
  • 网络Product Competition Strategy
  1. 论产品竞争战略的生存特性

    On the Existing Characteristics of the Tactics of Products Competition

  2. 无锡奥神环保科技公司产品竞争战略研究

    A Research of Product Competitive Strategy of Ozone Company

  3. 中国公司产品竞争战略中的融资决策行为与行业特征变量关系检验

    The Relation Test of Financing Decision-making Behavior in Production Competition Stratagem and Industry Character Variable

  4. 其次从具体产品竞争战略实施过程层面,包括不确定性竞争战略决策以及产品价格、产量、新竞争者行业进入障碍战略的执行等,对公司融资决策因素的作用做进一步的探讨。

    Then we discuss the financing decision-making effect on some different product competition stratagem implementation processes .

  5. 本文基于产业经济学和公司财务学原理,首先分析了融资决策因素对实现公司产品竞争战略目标的影响。

    Based on the theory of industry economics and corporation finance , this paper first analyzes the influences of financing decision-making factors on products competition objective .

  6. 如何制定一种既能利用自身的优势去抓住机会、又能克服自身的劣势去回避风险的产品竞争战略,已经成为奥神公司能否成功经营的关键所在。

    This companies ' success essentially relies on how to establish a product competitive strategy which not only makes full use of its advantage to grasp opportunities but also overcomes its disadvantage to avoid risks .

  7. 最后,在差异化产品竞争战略的实施上,对产品差异化竞争战略实施方法进行了研究,并建议卓达公司提高总成本控制能力、提升市场开拓能力和技术创新能力,保障战略的有效实施。

    Finally , in the strategic implementation , suggested reaches the company to strengthen the total cost control , to promote the market development ability and technological innovation ability outstandingly and so on , guarantees strategic the effective implementation .

  8. 本文不仅对山东农行现金管理产品竞争战略具有很强的现实意义,对于银行同业和其他金融机构的产品战略也有一定的参考价值。

    This article has great practical significance not only for the competitive strategy in cash management products of the Shandong branch of Agricultural Bank , but also for a certain reference value to the other interbank or other financial institutions .

  9. 长沙市邮政速递公司作为快递行业的大型国有企业,要想在这场经济之战中争得一席之地,必须创新产品竞争战略,并理性选择合适的竞争实施策略,以产品赢得竞争。

    As a powerful state-owned corporation , Changsha post courier service corporation has to create the production competition tactic , and choose the corresponding executive tactic rationally , winning the competition with product , so as to succeed the economic war .

  10. 并针对己内酰胺产品竞争战略实施的具体情况,从构建一体化质量体系、加强网络建设、改善营销环境和人力资源四个方面提出了战略实施的保障条件。

    According to analysis result , we bring forward a strategic competition plan for Baling Company , and aim at the situation of the strategy execution , put forward the grantee condition of strategy from constructing HSE system , enforcing net construction , improving management environment and manpower resource .

  11. 本文通过使用SWOT分析法对某手机会员卡企业的现实情况进行了分析和研究,制定出了某手机会员卡企业差异化产品的竞争战略、增长型的发展战略、资源保障型的职能战略。

    Analysis and research on the membership card of a cell phone business reality by using the SWOT analysis , to develop a membership card of a mobile phone enterprises competitive strategy of differentiated products , growth-oriented development strategy , resources and support-functional strategies .

  12. 异质产品市场竞争战略的博弈分析

    COMPETITION Game Analysis on Market Competitive Strategy for Inhomogenous Products

  13. 宏观的“工业强省”战略最终必将落实到微观的产品市场竞争战略,其实质是品牌战略。

    Macro-industrialized province strategy will be finally implemented by micro-market competition strategy , which is actually brand strategy .

  14. 确立了寻求战略同盟、注重知识学习、塑造文化优势、增强成本优势、增强创新机制的产品国际竞争战略对策。

    This article established seeking to a strategic alliance , focusing on learning knowledge , shaping the cultural superiority , enhancing cost advantages and innovative mechanisms of the products international competitive strategy countermeasures .

  15. 指出了强化品牌优势、加强质量保证、合理储备人才、加强制度建设以及加强产学研合作的产品国际竞争战略实施的保障措施。

    The paper pointed out the safeguard measures of strengthening advantages of the brand , strengthening quality assurance , reserving personnel rationally , strengthening system construction and strengthening the cooperation in production , learning and research in the international competitive strategy of products .

  16. 产品格式标准竞争战略的均衡分析

    An Equilibrium Analysis On the Competitive Strategy with Product-Format Standards

  17. 在具有网络外部性特征的产业中,企业产品的兼容性竞争战略关乎企业竞争的成败。

    Furthermore , compatibility between products supplied by different firms is the important feature of network economics and turns out to be a strategic issue in industries exhibiting network externalities .

  18. 生产工艺、产品生命周期与竞争战略的相互匹配

    Matching Product Lifecycle and Productive Technology with Competitive Strategy

  19. 东风刃量具厂产品结构调整及竞争战略研究

    A Study on Products Adjustment and Competitive Strategies of Tools Plant of DFL

  20. 从而得出了工业识别产品的最佳的竞争战略选择,即坚持差异化和成本领先相结合的竞争战略。

    The best competitive strategic choice for industrial identification product is differentiation combine with cost leadership competitive strategy .

  21. 但随着我国市场经济体制的日益完善,对外开放的程度不断扩大,企业的竞争的重心逐渐从过去的产品竞争前移到发展战略的竞争,企业面临的竞争压力也日益加大。

    Along with the increasing improvement of our market economy and the continuous expanding of the Open-Up scale , the competition focus will transform from product competition to strategy competition .

  22. 随着科技的发展、顾客需求的改变,传统的以产品为中心的竞争战略逻辑正在发生改变,因而,新时代迫切需要新的竞争战略理论来指导企业的实践活动。

    Following the technology development and changes in customer needs , the traditional product oriented competition strategy logic has changed . The new era is in urgent need of new competition strategies to direct the businesses of enterprises .

  23. 入世后,更加严峻的绿色壁垒使企业认识到要想改善环境,提升国际市场竞争力,必须改进生产工艺,生产绿色产品,实施绿色竞争战略。

    After entering into WTO , more and more severe green barriers make Chinese enterprise realize that enterprise should reform production process in order to improve environment condition and promote competitiveness in the international market , supply green products and carry out green competition strategy .

  24. 以双寡头博弈模型为基础,考察产品兼容、网络外部性对纵向差异化产品的市场竞争战略的影响。

    This study provides an analysis of the influence of compatibility and network externality on vertical differential market . Then , they compete in prices simultaneously .

  25. 在Hotelling价格竞争模型的基础上提出一个产品的地域竞争模型,以分析水平差异化产品的市场竞争战略。

    On the basis of Hotelling pricing competition model , this paper puts forward a competition model of selling area to analyze the strategy of horizontal differential market .

  26. 氟化氢产品是公司的主导产品之一,随着行业竞争的加剧,公司正在进行分析、论证、设计适合氟化氢产品的竞争战略。

    Hydrogen fluoride products are its leading products .

  27. 再次,运用价值链理论以及内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵对巨龙公司产品所处的内部环境进行了分析,并在以上研究结果的基础上运用定量规划评价矩阵确定巨龙公司产品的竞争战略;

    On the basis of the above result of study , the competitive strategy of the products of " Julong Company " has been confirmed by using quantitative program evaluation matrix .