES , lays a stronger emphasis on abilities of integration , collaboration and reconfiguration .

  26. 企业可重构竞争能力的重构动因、过程及方法

    The Causes , Process and Methods of Enterprises Reconfigurable Competitiveness

  27. 企业可重构竞争能力的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on reconfigurable competition competence of enterprises

  28. 通过模型的应用,企业可知晓自身可重构竞争能力在同行竞争者中的势位。

    With the application of the model , businesses can be aware of their own ranking in peer competitors .

  29. 在频繁变动中,对代码,数据以及整个应用重构的能力将会成为一项关键的技能。

    In times of high change , the ability to refactor code , data , and whole applications becomes a critical skill .

  30. 提出动态逻辑制造单元的概念,用于组织车间制造系统资源,实现在动态多变的环境中车间制造系统快速重组、动态重构的能力。

    The concept of dynamic and logical manufacturing cell is presented to organize manufacturing resources so that the ability of dynamic re-configuration in dynamic shop floor environment is achieved .