
ɡuó jì láo ɡōnɡ zǔ zhī
  • International Labour Organization;International Labor Organization
  1. 该机构还警告说,尽管疫苗有望刺激经济反弹,但全球经济复苏仍充满不确定性。这份由联合国国际劳工组织发布的报告预测,2021年的工作时间可能仍将比2019年减少3%以上,大约相当于9000万个全职工作岗位。

    It also warned that recovery remains . Working hours in 2021 are likely to remain more than 3 % lower than they were in 2019 - roughly the equivalent of 90 million full-time jobs , predicts the report , by the UN 's International Labor Organization ( ILO ) .

  2. 国际劳工组织(InternationalLaborOrganization)估计,全球大约有1230万人从事强迫劳动或担保劳动,或者性交易。

    The International Labor Organization estimates 12.3 million people are in forced or bonded labor and sexual servitude around the world .

  3. 至1994年,根据国际劳工组织(InternationalLabourOrganization)所掌握的141个国家的资料,其中有40个国家提供了某种形式的法定陪产假。

    By 1994 , 40 of 141 countries for which the International Labour Organization had data offered some form of statutory paternity leave .

  4. 国际劳工组织官员RogerPlant称,有时会对奴役制进行强烈关注,但是惩罚力度却很轻。

    Sometimes there is a strong focus on slavery but weak punishments , says I.L.O. official Roger Plant .

  5. 国际劳工组织(internationallabourorganisation)一直在就推广一项在越南等国家大获成功的工厂改进计划进行谈判。

    The International Labour Organisation has been in talks about implementing a factory improvement programme that has been successful in Vietnam and elsewhere .

  6. 面对新的挑战,具有经济联合国之称的WTO无动于衷,而国际劳工组织却心有余而力不足,因而双双受到强烈的批评。

    In face of the new challenge , WTO , the so-called Economic United Nations , remains completely unmoved . ILO is more than willing but lacking the power .

  7. PatrickQuinn是国际劳工组织消除童工国际项目成员。

    Patrick Quinn is with the ILO 's International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor .

  8. 根据国际劳工组织(InternationalLabourOrganization)的数据,到2020年将有约8.65亿的工作年龄(20-65岁)女性,其中8.12亿居住在新兴国家和发展中国家。

    Of the roughly 865 million women who will be of working age ( between the ages of 20 and 65 ) by 2020 , according to the International Labour Organization , 812 million live in emerging and developing nations .

  9. 国际劳工组织工作和就业状况专家PatrickBelser表示,工资水平的降低与失业率水平有关。

    ILO Specialist on the Conditions of Work and Employment , Patrick Belser , says declining wage rates are linked to the levels of unemployment .

  10. 国际劳工组织(InternationalLaborOrganization)周二说,至少在未来五年,欧元区年轻人的失业率将继续高企。该组织预计失业率会有小幅下降,但导致下降的不是招聘活动增多,而是年轻人退出劳动力市场。

    Euro-zone youth unemployment will remain elevated for at least the next half-decade , the International Labor Organization said Tuesday , forecasting a small reduction in the jobless rate will come from young people withdrawing from the labor market instead of stronger hiring activity .

  11. 据联合国国际劳工组织的ElenaGastaldo说,经济低迷对年轻人的冲击远远大于其他人。

    The economic downturn is hitting young people more than others , according to Elena Gastaldo of the UN 's International Labour Organization .

  12. 国际劳工组织(ILO)的研究表明,至少十年来,中国工资的上涨速度就一直高于亚洲其他地区。

    Research by the International Labour Organisation suggests that Chinese wages have been outpacing the rest of Asia for at least a decade .

  13. 从经济全球化、国际劳工组织的不足以及发达国家和发展中国家在劳工问题上存在着共同利益三方面分析,指出劳工标准纳入WTO有其合理性;

    From these three aspects , which are the economic globalization , the disadvantage of ILO and the same benefit of developed countries and developing countries , we can see the fact that labor standard go into the area of WTO is reasonable .

