
  1. 研究人员通过在出口商的出口金额中减去生产所需的进口原材料金额,极其仔细地计算出了一国产品及服务的出口增加值。

    The researchers have painstakingly calculated the value a country adds to the goods and services it exports , by deducting the inputs going into their production that the exporter first had to import .

  2. 如果货币价值比较低,一国的产品就会比较便宜,在国际市场上就会更有竞争力。

    It does this by making a nation 's products less expensive and easier to sell on international markets .

  3. 一国农产品贸易制度的自由性倾向或保护性倾向,根本上取决于该国农产品的比较优势。

    The free or protective nature of agricultural trade policies is radically determined by the comparative advantage in the agricultural products that traded .

  4. 发展知识密集型服务业有利于调整经济结构、转变经济发展方式和提高一国的产品国际竞争力,这已基本达成共识。

    It is well known that the development of KIBS is useful for the adjustment of economic structure , change of economic development method and enhancement of the competitiveness of goods .

  5. 征收污染税和制定直接污染处理标准这两项最常见的环境政策对一国出口产品的价格数量及国际收支将产生不同的影响;

    The sixth chapter will employ the specific environmental policy , that is , pollution tariff and direct pollution disposal and make an assay of the effect on exporting of one country .

  6. 虽然外部效应下的产业内贸易模式仍依赖于要素禀赋状况,但比较优势是动态的,一国在某种产品上的比较优势关键取决于所选择产品的干中学效应是否强。

    Although the model of trade within industry under external effects still depends on elemental endowments , the comparative advantage of a national product is dynamic , since it depends on whether the selected product has a powerful effect of " learning through doing " or not .

  7. 原因归结为三点:一是目前我国产品质量的总体水平低。

    The reason , led to the current situation , is summed up in three points : First , the overall level of the quality is low at present .

  8. gdp衡量的是一年内一国经济所有产品和服务的金融总值。

    GDP measures the total financial value of all the goods and services produced in an economy over the course of one year .

  9. 其基本特点是假设存在一个虚拟国家,一国的进口产品全部来自这个国家,从而可以利用这个国家的技术系数计算进口隐含流。

    The main point for this framework is to assume the existence of a virtual country , from which all the imports come , thus the technological coefficient of this virtual country can be used to calculate the embodied flow in imports .

  10. 改革开放以来,随着世界经济一体化进程的加快和国家竞争的加剧,经济竞争的一个突出表现就是一国或地区的产品在国际市场上是否具有竞争力。

    Since reform and opening up , with the accelerated globalization of the world economy and intensified international competition , a prominent manifestation is that if the products of a country or region have competitiveness in the international market .

  11. 反倾销最初是作为一种应对倾销的手段问世的,它是指由于一国向另一国销售的产品的价格低于本国价格,另一国以法律手段保护其产业的做法。

    The anti-dumping is initially as a coping dumping means launch , it is to show due to one country to another country sales of products price lower than its price , another country take legal action to protect its industry practices .

  12. 在九个经济制度安排变量中对一国贸易流量影响作用最大的经济制度安排变量是该国的贸易政策,对一国高技术产品出口影响最大的经济制度安排变量是该国的产权保护程度。

    The result reveals in terms of the whole economic institutional arrangements , the trade policies are more sensitive to trade flow and the property rights are more sensitive to Hi-tech products export .