
shì zhí
  • market value
  1. 该公司的市值涨到了55亿美元。

    The company 's market value rose to $ 5.5 billion

  2. 埃洛普掌管诺基亚时,诺基亚的市值每天下降2300万美元,从数字上看,他是史上最糟糕的CEO之一。

    Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia , the company 's market value declined by $ 23 million , making him , by the numbers , one of the worst CEOs in history .

  3. 19%的B2C电子商务公司现在的市值比其资产负债表上的现金额高不了多少。

    19 per cent of B2C companies are now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets .

  4. 其他股票市值暴跌26亿英镑。

    The value of other shares nosedived by £ 2.6 billion .

  5. 它将以1.3亿英镑的市值于下星期在伦敦证券交易所上市。

    It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds .

  6. 对手的另一方是世界上市值最高的公司,其首席执行官吉姆·库克表示,他将对法院的命令提出上诉。

    In the other corner is the world ’ s most valuable company , whose chief executive , Timothy D. Cook , has said he will appeal the court ’ s order .

  7. 之前,“独角兽”这个词用来指市值超过10亿美元的公司,因为这样的公司太稀少了。

    Billion-dollar companies join a club of " unicorns " , a term used to explain how rare they are .

  8. “十角兽”就是指这种创业不到10年但市值超过百亿美元的科技公司。

    Decacorn is a technology company that is less than ten years old and worth more than ten billion dollars .

  9. 苹果(Apple)成为首家市值超过1万亿美元的公司,秘密何在?

    How Apple could become the first $ 1 trillion company .

  10. 股市市值占GDP的比重巨幅波动。

    Gross value of stockmarket to GDP ratio waves excessively .

  11. 的确,通用电气(GeneralElectric)等公司不断达到苛刻的每股收益增长目标,因此建立了良好的声誉,并获得了可观的市值。

    Indeed , companies such as General Electric have built a reputation and a considerable market capitalisation on consistency in meeting their own demanding EPS growth targets .

  12. 近期,Square获得了1亿美元风险投资,使公司的市值翻了四倍,达到10亿美元。

    Square recently nabbed an additional $ 100 million in venture funding , quadrupling the company 's value to $ 1 billion .

  13. 苹果(Apple)已完成了其令人惊叹的重返巅峰之旅&按市值计算,它已经超越微软(Microsoft),成为全球最大的科技公司。

    Apple has overtaken Microsoft to become the largest technology company by market value , crowning a stunning corporate comeback .

  14. 而且,微软的市值也被苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)这样的公司甩在了后边。

    And yes , it has been lapped by such companies as apple ( AAPL ) and Google ( GOOG ) .

  15. 报道中预计,Facebook上市后将成为全球市值最大的公司之一。

    The reported valuation would make Facebook one of the world 's biggest companies by market capitalisation .

  16. 考虑市值权重的IPO长期业绩研究

    The Long-run Performance of Value-weighted IPOS

  17. 当中国人寿(chinalife)今年1月份在上海上市时,其股价在交易首日就上涨逾一倍,随后成为全球市值排名第二的保险公司。

    When China Life listed shares on the Shanghai market in January , the shares more than doubled on the first day . It then became the second-largest insurer by market capitalisation in the world .

  18. 每股26美元的价格将使Twitter的市值将有望达到141.6亿美元。

    At $ 26 , twitter would have a market capitalization of approximately $ 14.16 billion .

  19. 自上市以来,Facebook的市值已损失350亿美元,股价跌到了29美元以下。

    Facebook has lost about $ 35 billion in value since IPO as shares dip below $ 29 .

  20. 苹果今年一年市值的增长,就接近谷歌(Google)的整体市值。

    In the process , Apple 's valuation this year has grown by almost as much as Google 's entire market capitalisation .

  21. 苹果市值达3372亿美元,超过了世界上165个国家的GDP。

    Apple 's market capitalization of about $ 337.2 billion , more than 165 countries , the GDP is even higher .

  22. 隔日,MF市值损失四分之一。

    The next day MF disclosed a quarterly loss .

  23. 尽管股市大环境颇不景气,其首次公开募股(IPO)依然稳步迈向高达1000亿美元的市值。

    It was on track for an IPO valued as high as $ 100 billion & despite a dispirited stock market .

  24. linkedin的市值高达83.5亿美元,相当于2010年盈利的500倍以上。

    LinkedIn is valued at $ 8.35bn , more than 500 times 2010 earnings .

  25. 多年来,雅虎市值的绝大部分都来自于其在亚洲网络公司阿里巴巴和雅虎日本(YahooJapan)的持股。

    For years , the vast majority of Yahoo 's market valuation has been tied to its stakes in Asian Web companies Alibaba and Yahoo Japan .

  26. 第四,账面市值比越高,发行上市间隔期越短,二级市场情绪越低,IPO长期表现越好。

    Fourth , the companies with higher BM ratio , shorter issuing-listing interval and lower secondary market sentiment have better long-term performance .

  27. 当Facebook力图证明它有能力成为一家市值突破1000亿美元并能维持这一高位的公司时,它实际上面临着巨大的挑战。

    As Facebook seeks to justify and sustain a mammoth valuation that seems certain to top $ 100 billion , it faces enormous challenges .

  28. 例如,在富时环球指数(ftseallworldindex)中,美国市场占总市值的41%,而中国仅占1.48%。

    For example , the US markets make up 41 per cent of the market capitalisation of the FTSE all world index . China only makes up 1.48 per cent .

  29. 届时,公司的市值将达到1040亿美元,是其最大的在线广告竞争对手谷歌公司(Google)当前市值的一半左右。

    That would value the company at around $ 104 billion – roughly half the current value of its biggest rival in the online ad space , Google .

  30. 最简单和直接的办法是计算其市场增加值(MVA,MarketValueAdded),即上市公司的市值减去企业全部资本投入。

    Simple and the direct means is calculating its market value added ( MVA , Market Value Added ), Namely the market company 's market value subtract the enterprise complete capital investment .