  14. 劳动部长就此法案与国际劳工组织(ILO)协商,以此保证该法案达到国际标准。

    The labour ministry consulted the International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) on the legislation to ensure that it was up to international standards .

  15. 国际劳工组织(ilo)的约翰里乔特(johnritchotte)表示,柬埔寨有相对较多的活跃工会,多数制衣厂的工人都得到了工会的代表。

    Cambodia has a relatively high number of active unions and most garment factories are represented , says John ritchotte , of the International Labour Organisation .

  16. 我们正对这个国家的政治走向进行根本性的反思,曾随国际劳工组织(ILO)在缅甸工作过5年理查德霍西(RichardHorsey)表示。

    There is a fundamental rethinking of the political direction of the country , said Richard Horsey , who spent five years in Burma with the International Labour Organisation .

  17. 作为世贸组织成员国和国际劳工组织创始国的中国对劳工标准问题应审慎对待,因为这一问题将长期存在,并有可能成为WTO新一轮谈判的议题。

    As the member states of World Trade Organization and the original country of International Labor Organization , China should treat the issue of labor standard scrupulously , because it will exit for a long time and may become topics of one new round of negotiations of WTO .

  18. 此外,他们应该拿出支持其他规范性企业社会责任标准,如国际劳工组织(ILO)合约,劳动法和联合国全球合约。

    Moreover , they should show their support to other normative CSR standards such as ILO ( International Labor Organization ) conversions , labor laws and UN Global compact .

  19. 2005年,中华全国联合会与国际劳工组织进行三轮项目磋商,正式启动KAB大学生创业教育项目。

    In 2005 , Chinese National Federation carried out the project with the International Labor Organization through three rounds of consultations , officially launched the KAB entrepreneurship education project .

  20. 自国际劳工组织(ILO)明确非正规就业的提法以来,许多经济学家和社会学家从本国的社会背景出发,对非正规就业进行了有益的探索。

    Since the concept " informal unemployment " was made clear by International Labor Organization ( ILO ), many economists and sociologists have explored informal employment profitably according to society background of their own countries .

  21. 联合国下属机构国际劳工组织(ILO)的预测显示,今年世界上15岁至24岁的失业人口将增加50万,至7100万。

    The number of unemployed 15 - to 24-year-olds in the world is set to swell by half a million this year to 71m , according to forecasts from the International Labour Organisation , the UN agency .

  22. 为此,ILO-CIS中国国家中心将在本刊陆续介绍国际劳工组织有关职业安全卫生公约的内容,使读者进一步了解有关情况,为我国安全生产立法提供参考,促进我国的安全生产工作不断提高。

    Therefore , ILO-CIS China National Center will introduce the contents of ILO convention on occupational safety and health in the magazine , so as to let readers learn more about it , provide reference for China 's legislation on work safety and continuously improve work safety in our country .

  23. 实施标准委员会〔国际劳工组织〕

    Committee on the Application of Standards [ International Labour Organization ]

  24. 摘要中国是国际劳工组织的创始会员国之一。

    China is a founding member of the international labour organization .

  25. 就业及社会政策委员会〔国际劳工组织〕

    Committee on Employment and Social Policy [ International Labour Organization ]

  26. 国际劳工组织的数据显示全球青年失业率已超过13%。

    The ILO says youth unemployment worldwide is over 13 percent .

  27. 这很明显地违反了国际劳工组织会议的规定。

    And this clearly contravenes the conventions of the International Labour Organization .

  28. 英国人居伊·莱德是国际劳工组织总干事。

    Guy Ryder of Britain is the Director General of the agency .

  29. 亚太区办事处〔国际劳工组织〕

    Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [ International Labour Organization ]

  30. 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)-日内瓦,瑞士

    International Labour Organization ( ILO ) - Geneva , Switzerland