
guó jì shì chǎng
  • international market
国际市场[guó jì shì chǎng]
  1. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  2. 中国加入WTO后体育产业如何面对国际市场的反倾销

    Sports industries how to face up the international market anti-dumpling after China entering WTO

  3. 这家公司在国际市场上占有举足轻重的地位。

    The firm has achieved a dominant position in the world market .

  4. 该公司还不具备其更大竞争对手那样的国际市场开拓能力。

    The company does not yet have the global reach of its bigger competitors

  5. 公司必须以并购或合资方式开拓国际市场。

    It would have to grow by acquisitions or joint ventures to achieve global reach

  6. 这些产品质量很好,在国际市场上有竞争能力。

    These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally .

  7. GDDS适用于IMF所有成员国,而SDDS适合那些已经或正在寻求与国际市场接轨的国家。

    At the same time , it will help " enhance the level of China 's participation3 in global economic cooperation " . The GDDS applies to all IMF members , while the SDDS applies to member countries that have or are seeking access to international markets .

  8. 巨大的跨国公司[企业]互相争夺国际市场。

    Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world markets .

  9. 与此同时,国际市场上的竞争能力也出现了变化

    At the same time shifts in international competitiveness were beginning to be felt .

  10. 国务院办公厅日前印发《关于推进对外贸易创新发展的实施意见》,提出创新方式开拓国际市场、优化国内区域布局、增强外贸企业竞争力等九大支持外贸发展新举措。促进外贸创新发展。

    The State Council recently unveiled guidelines on the innovative the domestic layout of foreign trade , and enhancing the competitiveness of foreign trade firms .

  11. 中国加入WTO后房地产市场与国际市场接轨的答案

    The solution of Chinese real estate markets combining with international markets after joining the WTO

  12. 我国加入WTO,汇入经济全球化潮流,国内市场与国际市场融合为一个开放统一的大市场。

    The domestic market and international market became a whole market after China joined the WTO .

  13. 我国加入WTO后,软件业不可避免地要面对国际市场的激烈竞争。

    After the entry into WTO , the software industry of China is inevitably to face an intensive competition from the international market .

  14. 全球市场一体化步伐日益加速。中国加入WTO,使国际市场对中国社会的影响更为直接和现实:中国根据有关协议将逐步开放传媒业,国外传媒巨头的介入势必对中国传媒业带来强烈的冲击。

    The acceleration of the market globalization and China 's entrance to the WTO have exerted direct impact of the international market on Chinese society .

  15. WTO与中国&中国企业该如何迎接国际市场的挑战,为入世作准备

    The WTO China * How Chinese Enterprises Can Prepare For Entry Into The WTO , And For The Opportunities And Challenges Of The Global Market

  16. 国际市场营销DSS分析与设计

    Analyzing and Design on International Marketing DSS

  17. 随着中国加入WTO,航运业与国际市场接轨,国外航运企业迅速进入中国市场。国内航运企业既面临前所未有的机遇,也面临残酷的挑战。

    After China became a member of The World Trade Organization , and the connection of international crude of the shipping , the enterprises of other countries entered the market of China quickly .

  18. 随着中国加入WTO后过渡期的到来,我国企业跨国经营受到各种新的挑战,国际市场营销环境日益复杂。

    After joining the WTO , China has come to the transition period , which brings various new challenges to transnational business of Chinese enterprises , and makes the international marketing environment more complicated .

  19. 以美国为主的厂商积极在美国本土和国际市场大规模开展LMDS业务。

    American factories are actively offering LMDS on large scale at home and abroad .

  20. OEM是在国际市场十分流行并行之有效的生产方式,但在生物制药企业中还不多见。

    OEM was a popular and effective production mode in the international market , but it was still rare in the biological pharmacy enterprises .

  21. 概述了有关SC纸的国际市场、产品等级、质量指标及生产工艺技术等方面的情况。

    This paper summarizes the information on the international market , various grades and characteristics , as well as some important aspects of production process of SC paper .

  22. 在此背景下,本文依托《加入WTO后中国工业企业开拓国际市场的成功因素研究》课题,从企业自身内部所有权优势与东道国区位优势两方面探索中国工业企业国际市场进入方式选择的问题。

    Under this background , this text investigates the problem that the Chinese industrial business enterprise how to choose the way into the international market , based on the both side of their internal ownership advantage and location advantage .

  23. 随着国有资本的战略性退出以及加入WTO后国内市场与国际市场的逐渐接轨,管理层收购已成为我国企业股权改革的常用手段之一。

    With the strategic withdrawal of the state capital and the integration of china 's market and international market after joining the WTO , Management Buy-out has become one of the commonly used methods in the enterprise 's equity acquisition management reform .

  24. 积极利用WTO规则及其争端解决机制以及强化贸易与环境执法,才能使我国的环境保护与自由贸易法律制度与国际市场全面接轨。

    Actively use WTO regular and its dispute to solve mechanism as well as reinforce trading and environmental law enforcement , then they can make international market and the legal system of free trade and the environmental protection of our country in conformity all-sidedly .

  25. 詹姆斯是科妮莉亚·詹姆斯(CorneliaJames)公司的设计总监。该公司是她母亲于1946年在伦敦创立。她的目标是延续英国的手套制作传统,把它推向更广阔的国际市场。

    As design director of Cornelia James , the company founded by her mother in London in 1946 , Ms. James is working to keep the British glove-making heritage alive and to expand to a broader international market .

  26. 同时,还采用农产品国内外比价系数、农产品国内资源生产力(DRP)等两种量化分析方法对我省主要农产品的国际市场竞争力状况作简要分析。

    Meanwhile , two quantitative analytical methods-farm produce 's international and domestic parity coefficient and domestic resource productivity ( DRP ) - were also applied to briefly analyze the status of our province ' farm produces in terms of their competitiveness in international market .

  27. 我国将面临更加激烈国际市场的竞争。

    We will face more intense competition in the world markets .

  28. 我国包装机械行业正在逐步进入国际市场。

    Our domestic packaging machinery is stepping into international market gradually .

  29. 在未来国际市场上,技术的竞争日益剧烈。

    The technological competition will become heated in the international markets .

  30. 他将在国际市场上发布一部浓缩的单部版本。

    He is releasing a condensed , one-installment version in international markets .