
shānɡ yè yín hánɡ fǎ
  • commercial banking law
  1. 1995年出台了管理中国银行的两个基本法:中国人民银行法和中国商业银行法(这里称“商业银行法(TheCBLaw)”)。

    Two basic laws were introduced in1995 to govern banks in China : the Law of the People 's Bank of China and the Commercial Banking Law of China ( known herein as " The CB Law ") .

  2. 《中华人民共和国商业银行法》英语翻译商榷

    Errors in the English Version of the Commercial Banking Law of the People 's Republic of China

  3. 《商业银行法》修改的启示

    The inspiration of amending The Law of Commercial Banks

  4. 1995年《商业银行法》的出台,标志着我国金融改革历史性的突破。

    In 1995 , the Law of the Commercial Bank was issued , symbolizing historic breakthrough of financial system reformation .

  5. 然而我国的《商业银行法》明确规定了我国现行的商业银行经营模式是分业经营,分业监管。

    But our Commercial Bank Law has stipulated clearly that our commercial banks ' operation model is separating-operation and specialized supervision .

  6. 它服从《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等法律法规,受金融主管部门依法严格审查和监管,但不受政府非法律程序的干预,具有较大的经营自主性。

    It obeys the regulations of the Commercial Bank Law , and runs under the supervision of the financial supervisory department .

  7. 然而,继全国人大对中国的商业银行法进行修正后,这些业务将获部分解禁。

    However , this will now be partially permitted following an amendment to the country'scommercial banking law by the National Peoples'Congress .

  8. 第二,1995年通过中央银行法和商业银行法为中国的银行体制改革提供了法律依据。

    Second , the pa age of central banking and commercial banking laws in 1995 has provided legal basis for the banking system in China .

  9. 从而,商业银行法对银行持股非金融机构股权的限制实际上制约了中小企业和银行最为有利融资关系的发展。

    Thus , the limitation of commercial banks on non-financial institutions stake restrict the optimum relationship mode between the small and medium-sized enterprises and banks .

  10. 第三部分:论述了我国外资银行经营模式法律现状和进行合业经营模式立法的必要性。从法律现状来看,我国商业银行法规定银行业必须与证券,保险业分离。

    The third part discusses Chinese realistic conditions of Chinese foreign bank laws and the necessity of the mixed operation model in the foreign bank laws .

  11. 关系人的范围,依照《中华人民共和国商业银行法》和有关金融法规确定。

    The range of connections shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in the Law of the People 's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and the relevant regulations on banking .

  12. 在相继出台了商业银行法、保险法、证券法和信托法后,我国将要面临的下一个金融大法就应当是正在草拟中的证券投资基金法了。

    After stipulated the Commercial Bank Law , Insurance Law , Securities Law and Trust Law , the next important financial law we will face should be the securities investment fund law ( SIFL ) .

  13. 因此,为促进民间融资的发展,应该在《合同法》、《商业银行法》等法律中明确规定民间融资疏导模式立法。

    Therefore , in order to promote the development of private financing , in the " Contract Law "," Commercial Bank Law " and other laws should be clear that private financing to ease the mode legislation .

  14. 解读《商业银行法》,可以领悟到商业银行要把握机遇,转变经营理念,形成谨慎、创新、自律的经营新理念。

    Although analyzing the Commercial Bank Act , we can learn that the commercial bank should seize the opportunity , convert the management notion , and develop a new concept of management of caution , innovation and discipline .

  15. 从而提出进行依法合规经营的意义:依法合规经营,是《商业银行法》对商业银行的基本要求,是有效防范风险的重要前提,也是衡量中资银行经营管理水平高低的重要标准。

    Thus proposed compliance management meaning : compliance business operations , is the " basic requirements for commercial bank commercial bank law ", is an important prerequisite for the effective prevention of the risk , but also an important standard to measure the management level of the Chinese banks .

  16. 重视政策性银行立法,把政策性银行法放在和商业银行法同样的位置上,从法律层面进行保障,一行一法,制定法律制度的详尽内容,以保障政策性功能得以顺利实现。

    Pay attention to the policy-based banks legislation , policy-based banks and commercial banks law should be put in the same position . We should safeguard them by law , a bank a law , and make detailed content legal system in order to ensure the policy function to realize .

