
ɡuó jiā tóu zī
  • National investment;state investment
  1. 中国组建国家投资公司(stateinvestmentcompany),正是出于这一目的。

    This is what they just set out to do with the creation of the state investment company .

  2. 作为中国公司(chinainc)的公众形象,中投还首当其冲地受到外国对中国国家投资的猜疑。

    As the public face of China Inc , CIC also bore the brunt of foreign suspicion of Chinese state investment .

  3. 他力劝美国公司的高管们向他的国家投资数十亿美元。

    He urged US executives to invest billions of dollars in his country .

  4. “对冲城市”是那些安全、稳定、房价高的城市,外国投资者会选择在这种城市购买房产,以避免自己国家投资不稳定造成的损失。

    Hedge city is a safe , stable city with extremely high real estate values caused by foreign investors1 buying properties as a hedge against instability in their own countries .

  5. 各种中国国家投资基金买了部份的黑石(Blackstone),摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和巴克莱银行(Barclays)。

    Various Chinese state investment funds have bought chunks of Blackstone , Morgan Stanley and Barclays .

  6. 马来西亚邻国新加坡的国家投资公司淡马锡(Temasek)也持有阿里巴巴不明数量的股份。

    Temasek , the state investment company of neighbouring Singapore , also took an undisclosed stake in Alibaba .

  7. 笔者通过对欧洲北部区域挪威、丹麦、瑞典、德国、芬兰及冰岛六个国家投资环境分析,筛选ES分公司的最适合选址。

    The author through the Europe region in Norway , Denmark , Sweden , Germany , Finland , and Iceland six investment environment analysis , filter ES branch the most appropriate location .

  8. 全球金融机构已纷纷展开行动,谋取为中国国家投资公司、QDII机构和进行海外扩张的中国公司提供咨询或进行合作的权力。

    Global financial institutions are already vying for the right to advise or be partners with the CIC , the QDII institutions and Chinese corporations expanding abroad .

  9. CANCUN会议将在其议程中审议两个有争议的新问题-关于国家投资协议和对竞争政策要求的议案。

    The Cancun meeting will have to take up , among other things , two new controversial issues , a proposed international investment agreement and requirements for competition policy .

  10. 新加坡国家投资公司淡马锡(temasek)上周发出警告,由于美国与欧洲针对国有基金的保护主义情绪升温,国际投资环境可能变得更加严峻。

    Temasek , the Singapore state investment company , warned this week that the international investment climate could become tougher because of rising prot-ect-ionism in the US and Europe against state-owned funds .

  11. 中国新成立的国家投资机构曾斥资30亿美元入股美国私人股本集团黑石(Blackstone)。如果出现更多类似的交易,它们将成为一个最高层面的政治问题。

    If there are many more deals like the $ 3bn investment in US private equity group Blackstone by China 's new state investment agency , they will become a political issue of the highest order .

  12. 投资体制改革推动工程机械行业向纵深发展&解读国家投资体制改革的决定

    Reform of investment system will promote the development of construction machinery industry

  13. 一些海外基金也禁止在实行资本管制的国家投资。

    Some overseas funds also bar investment in countries with capital controls .

  14. 你怎么能说服小心谨慎的银行家在这个国家投资呢?

    How could you persuade wary bankers to invest in this country ?

  15. 非洲国家投资法的优劣势分析

    The Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of African Countries ' Investment Law

  16. 另外,腐败仍是在一些国家投资的主要障碍。

    Corruption , too , remains a major barrier to investment in some countries .

  17. 国家投资体制改革对石油建设项目前期工作的影响

    Effect of the State Investment System Reform on the Preliminary Engineering in Petroleum Construction Project

  18. 国家投资体制改革与项目可行性研究问题探析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Questions about Reform of State Investment System and Item Feasibility Study

  19. 在中国投资比在其他国家投资更有利可图。

    It 's much more favourable to make an investment in China than in other countries .

  20. 有一些市场失灵现象需要加以纠正,而在一些公共物品上,国家投资也是必不可少的。

    There are market failures to correct and public goods in which state investment is vital .

  21. 虽然许多商人已经离开,但是他觉得在一个国家投资很重要。

    Many businessmen have left but he feels it 's important to invest in one 's country .

  22. 数据显示,在发达国家投资可再生能源的成本要昂贵得多。

    Making renewable energy investments in developed countries is far more expensive , according to the data .

  23. 矿产资源使用权资产的主体是企业,由国家投资形成的使用权资产,应当由国家国有资产管理部门管理。

    The assets of right of use by the investment of state should manage by State property management sectors .

  24. 李嘉诚多年来一直倾向于在有着稳定监管和普通法体系的国家投资于当地基础设施。

    Mr Li is known for his preference for infrastructure in countries with stable regulatory and common law systems .

  25. 2000年以来,国家投资林业生态建设超过1000亿元,取得显著的生态效益。

    The nation invested in forestry ecological construction over 100,000,000,000 dollars since 2000 , there have been obvious ecological benefit .

  26. 生意遍布东南亚的中国商人将在非关税亚洲国家投资新的生产区。

    Chinese businessmen , who operate throughout Southeast Asia , will invest in new production areas in non-tariff Asian countries .

  27. 就我国目前职业教育的重点和财政投入而言,很难通过国家投资来完成这个任务。

    At present , it is very difficult to finish this task through government investment considering education and fiscal policy .

  28. 而且,当我们在对方国家投资的时候,我们为我们的人民创造工作机会。

    And , as our companies make investments in each others countries , we are creating jobs for our peoples .

  29. 本文首先对发达国家投资理论、战略管理理论进行阐述。

    The article elaborates the theory related to the foreign direct investment of the developed country and the strategy management .

  30. 因此,外国投资者可能依据征收规定、通过投资者-国家投资争端解决程序索赔。

    Consequently , foreign investor may claim against host states by investor-state dispute settlement process based on the provisions of expropriation .