
  1. 对工商行政管理部门正常运转所需的公用经费,应按照高于当地一般行政机关的标准妥善安排解决;

    Public funds for normal operations of administrative departments for Industry and Commerce shall be properly determined higher than the standard of local ordinary administrative organs ;

  2. 正是基于这些特征,行政许可主体不同于行政许可法律关系主体、行政许可行为主体以及一般的行政机关。

    Just because of these characteristics , the administrative licensing subject is different from legal relation subject of the administrative licensing , administrative licensing behavior subject and general administrative organ .

  3. 行政指导缘起于二战后的日本,之后越来越多的为各个国家所应用,一般是指行政机关通过指示、教导和引导的方式达到行政管理目的的一种手段。

    Administrative guidance system is derived from Japanese after the Second War and later accepted by more and more countries . Generally , it refers to the methods through direction , instruction and guidance to achieve the purpose of administrative management by the administrative organizations .

  4. 传统的环境保护一般是靠环境行政机关实行强制性行政管理手段,强迫人们按照政府的决策和规定去做,确实起到了一定功效,但是其弊端和负面影响也越来越表露出来。

    Traditional environmental protection environmental administrative authorities to implement a mandatory administrative means , to force people to do in accordance with government decisions and regulations , does play a certain effect , but its drawbacks and the negative impact of more and more to show it .