
  • 网络dynamic competition;Dynamic Competitive;Competitive Dynamics
  1. 当代产业组织领域动态竞争理论的演进与高科技产业和经济全球化的迅猛发展已经对新古典静态分析及建立在其基础上的SCP范式和竞争政策提出了挑战。

    The evolution of dynamic competition theory in modern industrial organization ( IO ), and the rapid development of high technology industries and economic globalization have challenged New-classical static analysis and SCP paradigm based on it .

  2. 博弈论在动态竞争分析中的应用

    Applications of the Game Theory in the Analysis on Dynamic Competition

  3. 动态竞争环境下ERP对企业核心竞争力的培育和完善

    Cultivation and perfection of enterprise core competence through ERP in dynamic competitive environment

  4. 在对企业内外关键因素分析的基础上,结合企业现有战略和竞争战略现状,利用SWOT分析、层级分析及层次模型分析等方法提出了企业应建立动态竞争战略的思想;

    On basis of conclusion arouse from analyzing or by using SWOT matrix analysis , strategic level , AHP model analysis , through owned strategies and competitive situation , we bring up some ideas of building up dynamic competitive strategies for TCL mobile communication Co. , Ltd.

  5. 互补性平台企业间接网络外部性和质量的动态竞争

    Dynamic Competition of Indirect Network Effects and Quality from Platforms Firms

  6. 动态竞争条件下竞争优势的创造

    On competition ; The Creation of Competitive Edge in Dynamic Competition

  7. 一类驻定时标动态竞争方程的定性分析

    Qualitative Analysis on a Type of Competitive Dynamic System on Time-scales

  8. 动态竞争环境下战略管理的分析框架

    An Analysis on the Pattern of Strategic Management under Dynamic Competition

  9. 复杂和动态竞争环境要求企业具备更高的组织效能。

    The Relationships between Organizational Trust and Organizational Effectiveness of Private Enterprises ;

  10. 开放环境下企业动态竞争优势研究&对静态竞争优势模型的动态修正

    The Research of Company 's Dynamic Competitive Advantages under an Open Environment

  11. 应对动态竞争环境的企业组织创新研究

    Study of Enterprise Organizational Innovation Coping with Dynamic Competitive Environment

  12. 相互学习与模仿:动态竞争视角下的组织间竞争

    Mutual Learning and Imitation : A Dynamic Competitive Analysis of Interfirm Rivalry

  13. 动态竞争环境下的产品保证管理最优控制策略研究

    Optimal Control Strategies for Product Warranty Management in Dynamic Market

  14. 动态竞争和不确定性环境下的企业战略管理研究&基于期权博弈的新视角

    Study on Strategy Management under Uncertainty and Dynamic Competition from Options Game Perspective

  15. 面向任务的动态竞争情报组织结构模型分析

    Analysis of the Model of Task-oriented Dynamic CI Structure

  16. 双重视角下企业动态竞争优势创造

    Creation of enterprise dynamic competitive advantage from dual perspective

  17. 动态竞争下集装箱班轮公司运营柔性的研究

    Study on Container Shipping Companies ' Operation Flexibility under Circumstances of Dynamic Competition

  18. 具有间接网络外部效应平台的动态竞争策略

    Dynamic Competitive Strategy of Platforms with Indirect Network Externality

  19. 动态竞争环境下我国企业运作模式构建的思考

    The Thinking of an Enterprise Operation Pattern under the Modern Dynamic Competitive Environment

  20. 动态竞争环境中企业IT战略的分析方法研究

    Studies on Company 's IT Strategy in Competitive Dynamics

  21. 实现从静态竞争优势向动态竞争优势的转换;

    Realize the transformation from static competition advantage to the dynamic competition advantage ;

  22. 动态竞争理论的发展预示着产业组织理论面临着新的整合。

    The development of the dynamic competition theory indicates new integration of industrial organization .

  23. 20世纪90年代,国内学者开始引入动态竞争理论。

    In the 1990 's , Dynamic competition theory was brought into our country .

  24. 浅谈动态竞争环境下旅游人才的培养

    A Brief Discussion on the Cultivation of Qualified Personnel in Tourism under Dynamic Competition

  25. 在动态竞争环境中创造并保持优势

    To Create and Keep Advantages in Dynamic Competition

  26. 刍议企业动态竞争战略

    A Study on Dynamic Competitive Strategy of Enterprise

  27. 在动态竞争的国际环境中,企业战略必须柔性化。

    And the enterprise strategy must be flexible .

  28. 动态竞争条件下的企业间竞争行动特征研究

    Research on characteristics of competitive actions among enterprises under the condition of dynamic competition

  29. 动态竞争战略充分克服了传统竞争战略的缺点与不足。

    The dynamic competition strategy sufficiently overcomes the defect and shortage of traditional strategy .

  30. 基于顾客资源的动态竞争优势

    The Dynamic Competitive Advantage Based on Customer Resources