  17. 以贷款通则、商业银行法等金融法规为准则,应用定性与定量相结合的分析方法,通过建立企业信用等级综合评价的指标体系,给出企业信用等级的综合评价方法。

    According to the uniform rules for credit loans and commercial banking law of P.R. China and by use of qualitative and quantitative analytic method , the comprehensive evaluation index system is built up in order to put forward the comprehensive evaluation methord of the credit rating of an enterprise .

  18. 赋予我国存款保险机构代位受偿优先权与我国现行法的思想与规定具有兼容性,但还需要与我国现行的《商业银行法》和《破产法》协调。

    To give the deposit insurance institution priority is in compliance with the thoughts and provisions of the current legal system , however , it also needs to be coordinated with Commercial Banking Law Of People 's Republic of China and Enterprise Bankruptcy Law Of People 's Republic of China .

  19. 我国《商业银行法》和《证券法》规定了银证分业经营的体制,但实施银证混业,意味着银行资产将通过各种形式进入证券市场,因此风险控制对于其安全实施尤为关键。

    According to Commercial Banking Act and Securities Act of our country , banking and securities are operated seperately , but implementing banking industry mixed with securities means , bank assets will enter securities market through various kinds of forms , so risk control is particularly crucial to its security .

  20. 目前西方发达国家的商业银行破产法立法模式主要有三种形式:普通法模式、特别法模式、普通法和特别法杂糅系商业银行破产模式。

    At present western developed country commercial bank bankruptcy legislation mode basically has three kinds of forms : common law special law pattern , pattern , common law and special law system commercial bank bankruptcy mode combination .

  21. 从内部评级法的基本内容、原理以及对我国银行业的启示,可以提出我国商业银行实施IRB法的构思。

    By introducing the basic content , principle and importance of IRB , the paper proposes to bring it into play in Chinese commercial banks .

  22. 为此,本文选取商业银行内部评级法这一内容进行研究。

    Therefore , this paper conducts a research on the IRB approach in domestic commercial banks .

  23. 从商业银行公司治理法结构的狭义角度看,主要是指银行与企业关系的规范化。

    But it also refers to the standardization between banks and enterprises from the perspective of corporate governance structure of commercial banks .

  24. 同时指出,由于客观条件的限制,目前我国商业银行在采用ABC法时有必要首先吸收成本管理(ABM)的有关思想,达到业务流程优化、成本控制效益化的管理目标。

    Because of the difficulties , our commercial banks should absorb the idea of Activity Based Manager ( ABM ) at first before the using of ABC , and then they can get more advantages .

  25. 最后,分析了商业银行运用作业成本法的难点、重点和解决思路。

    Finally , the analysis of the commercial use of activity-based costing banks difficulty , focus and solution ideas .

  26. 分析了现行商业银行内部控制评分法中存在着评价方法主观性强、评价指标体系设计不合理等局限性。

    This paper analyzes the questions that are likely to exist in comprehensive evaluation of commercial bank 's internal control .

  27. 伴随着商业银行各种内部评级法的开发,在风险管理方面越来越科学,能够较好的控制企业自主创新中产生的风险。

    Banks internal rating method also can help the bank to take good risk management to control risk of firm independent innovation .

  28. 最后,提出了国内综合实力较强时国有商业银行在内部评级法的探索和运用中的情况。(2)运用内部评级法对信用风险进行计量。

    Finally , I cite the situation of several state-owned commercial banks in the internal ratings-based approach . ( 2 ) Measure credit risk in Internal Ratings-Based approach .

  29. 其次详细介绍巴塞尔委员会关于内部计量法的基本内容、实施条件以及在我国商业银行推行内部计量法的必要性。

    Secondly , it introduces the basic elements and the implementation conditions of the internal measurement approach , meaning of applying the internal measurement approach in our commercial bank .

  30. 本法施行前设立的商业银行,在本法施行后,其资产负债比例不符合前款规定的,应当在一定的期限内符合前款规定。

    If a commercial bank which was set up before the promulgation of this law has a ratio between assets and liabilities not in accordance with the stipulations of the preceding clause it should readjust the ratio to suit the stipulations in a certain period of time .