
  1. 首先,论述了产品缺陷责任的概念及性质,通过一系列论证证明产品缺陷责任是一种侵权责任。

    First of all , discusses the concept of product liability and the nature of the defect , through a series of arguments to prove product defect liability is a tort liability .

  2. 产品缺陷责任相关法律与现实生活的联系越来越密切,中国最近几年由产品缺陷导致严重社会后果的重大事件屡次发生,尤其彰显该领域法律的重要性。

    Product defects liability related laws and realistic touch of life more and more closely , in recent years , by the product defects cause serious social consequences of major events occurred frequently in the field in China , especially to reveal the importance of the law .

  3. 在研究医疗产品缺陷侵权责任认定过程中,首先需要对医疗产品及其缺陷的概念进行界定,以便更好地深入研究医疗产品缺陷法律责任。

    In the process of recognition of research and medical product defect tort liability , first had the concept of medical products to define in order to better in-depth research and medical product defect liability .

  4. 在《侵权责任法》实施后,医疗产品缺陷侵权责任的归责原则也更加多元化,构成要件和举证责任也随着多元化的进程而有所丰富。

    After the implementation of the " Tort Liability Act " . the medical product defect tort liability attributable to the principle of a more diversified , the elements and burden of proof can also be rich in the process of diversification .

  5. 产品缺陷的赔偿责任研究

    Research about Liability for damages of Product defect

  6. 产品缺陷及其侵权责任研究

    On Product Defect and Products Liability

  7. 而产品缺陷是产品责任的基础,也是产品责任立法的核心。

    Product defect is the base of produce liability , and also it is the core of product liability legislation .

  8. 一方面,外国客户坚持要求厂方要为产品缺陷负法律责任,另一方面,中国制造商则要求助外部门专家来确认其客户的设计是否安全。

    Foreign companies are trying to insist that factories accept legal responsibility for flaws , while Chinese manufacturers are looking to outside experts to certify that customers'designs are safe .

  9. 产品缺陷是产品责任构成不可或缺的要件,我国对产品缺陷的定义及其认定标准界定的不够科学,对此,应借鉴国外经验。

    Product defect is the indispensable elements of product liability , the definition and distinguishing standard in Chinese law and regulations is not scientific to some extent , we should learn foreign experiences for reference in this aspect .

  10. 产品缺陷是产品责任法的核心概念,设计缺陷在产品缺陷中占有重要地位,因此,设计缺陷的判断标准,就代表了产品责任法发展的历史。

    Product defect is a core part of the product liability law and design defect is a decisive factor of product defect . Therefore , the criterion of design defect is in essence the history of the development of product liability law .

  11. 论文认为,医疗产品缺陷性质兼有产品责任和医疗损害双重性。

    The paper argues that the medical product defect nature of both product liability and medical damage duality .

  12. 产品缺陷是承担产品责任的基础,更是产品责任法的核心,产品责任法的一个重要方面是缺陷的性质,产品存有缺陷是产品责任诉讼的一般要件。

    The defect of the products is the foundation of bearing the product liability , and the core of the product liability law . One important respect of product liability law is the nature of defect , defective products is an important document of productlawsuit .

  13. 因此,在理论上对什么是产品缺陷,什么是产品缺陷责任,产品缺陷责任的归责原则是什么等一系列问题进行系统的梳理显得十分必要。

    Therefore , in theory , what is the product defect , what is the responsibility of product defects , product defects Liability What is the principle of a systematic series of sorting out problems is very necessary .

  14. 本文分为五章:第一章为产品责任概述,主要对产品责任、产品、缺陷、产品责任的性质及产品责任的归责原则进行介绍;

    The first part is about the summary of the product liability . The definitions of product liability , product and defect , the nature of product liability and the principles to determine the responsibility of product liability are introduced .

  15. 本章先是通过对产品责任归责原则的历史性考察揭示了如下命题:现代产品责任法将产品缺陷作为确定责任归属的根本要件或最后界点,无缺陷即无责任。

    In this chapter , we , by a historical inspection of product liability doctrine , can get such propositions : the modern product liability law takes product defect as the fundamental requisition or the last limitation to ascertain liability attribution , i.e. no defect no liability .